TechDogs-"Albany ENT & Allergy Services, PC. (AENT) NOTICE OF DATA EVENT"

Health Care Technology

Albany ENT & Allergy Services, PC. (AENT) NOTICE OF DATA EVENT

By Business Wire

Business Wire
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ALBANY, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Albany ENT & Allergy Services, PC. (“AENT”) is providing notice of a recent data privacy event that may have affected the personal and protected health information related to certain individuals. At this time, there is no evidence of any identity theft or fraud occurring as the result of this incident. The confidentiality, privacy, and security of information is one of AENT’s highest priorities and AENT takes this matter very seriously

On or about March 27, 2023, AENT became aware of suspicious activity on its computer network. AENT immediately launched an investigation, with the assistance of third-party computer forensic specialists, to determine the nature and scope of the incident. Through its investigation, AENT determined that, between March 23, 2023 and April 4, 2023, an unauthorized actor may have had access to certain systems that stored personal and protected health information. AENT reviewed those systems and files to confirm what information was stored therein, and to whom the information related. On or about May 2, 2023, this extensive review identified certain employee, and patient information was present within the records. Although AENT has no evidence of any identity theft or fraud in connection with this incident, AENT notified those individuals whose information was present in AENT’s systems at the time of the incident.

AENT notified federal law enforcement and is cooperating with its investigation. AENT also notified the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights and relevant state authorities. Individuals who have questions about this incident can contact our dedicated call center at 1-866-547-0559 between 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except holidays, or visit our website at

AENT encourages potentially impacted individuals to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud, to review account statements, and to monitor their credit reports and explanation of benefits forms for suspicious activity. AENT is providing potentially impacted individuals with contact information for the three major credit reporting agencies, as well as providing advice on how to obtain free credit reports and how to place fraud alerts and security freezes on their credit files. The relevant contact information is below:


P.O. Box 105069

Atlanta, GA 30348



P.O. Box 9554

Allen, TX 75013



P.O. Box 2000

Chester, PA 19016


Potentially impacted individuals may also find information regarding identity theft, fraud alerts, security freezes and the steps they may take to protect their information by contacting the credit bureaus, the Federal Trade Commission or their state Attorney General. The Federal Trade Commission can be reached at: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580;; 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338); and TTY: 1-866-653-4261.

Instances of known or suspected identity theft should also be reported to law enforcement or the individual’s state Attorney General.


Richard Aponte-Boyd

First published on Fri, May 26, 2023

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