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Software Development

Element And HighByte Announce Partnership, Launch Solution Based On AWS's Industrial Data Fabric Architecture

By PR Newswire

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AWS Partners release native integration on AWS that improves accessibility, usability, and governance of industrial data at scale.

OAKLAND, Calif. and PORTLAND, Maine, April 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Element and HighByte, leading data management providers to global industrial companies, announced the launch of an integrated solution based on AWS's Industrial Data Fabric offerings. The solution, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), allows information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) users to contextualize and normalize data into rich information for analytics and other business systems. The solution is designed to be maintained and scaled across the enterprise as the number of use cases that rely on industrial data grows exponentially.

Element and HighByte integration on AWS improves accessibility, usability, and governance of industrial data at scale.

Digital transformation projects have stalled among industrial companies as they attempt to scale and meet evolving business requirements. According to Deloitte, 86% of manufacturers believe that smart factories will be the main driver of competition by 2025 yet 65% report no progress on these initiatives. The research names lack of necessary IT infrastructure and broader integration between IT and OT as major challenges. Industrial companies can no longer ignore the limitations created by weaknesses in their underlying IT/OT infrastructure if they want to remain competitive.

AWS's Industrial Data Fabric offerings address these infrastructure challenges. "By preparing and curating industrial data for the use cases and applications that require it, our solution allows stakeholders throughout the enterprise to unlock data trapped in rigid execution systems," said John Harrington, Chief Product Officer at HighByte. "The goal is to achieve scale and maintainability by leveraging the best of the cloud and the edge."

By integrating Element Unify with HighByte Intelligence Hub, customers can contextualize, create, and manage operational models in the cloud and then transfer this information to federated hubs at the edge. The edge hubs connect to OT and IT source systems, transform and contextualize this data, and then stream information payloads to AWS. This architectural approach allows operations teams to provide data to the systems and business users in an efficient and managed way. With the solution powered by AWS, operations teams can own and manage data access, accelerate analytics, and maintain site flexibility as they change or add new machinery, assets, and processes over time.

"Together, HighByte and Element leverage the power of AWS to provide industrial organizations a solution to free their trapped plant data and turn it into business value," said Andy Bane, CEO of Element. "We're excited to play a part in unifying operations data in our solution on AWS so organizations can leverage existing investments and power up new analytical tools and apps for plant monitoring, diagnostic analysis, and the pursuit of autonomous operations."

"Open access to data that allows innovation at scale is foundational to our mission to transform manufacturing and accelerate our industrial customers' transformation journeys," said Wendy Bauer, General Manager, Automotive & Manufacturing at AWS. "We are thrilled about the collaboration between Element and HighByte and look forward to supporting our customers as they adopt enhanced technology and processes based on AWS's Industrial Data Fabric Architecture."

"At Deloitte, our goal is to help manufacturers deliver immediate business outcomes while building long-term business value, and we believe that it takes an ecosystem of best-in-class technology providers to help solve the industry's greatest challenges which our clients can experience first-hand at our live production facility, The Smart Factory @ Wichita," said Tim Gaus, Smart Manufacturing leader and principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP. "By bringing together the power of Deloitte's smart manufacturing expertise and services with industry-specific solutions from AWS, HighByte, and Element, we can collectively help industrial and manufacturing leaders navigate the complexity and accessibility of data and utilize it as an asset at scale to engineer advantage."

The integrated solution is now available in the AWS Solutions Library with guidance and may be purchased in AWS Marketplace. Distribution and implementation by global service providers, including Deloitte, Infosys, and Cyient are also now available.

About Element

Element is a leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider in operations data management. Element Unify enables the Industrial Data Fabric architecture through a unified data model to empower people with access to operations data to make faster decisions that deliver financial impact. Element's customers represent over $750 billion in revenue, $500 billion in fixed assets and 450,000 employees. To learn more about Element, please visit and follow the company on LinkedIn.

About HighByte

HighByte is an industrial software company in Portland, Maine USA building solutions that address the data architecture and integration challenges created by Industry 4.0. HighByte Intelligence Hub, the company's award-winning Industrial DataOps software, provides modeled, ready-to-use data to the Cloud using a codeless interface to speed integration time and accelerate analytics. Learn more at

SOURCE Element Analytics

First published on Mon, Apr 17, 2023

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