What Is Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)?

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Blind carbon copy is a sneaky way to get more people to read your email. It's not as simple as just adding one or two people to the list of recipients. It's more like: "I'm sending this email to you, but I'm also sending it to everyone on this list." The recipient will see the names of everyone on that list in the CC field of the email, but none of them will be able to see each other's terms (or even that there is more than one other person). In other words, it's blind. It's also an excellent way for someone who doesn't have access to their company's inbox—like a freelancer—to get in touch with colleagues without having their boss see who they're talking with. What if you want to send a non-public email to an individual or a group of people but don't want them to know who the sender was? In that case, you can use the BCC function. BCC emails can come in handy in various situations, including keeping your communications private and letting recipients reply without allowing others on the email chain to know who they are responding to. BCC recipients cannot reply directly to the message, and they cannot see each other's email addresses. The most common use of BCC email is to keep an email chain between two people private. A typical example is scheduling an email chain between two people who may not have access to each other's email addresses. Blind carbon copy (BCC) is an email transmission mechanism integrated by default in most email programs and supported by email service providers. It works in collaboration with a carbon copy (cc) and the "To" field to provide different ways of addressing email recipients.When you use BCC, your recipient won't see any emails you send to other people through their address. In other words, your recipients will only see emails addressed directly to them.


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