TechDogs-"Bramshill Names Nicolas Amato Chief Risk Officer"

Financial Technology

Bramshill Names Nicolas Amato Chief Risk Officer

By PR Newswire

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NAPLES, Fla., July 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Bramshill Investments, an award-winning alternative asset management firm, has named Nicolas ("Nico") Amato, CFA, CAIA as Chief Risk Officer. Mr. Amato has been working in Bramshill's Newport Beach, California office, and will continue to be responsible for the firm's risk management and quantitative research.

Nico Amato has over 25 years of industry experience, mostly in alternative investments. Prior to joining Bramshill Investments in 2019, Mr. Amato was Head of Alternatives Portfolio Management at Wilshire Associates and also oversaw Manager Research for Alternative Investments within Wilshire's Funds Management Group. Before joining Wilshire Associates, Mr. Amato was at Dorchester Capital Advisors, a Los Angeles-based Alternative Investments manager, from 2004 through 2014. While at Dorchester, Mr. Amato was a Partner of the firm and responsible for overseeing investment portfolios, communicating with investors,  and managing the Research and Risk Management teams. Mr. Amato started his career in 1998 within the Institutional Client Group at the Merrill Lynch office in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Mr. Amato earned an Economics Licentiate degree, Cum Laude, from San Andres University, a Masters in Finance from CEMA University (both in Buenos Aires), and an M.B.A. from UCLA Anderson School of Management. Mr. Amato is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and a Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst (CAIA).

Media Contact:

Danielle Van Calcar


About Bramshill Investments

Bramshill Investments, LLC, is a fixed income investment manager with over $4.4 billion in assets under management (as of 6/30/2023). The firm was co-founded in 2012 by former GLG portfolio manager, Arthur DeGaetano. The team's core investment strategy has an established combined track record of over thirteen years with an absolute return objective that can be accessed through various vehicles. Bramshill also offers other alternative investment strategies. Bramshill is an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration as an investment advisor with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training of Bramshill or its employees. References to awards should not be construed as testimonials for our advisory services. For more information, please visit: 

SOURCE Bramshill Investments, LLC

First published on Tue, Jul 18, 2023

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