TechDogs-"Improving Payment Acceptance Efficiencies Headlines The Agenda At The 2023 Nexo Standards"

Financial Technology

Improving Payment Acceptance Efficiencies Headlines The Agenda At The 2023 Nexo Standards

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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Leading international payment experts gather in Dublin to discuss the role of standards in simplifying payment acceptance deployments

BRUSSELS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As payment acceptance technology and solutions continue to evolve rapidly, identifying and driving system efficiencies is a key priority for the payment community. It is also the focus for the nexo annual conference, which takes place in Dublin on 18 October. A keynote speaker from Mastercard will share real-world efficiencies to reduce costs and future-proof innovations achieved through nexo standards.

nexo standards is a community of leading international payment experts spanning Europe, America, Africa and the Middle East working to simplify and enable payment acceptance interoperability by removing decades of fragmentation. Its collective work reduces complexity, costs and time to market when implementing and managing payment acceptance solutions.

The nexo annual event is free to attend to all participants and offers an opportunity for agile and dynamic payment ecosystem leaders to gather, discuss and challenge the status quo to drive efficiencies in payment acceptance deployments.

In addition to its keynote presentations, nexo will host roundtables and presentations which center on key industry issues. This includes a focus on cross border payments, the ability of nexo standards to leverage innovation, reduce costs and optimize time to market, alongside insights from real-life implementations.

These sessions will be delivered by distinguished speakers from the EU Payments Association, European Payments Stakeholders Group (EPSG), Crédit Mutuel, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Mastercard, Partelya Consulting, TotalEnergies, and Worldpay, to name a few.

Jean-Philippe Joliveau, Chairman of nexo standards’ Board of Directors, explains: “There are an increasing number of payment methods and many stakeholders involved in accepting a payment, which combines to create a complex web of requirements. nexo standards streamline these requirements to enable seamless communication and deliver efficiencies. We are delighted to share our evidenced-based key learnings across the payment landscape so more companies can benefit.”

Jacques Soussana, nexo standards’ Secretary-General, adds: “Every year we select a different city to host our conference. As one of the world’s fastest growing financial hubs and working in partnership with one of our members Fiserv, Dublin is the perfect central location to bring our members and guests together as we witness growing adoption of nexo standards globally.”

The Annual Conference – sponsored by Galitt, HPS, BPCE, Castles Technology, FrenchSys, Ingenico, Monetico Retail, NOVELPAY, Verifone and Fiserv – takes place from 9:00-17:00 local time at Hotel Rui Plaza The Gresham. Organizations such as Afsol, Fime, Ingenico, Monetico Retail, Moneycore, MWC Partners, nexo standards and Openway will showcase nexo-compliant terminals, test tools, protocol implementations and Machine-Readable test plans, among more.

Register free here.

About nexo standards

nexo standards is the association dedicated to removing the barriers present in today’s fragmented global payment acceptance ecosystem. It enables fast, borderless and global payments acceptance by standardizing the exchange of data between all payment acceptance stakeholders. The nexo specifications and messaging protocols adhere to ISO 20022 standards, are universally applicable and fully open.

nexo standards is a not-for-profit, open association; its membership represents the full spectrum of payment stakeholders including merchants and other payment acceptors, processors, card schemes, payment service providers and vendors. Website | LinkedIn | YouTube


Chloe Mercer at iseepr +44(0)113 350 1922

First published on Mon, Oct 9, 2023

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