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Manufacturing Technology

SDC23: Samsung And Aqara Partners To Demonstrate Presence Sensor FP2 On SmartThings Platform

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aqara, a leading provider of smart home products, joined hands with Samsung Electronics during the Samsung Developer Conference 2023 (“SDC23”) and showcased a live demonstration of the Aqara Presence Sensor FP2 integrated with Samsung SmartThings technology at the event. During the SDC keynote, Aqara Senior Vice President, Cathy You, emphasized the synergies between Aqara's suite of smart home devices and the vast expanse of Samsung SmartThings products. “Our partnership with Samsung is built upon the shared vision of a future where homes are not just automated but also adaptive to users' unique needs,” said Cathy.

The FP2 Presence Sensor is Aqara's latest occupancy sensor with precise human presence detection, and the smart home manufacturer has been working with Samsung to add the SmartThings compatibility to the sensor, which is expected to roll out in Q1 2024. The integration of the FP2 into the SmartThings platform will bring a more personalized and secure home experience to Samsung users. Thanks to the millimeter wave (mmWave) technology, the FP2 detects a person’s presence with even the slightest movement like breathing, which makes it a strong boost to home security and energy management systems (for example, automated lights/HVAC control). Leveraging the FP2’s unique zone positioning feature, devices integrated with SmartThings can be controlled based on the occupancy status of a user-defined zone, providing users with more customized and precise automations within different areas in the same room.*

The latest FP2 integration exemplifies the expanded partnership between the two parties, and it is expected that more of Aqara's smart home products will be integrated with Samsung SmartThings platform.

Since the inception of a strategic partnership in 2022, Aqara has been working with Samsung to enrich user options and deliver seamless, connected home experiences. A growing number of Aqara devices have become compatible with Samsung SmartThings, whether through the WWST program or the new Matter standard. Aqara is also an early participant of SmartThings’ Matter Early Access Program.

* The Aqara Home app is required to create and manage the user-defined zones.


For Media Inquiries:

First published on Fri, Oct 6, 2023

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