Manufacturing Technology
Top Trends 2022 - Internet Of Things (IoT)
By TechDogs Editorial Team


Imagine not having to send a dozen messages on the office Slack channel to know which conference rooms are vacant for use. Or not having to find the right cable to connect your laptop to the projector in the conference room. No, these are not examples from The Jetsons! Using IoT-based devices such as occupancy sensors, you can see how many employees are in each conference room. Through smart displays, you can mirror your laptop screen wirelessly.
IoT looks to be the "next big thing" and you need to be aware of the latest trends and how they can help you. Don't worry if you don't feel like going through hundreds of articles, we're here to bring you the top 5 Internet of Things trends a.k.a IoT trends of 2022!
Don't you wish someone would warn you if you've been sitting at your desk staring at your computer screen or haven't had a sip of water for too long? Yeah, sure, you can take a break every two hours but it is so easy to lose track of time when you're really engrossed in your work. (Or daydreaming about your next vacation!)
Well, from smart desks that monitor your behavior and encourage you to improve your habits to intelligent voice assistants that can help you become more productive - IoT has got your back. The Internet of Things is all set to revolutionize how we live, work and communicate, not just in the workplace but at home as well. We mean, there's an IoT-based coffee machine that lets you modify and schedule a cup of your favorite brew from anywhere!
If you think that sounds too good to be true, last year IoT helped enhance healthcare and retail, build smart cities and joined hands with edge computing and also helped prepare your favorite brew, of course! This year, too, Internet of Things will be a major player in the global tech arena. So, join us as we explore the top 5 futuristic Internet of Things (IoT) Trends of 2022.
Trend 1: More IoT Devices Will Mean Higher Security Concerns
Imagine driving through the scenic countryside in your open-top sports car. The sun is shining down pleasantly; the fresh air smells of pine and petrichor. You spot a gorgeous rainbow and decide to stop and click a picture - we mean, how often do you really see a rainbow? That's when you realize that the car's brakes are jammed and you cannot slow down - scary, right?
If you think that was purely a segue into our first IoT trend, you would be wrong. Hacking into IoT-enabled devices to sabotage them is quickly becoming one of the most significant cybersecurity challenges. Experts have shown that hackers can gain access to your car's brakes or engine through its IoT-enabled entertainment display or radio. In IoT network-enabled devices (think smart car or intelligent home), even if a single device is compromised, every other device in the network can be accessed, causing severe vulnerability concerns.
The telecommunications giant Ericsson predicts that by 2023, there will be around 30 billion connected devices worldwide, of which 18 billion will be IoT devices. That's a lot of access points for malicious individuals to exploit! Hence, securing IoT devices against threats and security concerns will be the focus in 2022.
TechDogs' Opinion: IoT devices will face an unknown test of susceptibility in 2022. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has directly led to more and more devices being connected to the Internet, creating more insecure endpoints than ever before. Securing these devices - and quickly isolating compromised devices - will be key in 2022 for IoT security. One of the key technologies that can help in the arena is cloud computing. While IoT-cloud convergence is quite popular now, leveraging the cloud to deliver added security and processing capabilities to IoT edge devices is what we think can be a game-changer in the IoT security sector.
Network segmentation can also come in handy for enhancing security by keeping a separate network for IoT devices and another one for guest connections – thereby isolating compromised devices faster and preventing the spread of attacks. All said and done, we believe that having more connected devices isn't just a security threat. More devices mean we will be able to gather more data, that will eventually improve analytics across a wide range of industries.
Trend 2: Healthcare Services Will Continue To Leverage IoT Devices
Well, The Simpsons aren't the only ones who can make accurate predictions! Last year, we predicted healthcare to be revolutionized by IoT. In reality, even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the healthcare sector was investing in IoT sensors and devices. However, it wouldn't be wrong to claim that the healthcare industry was spearheading IoT adoption in 2021 - and that seems to be true in 2022 as well.
We predict IoT devices to make up a significant portion of healthcare investments this year. From tiny ingestible devices to collect biological data to state-of-the-art robots to perform surgeries, IoT devices will be leveraged to modernize healthcare activities, improve medical monitoring and collect quality data for research. No, Homer, your ingestible IoT capsule cannot be chocolate flavored...
As Jahangir Mohammed, founder and CEO of Twin Health, a Digital Twin company, puts it, "Recent innovations in IoT technology are enabling revolutionary advancements in health care." An important trend within the medical community will be the ability to continually monitor health metrics remotely, reducing the need to conduct in-person tests and check-ups. #StayHomeStaySafe
TechDogs' Opinion: The primary factor driving this trend will be the constant innovation in sensing technology. It has enabled healthcare professionals to collect invaluable medical information from individuals remotely. Instead of the patient going to a test lab that sends reports to the doctor, vital metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc. will be reported directly through smart devices such as fitness trackers and digestible sensors. Apart from convenience, we feel that this will allow doctors to diagnose and treat more patients in a shorter amount of time, especially those in remote regions.
We are also expecting IoT to empower the healthcare industry beyond diagnosis and tracking. IoT robots can ensure better sanitization and disinfection of health facilities and equipment. Additionally, we are already seeing IoT devices reminding patients to take their medicines on time. In the future, we are looking forward to smart pills that would tell your doctors when you took a medication to help them know whether certain medicines are working for you or not. #NoKidding
Trend 3: The Internet Of Things And 5G Will Combine Forces In 2022
Is there anything more annoying than a YouTube video buffering?! That's about to change with 5G already being tested in 61 countries across the world. However, your late-night YouTube binge sessions are not the only beneficiary - 5G deployments will completely transform the scope of IoT applications.
