Marketing Technology
Top Trends 2022 - Marketing Technology
By TechDogs Editorial Team

Brands are constantly hunting for new technologies to reach out to their target audiences #AllHailMarTech. They already have a plethora of strategies at their disposal, including social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, video marketing, lead generation, content marketing - phew! The result - utter confusion about which Marketing Technology a marketer should choose.
We would not be lying if we say that a couple of these technologies are becoming trends within themselves. Now, the million-dollar question is how would your marketing team know which Marketing Technology is trending at the moment and should be leveraged to run a successful marketing campaign, or which one is going to have a higher impact on your target audience?
Fret not! We have handpicked the top 5 Marketing Technology Trends that will help you win customers, enhance the customer experience and also bring in accurate customer data in 2022 and beyond. Let the ride begin!
"A little bonjour goes a long way."
Don't we all love that line from Emily in Paris? The truth to be told - we just couldn't help mentioning this Netflix series - and for good reasons. Of course, the biggest reason is Emily, a stunning, determined American marketer from Chicago fluttering around filled with passion and creativity. Moreover, this series takes us through the beautiful alleys of Paris and lets us all live vicariously. Most importantly, it tells us a lot about the new-age marketing era.
Savoir, the French luxury marketing firm, had been doing fine until Emily came and revolutionized it to do much better! Emily leveraged every new feature of social media marketing, tried influencer marketing strategies, convinced veteran fashion designers to try the new street art and got live installation done on the streets of Paris to mix things up!
At the same time, she also taught us to be open to learning (she tried to learn French, duh!), to be open to experiences and to try out new things! Not so soon enough, Sylvie Grateau, the boss we all feared and fawned over, also realized that the only way to move ahead is to keep up with all things new in the market! #TryNewToStayNew
So, what did we learn? You need to constantly adapt and change with the times if you want to stay relevant. Always be willing to experiment and try new things, so you don't lag behind! We're sure you were following all the trends we recommended last year in our related article Marketing Technology Trends of 2021.
Times change, new seasons come (can't wait for Season 3!) and so do new trends. So, join us on a luxurious take on the top 5 Marketing Technology Trends of 2022!
Trends 1: Influencer Marketing Platforms Will Make Influencer Marketing Easy

Emily told you so! She was a bit of an influencer herself, wasn't she? Influencer Marketing is one of the biggest Marketing Technology trends of this year. Hold on - we're not saying that influencers would be trending - they already are, duh! We're saying that better influencer marketing platforms will come into the picture to help you find influencers and manage campaigns much better.
Let's face it - Influencer marketing addresses the need of the brands to showcase their authenticity by partnering with the subject market experts who are trusted by their followers or subscribers. #StayAuthentic
That's why the global influencer marketing size has doubled since 2019, according to Statista. So, influencer marketing would soon be irresistible and you would find brands working with influential bloggers (like Emily Cooper), social media celebrities or YouTube vloggers. What's new is that going ahead influencer marketing will evolve such that brands can involve these influencers in designing marketing campaigns and strategies, integrate their personal campaigns with the brand's messaging and manage their activity centrally and more effectively using influencer marketing platforms which will boom this year.
TechDogs' Opinion: While most brands realize the importance of influencer marketing by now, we think many of them hesitate to try it out because it's an unexplored path. There are not many experts out there to help you out with the strategy and execution since it's a fairly new area. So, we think brands will rely on - drumroll please - technology. We think influencer marketing platforms will tie up the loose ends and take away the uncertainty in influencer marketing.
How? Well, it's quite simple. These platforms will leverage data and use it to give you the answers you need. With data management and analysis, it will tell you the top influencer that match your brand voice and requirements. Then, you can use its AI-based capabilities that analyses messaging across your niche to help you with the content of the campaign. Finally, it would use data again to tell you what competitive pricing you should offer to these influencers based on the followers. You just have to sign up and get going with it. #TechnologyToTheRescue
Trend 2: AI-Enabled Chatbots Will Automate The Mundane

