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Manufacturing Technology

Counter UAS Technology Europe 2024: Echodyne To Address Key C-UAS Conference Amidst Rapid Expansion Into European Market

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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As the proliferation of drones and UAS technologies continues within the region and Echodyne invests in growing its European team, it leads a discussion at the major C-UAS event

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Echodyne, the radar platform company, is excited to announce it will be addressing the second annual Counter UAS Technology Europe 2024 conference, taking place at the Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square in London over April 16-17, 2024. Echodyne VP of Marketing, Leo McCloskey, will discuss important counter-UAS developments in accuracy and mobility. Echodyne’s participation in this year’s event comes on the heels of significantly expanding its footprint in the region with new, European-based team members.

The conference is hosted by SAE Media Group and focuses on gathering European C-UAS stakeholders to address the growing proliferation of small drones and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) technology and the need for European armed forces and security agencies to protect critical national infrastructure and personnel at home and abroad by way of cutting-edge, C-UAS operations.

Drones are an increasing threat beyond the battlefield with payload and operational capabilities that challenge existing sensors and systems. From low, slow, and very effective small UAS to larger Group 3 UAS, the threat to logistics, missions, and warfighters is vast and expanding. Part of the challenge is sensors that can accurately track and deliver precise airspace coordinates of the intruding UAS, for which Echodyne’s metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) are uniquely capable.

Cost symmetry is another challenge, with non-state actors spending small amounts on UAS weapons that require multi-million dollar systems to defeat. Echodyne’s radars achieve the optimal balance of low-cost, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) advanced technology and high-performance, active beamforming ESA precision to create the most powerful, low-SWaP radars on the market. With both processed and unprocessed data integration options, Echodyne radars generate the most accurate data for detecting, tracking, targeting, and mitigating UAS threats.

“Solving the ‘drone problem’ requires technology and software that, when integrated, contributes high-fidelity, actionable data from attritable COTS platforms,” said Todd Fraser, Chief Revenue Officer at Echodyne. “Customer requirements are rapidly and radically changing, from fixed and portable to highly mobile, from crewed to uncrewed to platforms, from range as the sole driver to greater emphasis on spatial accuracy. Echodyne is expanding to meet increasing customer demand across Europe, Middle East, and Africa for low SWaP, commercially-exportable radars with superior ESA performance.”

Those interested in learning more about Echodyne’s radar for C-UAS operations, including remote weapons stations (RWS), short-range air defense (SHORAD) programs, and more are invited to attend Echodyne’s session at the Counter UAS Technology Europe 2024 Conference at 11 am BST on April 16, 2024. Those who are unable to attend can connect directly with a member of the Echodyne team here.

About Echodyne

Echodyne, the radar platform company, is a U.S. designer and manufacturer of advanced radar solutions for defense, government, and commercial market applications. The company’s proprietary metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) architecture is a rare breakthrough in advanced radar engineering. Echodyne’s innovative MESA radars use standard materials and manufacturing processes to shatter unit cost barriers for high performance radar. The result is a solid-state, low-SWaP, exportable, commercial radar with advanced software capabilities that delivers superior performance, unparalleled data integrity, and exceptional situational awareness. Privately held, the company is backed by Bill Gates, NEA, Madrona Venture Group, Baillie Gifford, Northrop Grumman, and Supernal, among others. For more information, please visit:


Taylor Maurits
Wise Up PR for Echodyne

First published on Mon, Apr 15, 2024

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