Emerging Technology
Top Trends 2022 - Digital Transformation
By TechDogs Editorial Team

However, we also admire the movie for its depiction of positive change through technology. RoboCop single-handedly ended crime and corruption in the city - and that would not have been possible without his Cobra Assault Cannon, jetpack and data spike, right?
Taking inspiration from our friendly Cyborg - we believe that businesses can also leverage cutting-edge technologies to defeat evil, we mean, bring positive change. If your organization is actively working to evolve along with the technological landscape, here's what you need to be aware of - the top 5 Digital Transformation trends of 2022!
The world united in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Struggling to cope with the consequences of the virus, individuals and businesses found themselves in the same boat. Although we were trying to adjust and adapt, it wasn't quick enough. Swiftly lockdown was announced, public spaces were shuttered down and social distancing regulations were promoted - it was unprecedented in modern human history!
This "new normal" meant we had to create and embrace entirely new ways of working, communicating, shopping, traveling, etc. During all this struggle, Digital Transformation played a pivotal role in bridging this gap swiftly and seamlessly. Even today, Digital Transformation is evolving, thanks to the impetus provided by the pandemic. Quite frankly, Digital Transformation was inevitable anyway – the pandemic just expedited it!
If your business is looking to ride this new-age wave (of course, it is!), it only makes sense to be aware of the top Digital Transformation trends of 2022!
Jump right in!
Trend 1: The Concept Of Data Fabric Will Spread

Data Fabric is one of the hottest Digital Transformation trends we will see in 2022. According to Gartner, a data fabric serves as an integrated layer that continuously analyzes existing data and connects data from disparate sources to discover unique, business-relevant relationships. This will help businesses get more granular insights from business data, especially ones they might have never identified using traditional means.
Allow us to explain in TechDogs’ style - imagine you are in a self-driving automobile with our friend RoboCop. When you drive, the autonomous features are turned off. When the manual driving mode is switched off, the automated features are activated and make course corrections as needed. Similarly, you can choose to analyze your data by using traditional methods (manually) or to let the data fabric take over to automate the same. According to MarketsandMarkets, the worldwide data fabric market is estimated to go from USD 1 billion in 2020 to over USD 4.2 billion by 2026.
If data specialists find the automated data analytics to be better - in our example, when the self-driving feature outperforms human driving skills - then data fabrics can take over entirely. #RiseOfTheMachines
TechDogs' Opinion: In 2022, organizations will invest heavily in creating a data fabric to augment their enterprise-wide data analytics efforts. The result will be faster and more profound data analytics. Moreover, using a data fabric will allow businesses to automate most of the data exploration, ingestion, integration and preparation tasks. Talk about time saved!
By adding automation to their overall data management strategies, businesses will be able to enhance their traditional old-school data management and analysis models, through the more responsive data fabric approach. That being said, we don’t think at the moment there’s any existing standalone solution that can facilitate a full-fledged data fabric architecture. You’d probably have to go for a blend of build and bought solutions to create a complete data fabric architecture. Perhaps 2022 would change that! #FingersCrossed
Trend 2: XaaS Will Make Digital Transformation Easier

Everything-as-a-service (or XaaS, for short) is the latest Digital Transformation trend that promotes the "as-a-service" model to deliver various amenities to customers. Although we are used to these services, XaaS will go beyond the traditional model and provide a vast number of products, tools and services to users as a service package over the Internet.
XaaS will include more digital services such as Storage as a Service (STaaS), Containers as a Service (CaaS), Function as a Service (FaaS), Security as a Service (SECaaS), Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS), Video as a Service (VaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), etc. That's a long list! #ItsNeverEndingActually
Deloitte's "Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) Study" 2021 surveyed over 600 IT professionals from US-based companies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey reported that 81% of responders believe the pandemic has accelerated their organization's shift from a traditional IT model to a XaaS model. The "Everything-as-a-service" concept will be used to deliver businesses with data storage, protection, recovery and analytics services over the Internet, rather than an on-premises approach. This will lead to faster deployments, reduced maintenance costs and seamless issue resolution.
Hey RoboCop, can we get kickass crime-fighting as-a-service?
TechDogs' Opinion: XaaS is a Digital Transformation trend that has been in the making for a while. As businesses continue to adopt cloud-based services, there will be a dire need to unify services deployed across various platforms and applications. XaaS will provide businesses with the ability to do this.
Everything-as-a-Service will pave the way for "Servitization,” that is, offering a combination of products or services in a single consolidated suite. Having a unified service provider will translate to better operational efficiency and higher agility. Another factor businesses need to consider is that XaaS will enable a much more convenient and seamless way to scale services together, as the deployment time may vary from vendor to vendor in a conventional model.
Trend 3: Businesses Will Focus On Improving Total Experience (TX)

