TechDogs-"OpenAI Debuts DALL-E's Latest Version Powered By ChatGPT!"

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OpenAI Debuts DALL-E's Latest Version Powered By ChatGPT!

By TechDogs Bureau

TD NewsDesk

Updated on Thu, Sep 21, 2023

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Hey, tech art enthusiasts!

OpenAI released Dall-E 3, the third iteration of its text-to-image tool, which makes use of the company's highly successful AI chatbot ChatGPT to help fill in prompts.

The state-of-the-art, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered image generation systems of today can accept cues (descriptions of images) and generate artwork in a wide variety of styles, from photorealistic to fantastical. Yet, making the appropriate prompt can be difficult, to the point where "prompt engineering" is emerging as a distinct field!

DALL-E 3, OpenAI's newest tool, makes use of ChatGPT to fill up the prompts. ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Enterprise subscribers can use the tool to refine image requests via dialogue with the chatbot and view the final product without leaving the chat app.

DALL-E 3 includes many new features in addition to ChatGPT connectivity. When dealing with longer prompts, DALL-E 3 is said to provide higher-quality visuals that more appropriately match prompts. Also, it does a better job with information that has previously thrown off image-generating models, such as text and human hands.

The company announced that Dall-E 3 will be accessible via the API for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users. ChatGPT allows users to type in picture requests and modify the prompt via discussion.

"DALL-E 3 can translate nuanced requests into extremely detailed and accurate images," the company said in a statement.

OpenAI has promised that the newest version of the tool will include additional safety features, such as reducing the program's propensity to produce offensive material.

With ChatGPT, even a brief hint can be expanded into a more detailed guide for the DALL-E 3 model.

The application also has safeguards to reject requests for photos of a certain public person or in the style of a living artist.

Creators have the option of not having their work used to train future text-to-image systems, according to OpenAI.

Competitors to OpenAI's efforts to develop reliable text-to-image AI solutions include Alibaba's Tongyi Wanxiang, Midjourney, and Stability AI, all of which are hard at work perfecting their own image-generating models.
Hold on! There are some obstacles that OpenAI must clear.

A number of issues have been raised with AI-created pictures. In August, a court in Washington, DC, declared that an AI-generated work of art could not be copyrighted under U.S. law.

Several lawsuits have been filed against OpenAI. Recently, a U.S. authors' group filed a lawsuit against the industry leader in artificial intelligence on behalf of a number of authors, including John Grisham and George R. R. Martin (author of "Game of Thrones"), who claim that the business illegally used their works to train its chatbot, ChatGPT.
Will OpenAI's latest text-to-image showstopper, Dall-E 3, live up to expectations?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

First published on Thu, Sep 21, 2023

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