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Financial Technology

Uniswap Labs Introduces V4, The Most Flexible Defi Platform For Developers

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Uniswap Labs, the leader in decentralized finance (DeFi), introduced Uniswap v4, a new version of the Uniswap Protocol that brings to all DeFi developers capabilities historically only available to the largest financial players.

Uniswap v4 launches after an extensive security process that included nine independent audits, a record-breaking $15.5 million bug bounty, and a $2.35 million security competition with over 500 researchers.

Unlocking Innovation for DeFi Developers

Uniswap v4 transforms the world’s most-used DeFi protocol into a developer platform with unlimited customization.

"This is a new era in DeFi — developers can fully customize the Uniswap Protocol to bring so much more value onchain from new to existing markets,” said Hayden Adams, Founder and CEO of Uniswap Labs. “I’m so excited to see what our incredible developer community will build.”

  • Customizable “Hooks” for Developer Innovation: v4 introduces “Hooks,” a feature that lets developers build bespoke trading features and other add-ons directly into the protocol. This opens new avenues for crypto startups and for traditional financial institutions to experiment and deliver DeFi innovation.
  • More Cost-Effective and Efficient: Creating new pools on v4 is up to 99.99% cheaper than in previous versions. Swappers will have significant gas savings on multi-hop trades, and will be able to swap ETH directly without wrapping.
  • Enterprise-Grade Technology: Uniswap v2 and v3 processed over $2.75T in total trading volume with zero hacks as of January 2025. v4 underwent nine independent audits, plus the largest bug bounty in history—$15.5 million—to ensure the highest level of onchain security.

Over 150 hooks have already been developed on v4. It is live today on Ethereum and nine additional blockchains, including Polygon, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, and more. Access to v4 is rolling out through Uniswap Labs products starting today. Uniswap Labs has made all contract code source-available and welcomed hundreds of more developers to the community. By blending open-source technology with enterprise-grade capabilities, Uniswap v4 is poised to drive broader adoption of DeFi.

To stay updated on the latest from Uniswap Labs, follow on Twitter/X.

About Uniswap Labs:
Uniswap Labs is a software company founded in 2018 by Hayden Adams, who invented the Uniswap Protocol, a peer-to-peer system for swapping digital assets that has processed $2.75T in volume since its founding. Uniswap Labs builds some of the most widely adopted DeFi products including a self-custody mobile wallet, a trading API and a web interface.


Media Contacts:
Chantal De Soto

First published on Mon, Feb 3, 2025

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