TechDogs-"Yard Force Reveals The REVOLA Robotic Lawnmower, Redefining Intelligent Lawn Maintenance"

Manufacturing Technology

Yard Force Reveals The REVOLA Robotic Lawnmower, Redefining Intelligent Lawn Maintenance

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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WILLICH, Germany--(  )--Yard Force takes a bold initiative with the launch of the REVOLA robotic lawnmower, challenging the existing norm in the Outdoor Power Equipment (OPE) industry, with virtual borders offering a full range of features. Various recent data published by Statista reveal that the OPE sector reached a value of $33.56 billion in 2022, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% from 2022 to 2027, which suggests an industry value of $44.07 billion. Lawnmowers, particularly those incorporating lithium-ion technology, are at the forefront of this growth, boasting an estimated CAGR of 9%, outpacing other OPE categories.

Yard Force's REVOLA robotic lawnmower emerges as a disruptive product, presenting itself not only as an efficient tool for cutting lawn grass but also as a solution to long-standing problems in the sector. The result of various advanced technologies, the REVOLA promises a unique experience for cutting lawn grass.

Key features of the REVOLA robotic lawnmower

1. Virtual Border Navigation System: This system from REVOLA is called APNT (Advanced Positioning and Navigation Technology) and takes a multifaceted approach to ensure precise and reliable movements. It uses the global satellite positioning system to determine the robot's geographic coordinates, path planning algorithms to optimize movements for maximum efficiency, an ultrasonic proximity sensor and VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology for positioning and real-time visual mapping. This latest technology is an exceptional feature – it allows the REVOLA to create a dynamic map of the surrounding environment, move precisely and adapt to changes in the environment itself – and plays a crucial role in overcoming obstacles, offering flexibility and ensuring a reliable user experience even in complex conditions.

2. Troubleshooting difficult spots: The REVOLA addresses frequent problems faced by traditional robotic lawnmowers that employ a virtual boundary navigation system. Unlike the latter, thanks to the advanced VSLAM technology the REVOLA cuts the grass precisely even if the satellite signal is weak. Furthermore, this technology mitigates any positioning inaccuracies caused by obstacles such as trees, houses or electrical poles. The result is a hassle-free grass cutting experience, eliminating the frustrations associated with traditional movement limitations.

3. Superior safety features: Safety is one of the priority objectives of REVOLA and the relevant features have been validated through TÜV Rheinland tests. Traditional satellite mowers can face issues with certain sized stones, which can damage blades or create hazards for items such as toys and water pipes. The REVOLA mitigates these risks through an intelligent obstacle detection system that integrates an RGB camera and an ultrasonic sensor, allowing the mower to identify obstacles, including stones larger than 10 cm, and take appropriate measures to avoid them, facilitating the cutting grass safely and protecting both the lawnmower and the surrounding environment.

4. Optimized battery power consumption: The REVOLA has been designed to run long and efficiently thanks to optimized battery power consumption using a systematic cutting algorithm. Equipped with a powerful 28 V and 5.7 A·h battery, the high-efficiency brushless motor operates at optimal speeds (rpm) to ensure precise cutting of the grass. The combination of a high-capacity battery and a highly efficient brushless motor contributes to the REVOLA's effectiveness in keeping lawn grass in perfect condition while maximizing battery life.

5. Intelligent connectivity: This is a key aspect of the REVOLA, which offers remote monitoring and control functions. The lawnmower features Bluetooth, 4G and Wi-Fi connectivity, ensuring complete network coverage. The dedicated app allows you to monitor the progress made by the lawnmower wherever you are, following its operations in real time. This connectivity not only improves convenience but allows for more efficient and personalized grass maintenance based on specific needs and preferences.

6. RGB Detection: This feature uses the red, green and blue channels (Red, Green, Blue) to identify and differentiate various elements present in the grass. The mower uses a sophisticated video camera that captures images of the grass. By analyzing the color spectrum and the structure of the grass, the REVOLA can distinguish between various types of vegetation, ensuring a more targeted and efficient cut. The mower can thus adapt the cutting pattern based on the specific characteristics of the grass; This results in a more precise and personalized cutting experience.

7. Over-the-Air Updates: The REVOLA's over-the-air update feature allows your mower to receive software updates and enhancements remotely, without the need for manual intervention. The REVOLA therefore keeps pace with the latest technology advances, performance optimizations and debugging instructions. Manufacturers may periodically release updates to improve the functionality of the mower, fix any identified problems, or introduce new features. You can conveniently download and install these updates over the air to keep your REVOLA running at its best without the need for physical updates or visits to a service center.

Forecasts and impact on the sector

As the evolution of the OPE sector continues, the REVOLA robotic lawnmower is positioned as a revolutionary product. Its cutting-edge VSLAM technology, combined with an intuitive design, addresses long-standing issues in the industry and paves the way for the future of intelligent lawn management. Yard Force's commitment to innovation and excellence allows the REVOLA to stand out, making it a favorite in the transformation of the outdoor automatic machinery industry.

About Yard Force

Yard Force is a world-famous brand, committed to the development of innovative solutions in the sector of automatic machines for outdoor environments. With a focus on advanced technologies and intuitive designs, Yard Force aims to transform the lawn grass maintenance experience around the world.

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*Note: The information provided in this press release is based on data available through January 23, 2024. Subsequent developments or changes may not be reflected in this release. *

The original text of this announcement, written in the source language, is the official version that is authentic. Translations are offered solely for the reader's convenience and must refer to the original language text, which is the only legally valid one.


Yinlu Lin

First published on Wed, Jan 31, 2024

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