TechDogs-"USPTO Awards edatanetworks Inc. Patent for Delivery with Community Donations"

Enterprise Solutions

USPTO Awards edatanetworks Inc. Patent for Delivery with Community Donations

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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EDMONTON, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--edatanetworks Inc.’s portfolio of granted patents expands with the approval of patent with serial number 17/323,427, “Transaction for Tamper and Quality Evidenced Delivery of Purchase Incented by Donation” from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

The patent describes an environment where a merchant and delivery provider fund donations that are directed to community organizations selected by the consumer,” said Chief Executive Officer, Terry Tietzen. “The post-transaction market research component leverages transaction data to engage consumers in real-time to provide anonymous e-feedback on verified purchases directly to the shipper and the merchant regarding their experience. These delivery, philanthropic, and market research components redefine and repurpose the shipping / delivery models currently in place.”

This patent further solidifies the core principles of our intellectual property’s DNA in which donations are 100% merchant defined, 100% pass-through, and consumer-directed at no cost to the consumer,” Tietzen added.

About edatanetworks
edatanetworks Inc. (edata),, a privately held intellectual property company established in 2001, has worked with many organizations and conducted multiple live market deployments creating patented philanthropic innovations utilizing existing technological and financial infrastructures—connecting consumers, local merchants, charitable and community organizations, digital media groups, communications companies, search providers, social networks, banks, payment networks, trusted intermediaries and other financial services organizations.


Media: Catherine Keill, KEILL&Co. Inc., 780-690-5283

First published on Thu, Jun 1, 2023

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