Enterprise Solutions
Netradyne Technology Partners With Roos Fleetservice To Enhance Fleet And Driver Safety In Europe
By Business Wire
HANNOVER, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Netradyne, a global provider of artificial intelligence (AI) technology solutions for fleet and driver safety, today announced a strategic partnership with Roos Fleetservice GmbH, a leading provider of fleet management in Germany, to bring Netradyne’s flagship product, Driver•i, to Roos Fleetservice’s European clients. The collaboration marks a substantial advancement in road safety and fleet management in the EU region and a significant milestone in Netradyne’s ongoing expansion across the European Union (EU), bringing its cutting-edge safety technology to a broader range of fleet organisations.
Netradyne already runs commercial operations across the U.S., Germany, the U.K., India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, with several hundred thousand installations across fleets of all sizes. Driver•i leverages AI, ML and Edge Computing to analyse 100% of driving time and set new vehicle safety standards. To date, Driver•i has processed over 15 billion miles of driving data, making the AI precise and accurate up to 99% - significantly reducing false alerts and gaining driver’s confidence in the technology.
Roos Fleetservice is part of the Roos Vehicle Logistics GmbH, an established name offering a full suite of fleet management products. The company provides holistic fleet management with on-site installation and maintenance and additional services.
“We see immense potential in our partnership with Roos to elevate vehicle safety standards and optimise fleet management across Europe through innovative technology,” said Durgadutt Nedungadi, Sr. Vice-President for International Business at Netradyne. “Driver•i’s driver scoring system, GreenZone, based on positive reinforcement, provides a holistic view of fleets and drivers, encouraging safe driving practices and ultimately enhancing road safety across Europe.”
Maximilian Lorbach, CEO of Roos Fleetservice, commented, “Teaming up with Netradyne to introduce Driver•i to our European clients underscores our commitment to providing state-of-the-art fleet solutions that drive efficiency and safety for organisations of all sizes. Together, we aim to set new standards in vehicle safety and fleet management throughout the EU.”
Liberty Comms on behalf of Netradyne:
netradyne@libertycomms.com / +44 207 751 4444
First published on Mon, Sep 16, 2024
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