Enterprise Solutions
Web Hosting Services Are AWS-ome Only When They’re Not Down!
By TechDogs Bureau

Updated on Fri, Jun 16, 2023
Of course, you do, who doesn’t? #ThanksCaptianObvious
Maybe you like to shop online for clothes, order meals from your favorite fast-food chain or watch the latest episode of Black Mirror on Netflix? #FunTimes
What if all these services were to suddenly go dark? #OhNo
Recently, web hosting service giant Amazon Web Services (AWS) went down. Not for a few minutes but for around two hours! That may not sound like much time but when considering the vast list of websites and applications that were affected, such small times can have large effects.
The list of affected websites and applications includes the likes of Nike, Hulu, DoorDash, Delta, The Associated Press, Boston Globe, McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Instagram, TikTok, FIFA and more big brands.
According to The Verge, after the issue was resolved, Amazon released an update that read, “Between 11:49 AM PDT and 3:37 PM PDT, we experienced increased error rates and latencies for multiple AWS Services in the US-EAST-1 Region. Our engineering teams were immediately engaged and began investigating. We quickly narrowed down the root cause to be an issue with a subsystem responsible for capacity management for AWS Lambda... As of 3:37 PM, the backlog was fully processed. The issue has been resolved and all AWS Services are operating normally.”
Although this isn’t the first time it’s happened, as per AWS’s site, in 2021 AWS witnessed a similar issue, amid Christmas shopping!

However, a drop doesn’t make an ocean. Similarly, one incident of unavailability or darkness doesn’t mean the entire operation is not fruitful, right? #PhilosophyForLife
Web hosting services make it easier for companies to run, manage, improve and scale their websites and applications, making it a cost-effective and efficient process. Especially for smaller companies that don’t possess the infrastructure or finances to run their own IT setup.
Also, it’s much easier and better to make use of managed services, right?
Especially as they offer a wide range of benefits, including larger storage capacities, better overall performance of websites and applications, top-notch and advanced security, enhanced data management and stronger technical support among others.
According to GrandViewResearch, in 2019, the global web hosting services market size was valued at $56.7 billion and is expected to rise with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5% between 2020 and 2027.

Furthermore, as per FirstSiteGuide there were over 1.21 billion hostnames registered online as of July 2021. Couple this with the reports by BuiltWith, indicating that Amazon enjoys 8.15% of the web hosting usage distribution on the entire internet through its Amazon AWS EC2 Infrastructure, while AWS Global Accelerator enjoys 3.99% through its global network infrastructure.
Which web hosting service do you use for your company? Should web hosting providers offer backup in case of crashes? Let us know in the comments below!
First published on Fri, Jun 16, 2023
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