TechDogs-"BrightHRs New 24/7 Advice Service Set To Benefit Kiwi Business Community"

Human Resource Technology

BrightHRs New 24/7 Advice Service Set To Benefit Kiwi Business Community

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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AUCKLAND, New Zealand--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BrightHR, a global leader in HR software, has launched its award-winning round-the-clock advisory services in New Zealand.

This comes shortly after the company reached the significant milestone of supporting 100,000 clients worldwide with its end-to-end people management solutions.

Designed to meet the unique needs of the New Zealand market, and to help businesses stay on top of ever-changing legislation and avoid legal risk, BrightHR’s advisory services offers 24/7 support, plus a library of 300+ documents to tackle any employment law and health & safety matters.

Powered by 10 years of experience, BrightHR’s qualified advice and readily-drafted documents ensures Kiwi business owners can navigate complex challenges with ease and confidence.

David Price, BrightHR ANZ CEO, says: “A huge 97% of New Zealand’s business landscape is made up of small businesses, and they employ nearly one-third of the country’s workers.

“But at the same time, it is these businesses who often cannot afford to employ dedicated HR and health & safety teams to handle the complexities of changing legislation—and there’s lots of it on the way this year. Nor do they have the money for costly court fees should they encounter staff issues and find themselves in legal hot water.

“Across the globe, in 2023 alone, BrightHR’s clients saved over $8.6 million on lawyer’s fees and 5,232 precious hours on time-draining admin. And now, with the launch of BrigthtHR’s 24/7 advice, paired with an extensive library of 300+ HR and health & safety documents and templates, Kiwi businesses are set to benefit in 2024 too!

“This is an exciting new step for BrightHR as we level up our offering from beyond HR and health & safety software in New Zealand, and instead provide an 'everything-included' package that every small- to medium-sized business owner will need in order to stay on the right side of the law and meet legal obligations, boost productivity, and relieve time-draining and stressful admin burden.”


Alexandra Poole
Global Senior Manager of PR, Content & Social Media
+44 7977 744418

First published on Mon, Jan 22, 2024

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