One of the best things we at #TechDogs love about technology is that it lets you scale. We all want to let our users and customers get in touch with us around the clock, right? We all want to resolve their issues instantly and be available with answers at all times. As you scale, you can't hire enough people in your customer support teams to do that. So, what you rely on? You got it right, mate - Chatbots! (We think the header gave it away!)
It would be an understatement to say that chatbots are every business' next big ally - that's already established. This year, we're looking forward to much wiser, smart bots. We're talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled smart chatbots which not only have the traditional IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technology but also leverage Machine Learning (ML) to resolve more personalized queries and stay connected with the lead.
Wait - that's customer experience, why would you care about it in your marketing technology stack? Aside from the fact that your customers are your biggest ambassadors, so their experience becomes your biggest selling point, chatbots can be enabled in almost every step of your marketing plan too. A lead landed on your website - let your chatbot talk to them and create an inquiry request. A prospect wishes to know more about your product - let the chatty robot do the talking for you. #LetsGetChatty
Want more reasons why you need chatbots are a big game-changer in the MarTech space? They not only enable speedy responses, 69% of U.S consumers actually prefer chatbots for engaging with brands. No wonder, Global Market Insights has predicted that the overall chatbot market will touch the mark of $1.3 billion by 2024!
TechDogs' Opinion: Going ahead, we think the functioning of bots would not be limited to just query resolution. These chatbots will also take care of payment procedures! Yes, you read it right and as a result, more bots will be connected to the online payment portals and digital wallets so that your customers can make payments without even leaving the messaging platforms. We also think chatbots would be majorly empowered with AL & ML. These bots will help marketers to understand complex requests, personalize responses and improve interactions eventually.
We'll also witness advanced use of Natural Language Processing AKA NLP in the functioning of chatbots. NLP would enable marketers to quickly analyze customer feedback and deliver personalized content that resonates with them.
Trend 3: Customer Data Platforms Will Improve Customer Relationships

Do you own customer data? Of course, you do! The important question - where is all this data? Do you have access to all the essential bits and pieces when you need them? Do all your teams share the same data? If your answer is no, this Marketing Technology trend is what you have been missing!
Customer data in organizations tends to reside in various separate silos used by multiple departments - from sales and customer service to finance and marketing. Marketers cannot understand the entire picture if customer data is trapped in silos. Moreover, marketing teams need access to all the relevant data on a timely basis to act on it. Hence, businesses need customer data to be compiled into a single source of truth to provide top-notch omnichannel personalization across the board. This is exactly what a Customer Data Platform (CDP) does - bringing all the customer data in an organization into a central repository in real-time.
This provides marketers with complete visibility into a customer's history to better understand how to offer a personalized customer experience, including what factors lead to sales and churning. Moreover, this enables marketers to improve customer segmentation, delivering highly customized content and driving deeper customer engagement. Salesforce regional vice-president for Marketing Cloud, Kevin Doyle, predicts the exponential trajectory of Customer Data Platform adoption will continue by saying "In many cases, they (businesses) can't take full advantage of the rich resources at their fingerprints because they're scattered across multiple disconnected platforms and not being collated to leverage the all-important insights beneath." Hence, businesses will invest in CDPs this year to unify their customer data and help marketers obtain deeper insights into customer behavior and historical trends.
TechDogs’ Opinion: We anticipate that CDPs will be a significant trend in 2022, as businesses focus on carefully crafting experiences across all channels and touchpoints for omnichannel personalization. Without the ability to view all the customer data from a unified perspective, customer engagement will be managed on a channel-by-channel basis, making omnichannel engagements difficult.
Furthermore, we believe that data privacy laws will have a significant impact on the adoption of CDPs in the marketing sphere. As third-party data sharing regulations become more stringent, businesses will strive to collect as much data directly from consumers as possible, resulting in first-party data that marketers can use to drive personalization strategies. First-party data will allow brands to obtain customer consent to comply with an increasing number of privacy regulations but will necessitate a centralized customer data repository to store this data securely. This is where CDPs will businesses offer a reliable, easily accessible and unified platform for storing customer data.
Trend 4: The Metaverse Will Be A Brand-New Marketing Arena