Wouldn't you agree when we say that the two primary reasons for businesses to undertake Digital Transformation efforts are to improve customer experience or employee productivity. Total Experience, or TX, intends to address both at the same time. The higher the employee productivity, the better they can serve customers, which eventually means better customer experiences! #RoboCopApproves
Total experience (TX) is a holistic mix of User Experience (UX), Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) to enhance and increase business efficiency. According to Gartner, by 2026, 60% of large enterprises will leverage total experience to overhaul their existing business models to boost their levels of customer and employee advocacy.
TX is about providing an excellent digital experience to anyone who interacts with your brand - be it customers, web users or your own employees. The main concept behind TX will be to stop treating each component of a business as a separate silo and instead look for similarities. TX will drive the evolution of digital experience consistently as its three components (UX, CX and EX) interact - which will help consumers as well as internal stakeholders in the long run. Take notes, people!
TechDogs' Opinion: Although TX is still not mainstream yet soon, one will find various CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or CXM (Customer Experience Management) applications with in-built TX features. Along with the inevitable evolution of TX, we will notice the emergence of disruptive applications that give more insights into the user and employee experience as a unified dashboard - as compared to the individual data silo approach that we currently see.
From a data standpoint, businesses will have to work on combining existing data silos in order to find similar issues that can be resolved with one deployment rather than two. Solving the pain points of customers and employees at once will mean killing two birds with one stone - figuratively.
#NoViolence except when it comes to RoboCop beating up baddies!
Trend 4: Blockchain Will Make New Waves

Have you heard these words before - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin... of course you have! It is impossible to ignore cryptocurrencies in 2022 and that's all thanks to its underlying technology - blockchain. The demand for blockchain use-cases has exploded in the past few years, especially with the adoption of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2024, at least 20% of large enterprises will use digital currencies for payment, stored value, or collateral. In 2022, blockchain technology will transform the business landscape in various ways. #CryptoIsCalling
In trading and finance industries, blockchain will be a game-changer. As it will enable businesses to reduce fraudulent transactions through duplicate invoicing. Any transaction in a blockchain ecosystem is indelible - hence, there can be no duplication or deletion of records, whatsoever. This is not just it; financial institutions and digital businesses will also be able to make cross-border payments over private blockchain networks, reducing the time taken and taxes deducted.
What’s more? Blockchain technology also enables cheaper payments, which will bring as much joy to individuals as businesses. Another highlight of blockchain technology will be smart contracts - they will enable quicker and more concrete validation of transactions without the need for brokers or intermediaries to confirm the transactions. That’s right, no more financial fraud or corruption for those nefarious villains at OCP!
TechDogs' Opinion: 2022 will be the year of blockchain across industries. For any organizational adoption of blockchain, there will be three initial options in establishing use-cases and potential applications: first, using tokens on a blockchain network as a store of value (for example, Bitcoin, which appreciates in value); second, payments and transactions (secure blockchains like Ethereum and Solana enable payment through their networks) and lastly, leveraging high-yield investments through DeFi (investors can earn interest by helping verify transactions on the blockchain network). Business leaders will need to evaluate all these criteria to select the solutions that suit their organization's demands best. #TalkAboutCantWait
Trend 5: Semiconductors Will Be More Important Than Ever

In 2020, the pandemic fueled a technological explosion that was unprecedented. The pandemic brought growth to cloud computing, SaaS (Solution as a Service) deployments, messaging services, smart devices and essentially any digital technologies that improved communication, collaboration or productivity. This created an unparalleled demand for Digital Transformation and hence, 2021 became the year of the semiconductor chip shortage. This shortage caused sizeable shrinkage and delays in production times - from smartphones and cars to robots and IoT sensors!
This year, however, global semiconductors manufacturers will respond by making large investments to ensure such a shortage never happens again. The top semiconductor manufacturers - Intel, Samsung, and TSMC - will deploy improved fabrication techniques to cater to the rising demand for electronic devices. Most large businesses will partner with manufacturers to ensure their production lines do not suffer due to the shortage of semiconductor chips. Especially the automotive and robotics firms, as their business models are based entirely on software-defined machines such as autonomous vehicles and intelligent robots. Even Mr. RoboCop himself needs semiconductor chips to stop criminals!
Following the 12 percent fall in 2019, the semiconductor industry revenue will continue to rise, thanks to the 8.8% recovery since early 2021. It is forecasted that in 2025, revenue from semiconductor sales worldwide will reach 65 billion U.S. dollars, an increase from 17 billion U.S. dollars generated in 2017. #SemiconductorForever
TechDogs' Opinion: Although individuals likely won't feel the direct impact of these investments until the end of the year or even 2023, it's critical to note that the semiconductor chip industry is the backbone of the digital economy. Nearly every device and machinery need a semiconductor chip to operate - so, firms producing, using or marketing electronic equipment, will look at the semiconductor industry before forming their Digital Transformation strategies in 2022. Business leaders need to be aware of the current situation of the industry and plan their investments accordingly.

Data from research analysts at PwC reveals that almost 60% of senior executives believe that Digital Transformation will be critical for business transformation and growth in 2022. Moreover, most businesses with a long-term focus will allocate a large fraction of their budget for investments in Digital Transformation initiatives, which will accelerate in 2022. Deploying data fabrics will help organizations step up their analytics game, while XaaS and TX models will improve the operational efficacy. Leaders additionally have to be aware of advancements in blockchain tech and have to consider the current semiconductor shortage along with it.
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