TechDogs-"New DFE2MCPH_JL Series Automotive Power Inductors Improve DC Resistance And Rated Current"

Manufacturing Technology

New DFE2MCPH_JL Series Automotive Power Inductors Improve DC Resistance And Rated Current

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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KYOTO, Japan--(  )--Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TOKYO: 6981) (ISIN: JP3914400001), a leading manufacturer of passive components, has expanded its range with the launch of the DFE2MCPH_JL series of inductors automotive power ratings with 0.33 µH and 0.47 µH ratings, designed specifically for automotive transmission/security equipment. Compared to Murata's existing DFE2MCAH_J0 series products, the 0.33 µH part, for example, meets the highest industry standards with a 38% reduction in DC resistance to 18 mOhm along with an increase in 31% in rated current at 5.1 A for the same temperature rise. The rated current for a specified inductance drop is also 64% higher at 6.9 A. In addition, this product achieves 40 V withstand voltage, all in an inch size of type 0806 with a temperature range of -40°C to +155°C operation with current reduction.

Metal alloy inductors take advantage of Murata's advancements in materials and manufacturing technology to achieve a combination of maximum quality and performance. This makes the parts ideal for demanding automotive applications such as ADAS and IVI systems, a rapidly expanding market.

The high continuous current capability and low power dissipation of the DFE2MCPH_JL series, complemented by high impulse voltage capability, make them especially suitable for low-loss signal filtering and energy storage in power converter applications. . On the other hand, miniature packaging saves space and material.

Murata will continue to expand the inductance value from 0.1 µH to 4.7 µH in the future to meet market needs and expand the range of automotive applications.

Other applications for these high-quality, high-current inductors include automotive infotainment and comfort systems and GHTF Class A, B, and C (non-implanted) medical equipment.

More information about Murata's DFE2MCPH_JL series can be found at: LINK

Contact us: contact form

Main specifications

Part Number





Rated current (mA)

Depending on the

inductance change

Depending on the

temperature rise





























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For more information, contact:
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Takeru Arayama,
Corporate Communication Department

First published on Tue, Jan 30, 2024

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