Manufacturing Technology
Ossias Real Wireless Power FastTrack Program Now Available Worldwide
By Business Wire

The Ossia® FastTrack Program is designed to expedite integrations of Cota® wireless power over air for commercial products and electronic devices. It’s now available for purchase.
- Prototype wireless power into your devices and designs in hours or days, not months
- Enable rapid proof of concept
- Accelerate deployment and scale easily
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Cota--Ossia Inc., the company behind FCC-approved Cota® Real Wireless Power™ — the patented technology that delivers power over-the-air, at a distance, and without the need for line-of-sight — today announced the availability of the Ossia Wireless Power FastTrack Program, which includes the high-demand Cota 5.8GHz Dev Kit.
“We are thrilled to offer the Wireless Power FastTrack Program to our partners,” said Doug Stovall, CEO at Ossia. “The Dev Kit is based on the ongoing demand we’ve received to enable wireless power over air to a wider range of use cases, including small, light-weight devices that are on the move, while providing a level of reliability not experienced with current portable power systems. The FastTrack Program, which leverages the Cota 5.8GHz, provides the support that our partners need to accelerate their ideas and quickly launch their wirelessly powered products.”
The Cota Dev Kit and FastTrack Program includes:
- 1 Cota Power Transmitter
- 2 Cota Quick Receiver “QRx” integration boards
- Training & Documentation
- Ossia Technical Support
In addition to the Dev Kit, the Ossia Wireless Power FastTrack Program provides dedicated technical assistance to expedite the integration process. The program is designed to facilitate Ossia partner integrations of Cota 5.8GHz for the ideal sizing and fit, power delivery, and installation within partner products, in order to achieve an expedited and successful launch.
The Cota 5.8GHz system provides the following benefits:
- A 33% smaller transmitter (40cmx40cm) and 2cmx4cm receiver size
- Increased power delivery and functionality
- Cota-enabled go-to-market acceleration options through Ossia manufacturing partners
- Fast prototyping and integration of Cota into your devices
- Scalable deployment options for both home and enterprise environments
- Full web interface for management and control
Cota 2.4GHz has been successfully leveraged in many different types of devices, including asset trackers, charging bases, electronic shelf labels, cordless power tables, and more. Cota 5.8GHz greatly expands partners’ wireless power opportunities.
“Wireless power over air capabilities have expanded greatly since the release of Cota 5.8GHz,” noted Jennifer Grenz, CRO for Ossia. “This is the first time Cota Development Kits are available widely for purchase, we encourage device developers to engage with Ossia with the current availability of Cota 5.8GHz FastTrack Program. Due to significantly improved system performance, we anticipate Cota will now open many doors that will not only solve ongoing device-charging problems, but also give first mover advantage and new create revenue-generating opportunities.”
The Ossia FastTrack Program and Cota Dev Kit are now available for purchase. Companies that are interested in Ossia's FastTrack Program can fill out this form for fastest response. https://www.ossia.com/products/58ghz-developer-kit?hsLang=en
About Ossia
Ossia Inc. is leading the world on what is possible with wireless power. Ossia's flagship Cota® technology redefines wireless power by safely delivering remote, targeted energy to devices at a distance. Ossia's Cota technology is a patented smart antenna technology that automatically keeps multiple devices charged without any user intervention and enables an efficient and truly wire-free, powered-up world that is always on and always connected. Ossia is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Visit our website at www.ossia.com.
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Jen Grenz. jeng@ossia.com
First published on Thu, Aug 3, 2023
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