Any successful IoT solution requires two things: hyperconnectivity (supporting multiple devices on the same network) and minimal latency - the exact two things that 5G enables. That makes 5G and IoT the perfect couple - like Pam and Jim, Ross and Rachel or TechDogs and technology content! #HumbleBrag
As 5G continues to grow in accessibility, businesses will be able to develop IoT services that would have been unprofitable and logistically impossible before. Faster data transfers, improved coverage and better energy efficiency of 5G networks will become major catalysts for the expansion of IoT in 2022. Gartner predicts that as 5G achieves maturity by 2025, it will boost adoption of IoT, making them available for all to use.
TechDogs' Opinion: While the current 5G networks worldwide are commercial in nature, the next wave will surely enable organizations to deploy IoT devices with improved flexibility, speed and reliability. However, 5G technology will come with its additional security concerns, for example, its higher speed will allow more data to be captured in case of a breach. We will inevitably rely on 5G and IoT to reshape our digital transformation, which will affect the way we think about cybersecurity in the future. Focusing on securing both 5G and IoT networks will be a good bet for businesses.
One factor businesses need to consider is that 5G deployments are expensive, which will add to the initial cost of any IoT-based project. Another issue is that 5G waves are only able to travel a short distance and can even be blocked by physical obstacles such as trees and buildings. Hence, being a fairly new technology, industry experts believe that a 5G-backed IoT deployment must first be designed and tested under rigorous conditions – as making changes after deployment will increase costs exponentially.
Trend 4: The Manufacturing Sector Will Adopt Industrial IoT (IIoT)
As we said previously, the Internet of Things will not only improve your YouTube binge sessions - it will transform various aspects of business like never before. The versatility of IoT means that it can be deployed to enhance various aspects of industries - from manufacturing to agriculture to supply chain.
As the accessibility of IoT devices and networks grows in 2022, it will enable businesses to upgrade their technology infrastructure, increase efficiency and streamline operations. This will be done by leveraging IoT-enabled robots, smart sensors and intelligent machines to measure performance, identify bottlenecks and predict optimal working times.
The biggest winner will be (drum roll for suspense....) - the manufacturing sector! IIoT sensors will measure the performance of machines and predict when failures and breakdowns may occur using real-time data. Unlike Homer Simpson preventing a nuclear meltdown from destroying his city by arbitrarily pushing buttons, IIoT sensors will give you ample warning. Although we hope it never comes to that, ay, caramba!
TechDogs' Opinion: While IoT will play a major role in the design of future smart cities, Industrial IoT is already here. Factories and manufacturing plants will start integrating data from their IoT equipment to improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes in 2022. The competitive nature of the manufacturing sector necessitates higher standards of quality and scaling of production - adopting IIoT will help manufacturers on both these fronts. Moreover, using data from IIoT sensors, engineers will be able to automate and optimize processes to minimize waste. In Homer's case, nuclear waste!
However, Industrial IoT comes with its own set of pitfalls that potential investors need to be aware of. The most important aspect is security, as malicious actors will look to hack into IIoT devices and bring production to a standstill. This cyber-attack could come from any place within the interconnected network of IoT devices - from any node, sensor or edge. Hence, we recommend businesses to evaluate the cyber-security factors of IIoT devices before implementing such a strategy.
Trend 5: Data Analytics Will Add More Value To The IoT Ecosystem
We like Big Data and we cannot lie!
As obvious as this sounds, fields such as Data Analytics and Machine Learning have seen phenomenal growth in the last couple of years. The reason is pretty simple - DATA! No, not the android dude from Star Trek! The more data we have, the harder it becomes to analyze and understand it without specialized tools. Naturally, IoT data is no different.
The Internet of Things is generating a tremendous amount of data, which is essentially lost unless businesses leverage advanced data analytics. The insights gleaned by analyzing this data can be used in a variety of ways. However, the real gold lies in the time-stamped data (or time series data, as data nerds would say). The rise of this format of data has fueled the demand for specialized IoT analytics. Hence, in 2022, organizations will work with developers and data science engineers to extract and make sense of this time-stamped data to augment their customer experience.
For example, businesses that obtain this type of data can optimize the timing of retail notifications or personalize limited period offers. It is estimated that there will be 8 billion digital assistants in use by 2023 - without advanced analytics, businesses will lose out on this precious information. We wouldn't want that, would we, my precioussss?
TechDogs' Opinion: Where there is data, there is data analytics. Not just in 2022 but even in the coming decades, IoT will depend heavily on Data Analytics and Machine Learning. We believe integrating these emerging technologies within the IoT data pipeline will soon become standard practice. This will enable businesses to conduct in-depth analytics into niche use cases that will vary for every domain. While data collection and cloud analytics is no news, we think the world of IoT would also require real-time analytics. In fact, it’s a necessity! Why? Well, ideally wouldn’t you want an autonomous vehicle to stop immediately if a person jumps in front of it? You can’t wait for it to transfer data to the cloud, do the analysis and then send a response. So, soon enough, we think there will be IoT devices such as smart sensors, robots etc. that would be capable of doing minimal analytics on their own. All analytics doesn’t require central data collection and management – there needs to be minimal intelligence at device-levels too. #RealTimeAnalyticsIsAMust
Even if you were unaware of IoT, we're confident that it will become a household name in 2022. It has attracted attention from diverse industries, thanks to its potential uses. The growth in the number of IoT devices proves that it will be a major driving force this year. It will transform healthcare services and the manufacturing domain in 2022. IoT platform will take advantage of 5G deployments to scale, which will necessitate advanced analytics to be used, especially for Industrial IoT data. These trends are proof that the IoT market has a lot more in stock for us in the near future - are you ready for the IoT wave?
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