Enterprise Solutions
Construction Tech Pioneer Mercator.Ai Launches AI-Powered Business Development Platform In Houston's $25B Commercial Construction Market
By Business Wire
While 80% of construction projects are won through relationships, 65% of business developers' time is spent searching for leads. Mercator.ai brings its visionary AI business development platform to Houston, flipping that equation for Texas's largest construction market.
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#HoustonBuilders--Mercator.ai, the leading AI-powered business development platform for commercial construction, today announced its expansion into the Houston market. This strategic move follows the company's successful launch in Austin earlier this year and marks another milestone in Mercator's ambitious Texas growth strategy.
Houston's robust commercial construction sector, a cornerstone of Texas's $22.3 billion construction industry, represents a strategic growth opportunity for Mercator.ai's innovative construction technology platform. The expansion enables Houston-based general contractors, subcontractors, and construction service providers to access real-time insight into upcoming project opportunities earlier than ever before.
"Houston's sprawling growth and increasing competitive landscape make it ripe for innovation and the perfect next step in our Texas expansion," said Chloe Smith, CEO & Co-founder of Mercator.ai. "Our platform transforms how construction professionals discover and qualify new projects, reducing weeks of business development research into minutes and enabling teams to start building mutually profitable relationships at the earliest possible project stage."
The platform's expansion into Houston includes:
- Access to relationship mapping and contact information for key project stakeholders
- Complete coverage of private and public commercial and industrial construction projects across the City of Houston
- Real-time monitoring of early project signals including land and real estate transactions, permitting, and development proposals
Houston construction firms using Mercator.ai gain measurable advantages in project pursuit efficiency. Early adopters report reduction in pursuit research time by over 50%, and increase in lead identification - identifying five times as many qualified opportunities in the same time traditionally spent in a single networking meeting. The platform's early project detection capabilities are especially valuable in Houston's fast-moving market, where being first to the opportunity often means a higher probability of winning the work.
Mercator.ai's expansion into Houston builds on the company's growing Texas presence, with plans to actively participate in key industry events and construction community initiatives throughout 2024 and 2025. The company will maintain its commitment to relationship-based business development while providing contractors with the digital tools to enhance their project and relationship intelligence.
"Houston's construction community is known for innovation and relationship-building," said Chloe Smith, CEO of Mercator.ai. "We're excited to offer Houston contractors a 7-day free trial of our platform, allowing teams to experience firsthand how early project detection can optimize their most limited resource - time."
General contractors and construction professionals interested in exploring Mercator's early project detection platform can visit www.mercator.ai to start their free trial.
About Mercator.ai
Mercator.ai is an AI-powered relationship-based business development software for General Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers, and Construction Service Providers. It is the fastest and most accurate way to find early, viable construction opportunities. From commercial to industrial projects, Mercator.ai provides 100% coverage of public and private opportunities from concept to completion in real-time. Empower your teams with real-time insights to develop targeted business development strategies in less time.
For more information about Mercator's construction intelligence platform or to schedule a demonstration, visit www.Mercator.ai
Media Contact
Chloe Smith
CEO, Mercator.ai
Mercator.aiFollow Mercator.ai
LinkedIn: Mercator.ai
Instagram: @Mercator.ai
YouTube: Mercator AI
X: @MercatorAI
First published on Wed, Dec 4, 2024
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