TechDogs-"Why Collaborative Robotics Matters In Modern Manufacturing"

Emerging Technology

Why Collaborative Robotics Matters In Modern Manufacturing

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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Hey there, can you imagine one robot without picturing a dystopian future? Pretty tough, right? Well, we can – and it’s our favorite superhero Baymax from Big Hero 6!

It’s virtually impossible not to fall in love with this loveable marshmallow of a robot; his squishiness and round figure make for some pretty comedic moments, as he waddles around to and fro with gingerly movements. Plus, add to that his endearing voice and you just cannot have enough of this plus-sized, plushy robot who will instantly charm his way into your heart with a smile. (Go watch Big Hero 6, if you haven't already!)

You see, Baymax is the ideal example of a collaborative robot (cobot) designed to assist humans in various day-to-day activities. We mean, the world could surely do with such adorable helpers, right? In the words of Tadashi, from Big Hero 6, “Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours to think your way out!” - and that's what manufacturers are doing by adopting cobots!

So, join us as we discover how Collaborative Robots work in the real world and their implications in the modern manufacturing landscape.
TechDogs-"Why Collaborative Robotics Matters In Modern Manufacturing" Why Compete When We Can Work Together?
In the world of manufacturing, innovation is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage. Wait, you knew that already?

Well, did you know that the search for greater efficiency, safety and productivity has led to a major technological advance: collaborative robots? These intelligent machines are changing the way manufacturers operate, providing a unique combination of automation and human-machine interaction in the modern era.

The growing popularity of collaborative robots in manufacturing is reshaping industries around the world, by revolutionizing production lines and opening up new opportunities. Gone are the days when traditional industrial robots were confined and isolated from human workers. Collaborative robots are designed to work alongside the human workforce, complementing their skills and enhancing their capabilities for higher productivity, efficiency and resilience.

So, what is even a collaborative robot?

What Is A Collaborative Robot?

TechDogs-"What Is A Collaborative Robot?"-"A GIF Showing Baymax"
The term "collaborative robot" - also commonly known as "cobot" - refers to a robot designed to create a partnership between a robot and a human in a workplace. Aside from providing physical collaboration between a robot and a person in the same work environment, they are designed to be user-friendly and assist humans in executing various tasks.

Collaborative robots are widely employed in various industries such as automotive, manufacturing, electronics, aerospace, packaging, healthcare and more. For many of these businesses, the capacity to maintain a lucrative shared workplace for man and machine provides a considerable competitive edge.

Collaborative robots are simple to use while being dependable, safe and precise. Since they use industrial robotics and are comparable to safety-monitored robots, cobots are employed for more demanding tasks that humans face in factories and industrial locations. They are meant to put the person at the center of the process, freeing workers from various tasks that include a degree of difficulty, danger or dullness.

We know your immediate thought – and no, humans do not disappear from production lines; our friends a.k.a. collaborative robots work alongside operators, rather than replace them. Here's how that works!

Applications Of Cobots In The Manufacturing Industry

The capacity of collaboration with humans is the distinguishing trait of collaborative robots. One of the most prominent features within the manufacturing sector is their advanced sensors and safety features, allowing them to operate alongside humans without endangering the lives of any of their human operators and even creating a safe environment in factories and industrial settings.

Collaborative robots also bring significant advancement in automation, especially for small and midsize businesses, due to their lower cost and higher flexibility. Cobot arms, for instance, integrate with mobile platforms for collision-avoidance capabilities. Moreover, cobots can transport items from production lines to other locations, reducing the need for manual labor.

Further, improved sensors and deep learning capabilities are also allowing new applications, no matter how complicated or delicate the work is. Collaborative robots, unlike typical robots, can lift objects, deliver them to specific persons, handle hazardous materials and identify areas of improvement in the production line, allowing your business’ efficiency to skyrocket!

In the manufacturing industry, cobots are integrated at assembly, pick and place, quality inspection, material handling, machine tending, packaging and labeling, small batch production as well as safety workflows.

While automated systems can execute repetitive jobs without constant human inspection, cobots can do better as they perform tasks that require interaction with human workers. This combination increases the output, maximizes the use of resources and makes workplaces safer and more productive. #GoCobots

So, how is this affecting the outlook of the manufacturing sector? Read on!

Future Trends And Outlook

It won’t be a stretch to say that cobots are the technological pillar of the modern manufacturing industry. In fact, with advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, cobots will become the primary driver of the Industry 5.0 transformation.

It is expected that by 2030, the USD 8 billion cobot market will lead to transformative automation capabilities in manufacturing operations. As AI technologies advance, so will the prowess of industrial cobots in precision and cognitive tasks, leading to higher adoption of collaborative robots in various production lines.

Further, when connected to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), these autonomous machines will be all set to jazz up workflows, dish out real-time analytics and offer not just predictions but also suggestions for perfecting processes. In the future, cobots will become more advanced and adaptable, which will enhance the manufacturing process in various ways. We can’t wait!

To Sum Up

Baymax was born for one mission – to ensure his master’s safety. It was not to replace his master but to protect him at all costs. Similarly, Collaborative Robots aren’t replacing the workforce but are changing how the manufacturing industry operates and offer many benefits to businesses, workers and the manufacturing economy as a whole.

Cobots can supplement and improve human skills with their scalability, accuracy and data processing capabilities, allowing them to perform more and add more value to the business. Cobots can improve efficiency and productivity, which is key to creating new growth opportunities in the manufacturing field. We bet cobots are the logical next stage for manufacturing technologies – we hope they look as adorable as Baymax!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Collaborative Robots, And How Do They Differ From Traditional Industrial Robots?

Collaborative robots, or cobots, are robots designed to work alongside humans in a shared workplace, assisting them in various tasks. Unlike traditional industrial robots, cobots prioritize human-robot collaboration, offering user-friendly features, advanced sensors and safety measures to ensure the safety of human operators. Cobots are employed in various industries, enhancing productivity, efficiency and safety in manufacturing environments. 

What Are The Applications Of Collaborative Robots In The Manufacturing Industry?

Collaborative robots are integrated into various processes within the manufacturing sector, including assembly, pick and place, quality inspection, material handling, machine tending, packaging and labeling, small batch production and safety workflows. They bring significant advancements in automation, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness and improved efficiency. Cobots enhance productivity by performing tasks that require interaction with human workers, increasing output and resource utilization while making workplaces safer. 

What Are The Future Trends And Outlook For Collaborative Robots In Manufacturing?

The future of collaborative robots in manufacturing looks promising, with advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning driving transformative automation capabilities. By 2030, the cobot market is expected to lead to significant automation advancements in manufacturing operations. Connected to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cobots will offer real-time analytics, predictions, and suggestions for process optimization, further enhancing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing processes.

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