What's the hottest buzzword in technology circles right now? Undoubtedly, it is the Metaverse! It will revolutionize how we communicate, shop, work, relax and interact online but that's not all - it has a few surprises in store for marketers too! The Metaverse will allow marketers to do things in 2022 that would have been impossible just a few years ago. From creating exclusive digital products to conducting live virtual events, Metaverse will transform traditional marketing approaches and marketing efforts in 2022!
Marketers must realize that Gen-Z will dominate the Metaverse and add a significant chunk of the value as consumers. In the US itself, they have a purchasing power of $143 billion - something marketers will try to leverage. An online study noted that 92% of Metaverse users value customization of their virtual avatars. Naturally, fashion brands such as Balenciaga are taking advantage of this opportunity by partnering with virtual platforms to design exclusive virtual outfits and accessories that users can purchase for their avatars. Surely you remember the Gucci digital handbag that sold for $4,000 on the Roblox platform!
Moreover, in the Metaverse, brands will be able to create immersive experiences using Virtual Reality to interact with their audience and increase brand engagement. An example is Tourism New Zealand's Play NZ adventure game that allowed players to visit various sites and attractions in a 3D virtual model of New Zealand. Brands will also be able to establish exclusive virtual venues that users can visit to participate in activities. Businesses may even offer tours, virtual try-ons and interactive 3D product exhibits. Nishant Patel, CTO of Contentstack says, "25% of our customers are already strategizing about the best ways to leverage Metaverse and create captivating content and experiences for their customers."
TechDogs’ Opinion: Currently, only 3 percent of the content on the internet is interactive. We believe that although the Metaverse is still a new concept, it will enable marketers to conduct experiments and try unique marketing approaches. In fact, experts believe that the future of marketing is on the Metaverse. Not just businesses, but even individuals will be able to create, trade and share new virtual products in the Metaverse.
Emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will integrate with the Metaverse to provide users with more interactive experiences, helping marketers create a more personalized and engaging experience for consumers. However, marketers should be aware that the Metaverse, like any other technology, will take time to develop. We don't know how long it will take because clear guidelines must be implemented to make it a secure virtual environment for marketers and consumers.
Trend 5: Big Data Analytics Will Be Your New Currency

In 2022, Big Data analytics is set to become the heart of Marketing Technology. It will be used to extract insights from large and complex data sets, thus making it much easier for marketers to understand their customers and optimize marketing campaigns. Analytics of Big Data is crucial in understanding the pain points and opportunities, without which businesses cannot refine their strategies. Businesses can better understand a market and their customers, as well as improve decision-making by studying these insights.
Big Data could include information such as when your customers visited your website, which browser they used, or even their IP address. Marketers can then use this information to identify patterns and create hypotheses about what might work better than others for future optimization.
Integrating a Big Data approach is also the right time for businesses to start looking for new ways to source data and know their customers better without intruding on their privacy #CozPrivacyMatters. One of the best examples of this is Netflix, which saves roughly $1 billion each year by channelizing Big Data analytics for customer retention and personalization of recommendations.
Another point to consider is that most of the data generated daily - 1.7 megabytes per second - is in unstructured formats and cannot be analyzed directly. This is where Big Data analytics steps in to help businesses make sense of this raw data by giving actionable insights. In fact, according to a Forbes survey, around 95% of enterprises cite the need for Big Data analytics to manage unstructured data. This explains why Big Data analytics has become a rising Marketing Technology trend and is gaining popularity among businesses such as Google and Facebook. It's not just the Fortune 500 that uses advanced data analytics in their marketing strategies; startups are also using it to compete in this digital world.
TechDogs' Opinion: We think the game changer in Big Data analytics will be data fabric. It is indeed the most talked-about sequence in the area of data analytics. It's no secret that data will be one of the most crucial aids to accelerate business growth but it is also becoming a complex field to be managed. Fret not! Data fabric is a trend that will he
lp you with that, as it's an architecture that will support using/ reusing and combining different data integration hubs.
Not just that, data fabrics can also leverage existing Big Data architectures such as data lakes and data warehouses while introducing new alternatives for the future. All in all, this would allow marketers to use Big Data on-demand as per requirement and not get deterred by handling bulky data. We believe that with the right tools and knowledge of how to use them, there are enormous benefits that can be gained from Big Data analytics. However, knowing how to use advanced data analytics tools effectively can be tricky. It requires specialized knowledge in statistics, machine learning, data mining and predictive analysis.
To Sum Up
With more and more companies using MarTech, the industry is changing faster than ever before. The way we market, measure and target consumers are not just different-it's entirely new. It's about time you up to your game and become a part of this exciting new world! Marketing Technology trends are also changing how we all do business. These trends are influenced by the rapid innovation in new technologies, while also being shaped by new business models. When it comes to marketing efforts, you have many decisions to make that will affect the success of your company. We are glad you joined us as we explore the most promising Marketing Technology Trends of 2022, we hope these trends help you to be ahead of the curve and capitalize on them!
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