Enterprise Solutions
Next-Gen Property Valuations: Propstream Announces New AVM & AI Innovations
By Business Wire
LAKE FOREST, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#AVM--PropStream, the leading real estate data provider, announced another enhancement in its lineup of updates powered by machine learning AI—AI Property Values and AVM (Automated Valuation Model).
By upgrading the Estimated Value function (AVM) powered by machine learning, PropStream can provide the most up-to-date property values by pulling them from several data sources and updating them with its machine learning AI as soon as they’re available.
“PropStream is committed to transforming how real estate data is collected and used with the integration of new predictive AI features,” said PropStream President Brian Tepfer. “Our first release is a new AVM powered by machine learning—giving our users an edge in their property research and comping to collect the most precise, diverse, and dynamic property valuations - empowering them to make educated decisions.”
From adding the Demographics datasets to now incorporating a cutting-edge machine learning AVM, PropStream is leading the charge in optimizing real estate data for practical, modern use.
PropStream has more exciting updates in the works, so stay tuned! Also, remember to activate your 7-day free PropStream trial to see the new AVM in action.
To learn more about this update and how the AI model is used, check out this blog.
About PropStream: PropStream, a Stewart Company, is the leader in multi-sourced data aggregation, allowing real estate professionals to get the most targeted leads. In business since 2006, PropStream has data for over 155 million properties nationwide. Upcoming enhancements utilize the power of Predictive Real Estate Data to pave the way for new features, proprietary AI predictive analytics, and hundreds of filtering combinations (including 20 Lead Lists). PropStream helps real estate professionals find the best off-market leads and market to them in the least amount of time. PropStream was acquired by Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) in November 2021 and has been named a HousingWire Tech 100 Honoree four years in a row since 2021.
PropStream Marketing
First published on Fri, Sep 6, 2024
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