DHGATE Group Wins "Best B2B Cross-Border E-Commerce Marketplace Company China 2024" At The Global Business & Finance Magazine
By PR Newswire

BEIJING, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DHGATE Group has won the "Best B2B Cross-Border E-Commerce Marketplace Company China 2024" award at the Global Business & Finance Magazine Awards. The award recognizes leading enterprises with innovation and leadership from various industries, and the core objective is to equip the audience with the essential knowledge and insights required to navigate the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of global business and finance.
Founded in 2004, DHgate has become the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China, boasting over 34 million live listings annually. DHGATE Group's 2024 strategy focuses on improving product and service quality, enhancing the buyer experience, and global expansion of its logistics and payment services. In 2025, DHgate marketplace will focus on developing and integrating AI technology as well as implementing a thorough quality upgrade of supply chain services. The platform will also prioritize acquiring new business customers in new scenarios, enhance the customer experience and market localization, improve overseas services for brands and selected suppliers, as well as promote B2B AI models and AIGC applications.
"DHgate's goal for this year and the coming decade is to work with our partners to upgrade each others' capabilities for mutual success," said DHGATE Group's Co-CEO Chun Li, "We are researching and implementing new ways to innovate on our B2B2C model so that brands are more empowered and have an easier time finding and selecting sellers. We are also exploring ways to make it easier than ever for sellers to export their products overseas."
Commenting on winning the award, Diane Wang, the Founder, Chairperson, and CEO of DHGATE Group, said, "We are honored to receive this award. It is a recognition of our team's tireless efforts and continuous innovation over the years. We will continue to dedicate ourselves to enhancing the customer experience and strengthening cooperation with our partners to provide even better and more convenient services to our customers around the world."
About DHgate
Founded in 2004, DHgate has become the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China, boasting over 34 million live listings annually. Through their global operations and offices, including in the USA and UK, DHgate reaches millions of people with trusted products and services. As of December 31, 2022, DHgate served more than 59.6 million registered buyers from 225 countries and regions, connecting them to over 2.54 million sellers in China and other countries.
For more information, please visit DHgate.com and follow @DHgate.com.
About Global Business & Finance Magazine
At Global Business & Finance Magazine, our mission is to deliver in-depth, impartial coverage of the international business and finance landscape. Our seasoned journalists and industry specialists are committed to updating our audience on the forefront trends and movements within the business and finance arenas. Our online platform showcases an extensive assortment of articles, studies, and insights spanning topics such as worldwide markets, investment tactics, corporate funding, and fiscal policies. Additionally, we present exclusive dialogues and analyses from prominent figures in the business and finance sectors, offering our readers distinct viewpoints on the most pressing topics.
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SOURCE DHgate group
First published on Fri, Apr 19, 2024
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