Enterprise Solutions
Faraday Unveils Advanced Packaging Coordinated Platform For Multi-Source Chiplets
By Business Wire
HSINCHU, Taiwan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#3DIC--Faraday Technology Corporation (TWSE: 3035), a leading ASIC design service and IP provider, today introduced its advanced packaging coordinated platform for the vertical disintegration of chiplets. This unique platform streamlines the advanced packaging processes by integrating multiple vendors and multi-source chiplets and provides three core advanced packaging services - design, packaging, and production.
In today’s chiplet era, the advanced packaging capacity is increasingly limited. Faraday’s new platform addresses this challenge by effectively coordinating the vertically disintegrated vendors of chiplet, HBM, interposer, and 2.5D/3D packaging and offering chiplets design, testing analysis, production planning, outsourcing procurement, inventory management, as well as 2.5D/3D advanced packaging services. This platform provides a comprehensive one-stop solution with flexible services and business models tailored to the varied needs of clients. It ensures a consistent supply of critical components, including interposers and HBM, reflecting Faraday’s commitment to reliability, long-term supply, and business continuity.
In addition, Faraday excels in designing and implementing major chiplets, including I/O dies, SoC/Compute dies, and interposers. By partnering with UMC, Samsung, Intel, and various OSAT providers, Faraday delivers advanced packaging solutions containing system-level design, power and signal integrity analysis, and thermal dissipation optimization to support Intel’s EMIB, Samsung’s I-Cube, and 2.5D packaging in OSAT.
“Our new platform offers significant benefits to the industry,” said Flash Lin, COO of Faraday. “By leveraging our neutral position and delivering a comprehensive suite of services, we are well-positioned to drive innovation and improve project success in advanced packaging, ensuring superior results for our clients.”
About Faraday Technology Corporation
Faraday Technology Corporation (TWSE: 3035) is a leading ASIC design service and IP provider, certificated to ISO 9001 and ISO 26262. The broad silicon IP portfolio includes I/O, Cell Library, Memory Compiler, ARM-compliant CPUs, LPDDR4/4X, DDR4/3, MIPI D-PHY, V-by-One, USB 3.1/2.0, 10/100 Ethernet, Giga Ethernet, SATA3/2, PCIe Gen4/3, and 28G programmable SerDes, etc. Headquartered in Taiwan, Faraday has service and support offices around the world, including the U.S., Japan, and China. For more information, visit www.faraday-tech.com or follow Faraday on LinkedIn.
Faraday Tech, Evan Ke, +886 3 578 7888 ext. 88689, media@faraday-tech.com
First published on Tue, Sep 10, 2024
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