Gaming Technology
GAIMIN Releases GAIMCRAFT API Technology To Convert Web2 Applications To Web3
By PR Newswire

ZUG, Switzerland, March 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - GAIMIN (www.gaimin.io), the world's leader in delivering decentralised, distributed data processing power, today announces the release of its GAIMCRAFT API to convert Web2 applications to Web3.
Through GAIMCRAFT API technology a game developer is now able to convert their existing Web2 game into a Web3 game, integrating blockchain technology, including NFT assets into their game, and creating a crypto-based in-game economy.
The growth of blockchain technology and the benefits it provides to both application developers and gamers has identified a need for developers to integrate the technology into their applications. In a typical Web2 game, a player builds up an in-game asset repository, which is typically purchased through the game. When the player stops playing the game, the asset repository remains within the game and is lost, along with all the investment. With blockchain based NFT assets, the inventory is held outside the game, with the gamer retaining ownership of the asset. If the gamer starts playing a different game, they can re-use their NFT in the new game and therefore retain their investment. In addition, in-game NFT assets can also be transacted through a marketplace. Utilising smart contract technology, NFTs can be sold, purchased and even rented with transactions never disputed and validated through the blockchain. NFT rentals managed by a smart contract ensure return of the NFT at the end of the rental period, generating a financial return for the original owner and management of the ownership of the asset.
The GAIMCRAFT API enables a developer to convert a Web2 game to Web3 and take advantage of blockchain technology including smart contracts, NFTs and crypto wallets. With GAIMCRAFT API, the developer creates a unique product key and manages smart contracts containing NFTs within their application via this key. Users register with the application and can link crypto wallets to the game, allowing the developer to use blockchain-based assets, such as NFTs, managing and controlling NFT utility from within the game. The API also aligns with GAIMIN's GMRX cryptocurrency and delivers marketplace functionality to the developer, providing a ready made environment to deliver an in-game economy based on a real-world crypto currency.
Martin Speight, CEO of GAIMIN (www.Gaimin.gg) stated, "The release of our blockchain technology through an API is a game changer for games developers. Developers can bring their games to the Web3 gaming market through integration of GAIMIN's API into their applications. Currently supporting the EPIC/Unreal games development engine, we will be releasing SDKs incorporating the API for a number of different platforms over the coming months.
Andrew Faridani, CMO for GAIMIN said, "The release of this free API provides games developers with an easy route to delivering a Web3 game. Launching through GAIMIN provides a ready made, gaming-friendly, user community who already have a funded account ready to spend on their games. The incorporation of NFT technology into games means that in-game assets are transferable to other games and any investment in gaming is not lost when moving from game to game."
Martin added, "Conversion of a Web2 game to a Web3 game using GAIMCRAFT API provides a fast track for a games developer to launch their game on GAIMIN's soon to be launched Web3 games launcher - a repository of Web3 games all supporting blockchain technology. Use of GAIMIN's game launching platform provides a ready made user base for games; a user community motivated to play these games through the GAIMIN app which provides a passive monetization facility resulting in low cost or even free gameplay using their earned GMRX."
The added advantage of the GAIMCRAFT API is its alignment with GMRX, GAIMIN's cryptocurrency. Users of the GAIMIN app receive monetization rewards for passive participation in GAIMIN's distributed data processing network. Earned GMRX can then be used to cover costs associated with gaming, with Web3 games on the GAIMIN games launcher platform utilising GMRX for its in-game economy, the physical cost to gamers for playing a game is very much reduced or even eliminated.
GAIMIN.IO Ltd (GAIMIN) is a UK and Swiss based gaming company focused on helping the gaming community monetise the computational power of their gaming PC. GAIMIN has created a decentralised data processing network harnessing under utilised processing power typically found in gaming PC's to create a world-wide decentralised data processing network, delivering supercomputer performance.
With a free to download PC-based application, GAIMIN monetises the under utilised performance through innovative approaches to delivering supercomputer level data processing performance from a world-wide network of independent processing devices which power GAIMIN.CLOUD. Focusing initially on video rendering and AI data processing, with an always available service to power blockchain computations, the GAIMIN data processing network is continuously delivering data processing services and returning rewards back to its user community.
GAIMIN rewards users in its own crypto currency, GMRX which can then be used for purchases on the GAIMIN Marketplace for NFTs, in-game assets, accessories and merchandise, or it can be converted to fiat or a different crypto currency.
For more information on GAIMIN click on this link: www.gaimin.io
To download the GAIMIN app, please go to www.gaimin.gg
For up to date information, please follow the following GAIMIN social media accounts:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaimin.io
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaimin_io/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GaiminIo
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gaimin/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Gaimin
- Telegram: https://t.me/officialgaimin
- Discord: https://discord.gg/SmYsmVS8x7
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gaimin.gg
- For more information on GAIMIN's app, see here: GAIMIN App Announcement
First published on Thu, Mar 16, 2023
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