Emerging Technology
Top 5 Emerging AI Trends In 2021
By TechDogs Editorial Team


Did you know that over 70% of the devices you use every day are equipped with AI? If you use Face ID to open your devices, you are using AI. If you are asking Alexa to play Bad Guy by Billie Eilish, you are using AI. If you are checking the state of the traffic on Google Maps before traveling back home, you are using AI... you get the point.
AI is also vital to the development of many industries such as healthcare, retail and manufacturing. They have been benefitting from the power of AI and will continue to do so in the future. If you think this sounds like the next chapter in 2001: A Space Odyssey, you are right!
So, put on your Moon Boots and hop aboard the spaceship! We are diving into the hottest AI trends of 2021.
Remember HAL from the movie or the book 2001: A Space Odyssey? Yes, HAL the (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) sentient artificial general intelligence computer that controls the systems of the Discovery One spacecraft and interacts with the ship's astronauts. That HAL who was mostly troublesome to the crew, has suddenly become easier to work with, thanks to new and improved human friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI) plugin installed in its system. Hurray for AI.
AI is breathtaking, captivating and even somewhat intimidating. Over the years, people have often thought of Artificial Intelligence as some robot-type character from their favorite movies.
The reality of AI is closer to home than futuristic.
AI has crept into our homes and plays a more significant part in everyone's day-to-day life than you would imagine. Aerospace, construction, robotics, agriculture, logistics and analytics are some of the fields that AI is currently propelling. In fact, the AI market is predicted to reach close to USD 190 billion across the globe in the next four years.
If you want to be ready for the AI explosion, you ought to know what to expect from AI in the coming year and that's why we are here. So, hop on the famous spacecraft Discovery One and find out the latest Artificial Intelligence trends you need to know about in 2021.
Trend 1: You'll Fall In Love With The Service From Chatbots

Gone are the days of beep beep bop of fictional robots; today, we have conversational Chatbots that can talk about hopes and dreams for hours. Maybe not talk about hopes and dreams but these Chatbots are surely reshaping the customer service experience (We are still quite far from chatbots like Samantha from the movie “Her”).
Just to jog your memory, Chatbots are powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enable customer engagement via messaging, text, or speech. These AI-powered Chatbots can ask questions to create intent and help resolve customer problems while enhancing the customer experience's reach, responsiveness and personalization.
To nobody’s surprise, Chatbots are expected to become more popular in the future as nearly 40% of internet users globally prefer dealing with Chatbots over virtual agents and key industries such as retail and healthcare are transitioning to digital technology. In fact, according to Insider Intelligence, the use of chatbots could save the healthcare, banking and retail industries $11 billion by 2023. That's a whole lot of cha chings!
TechDogs' Opinion: Chatbots are becoming more popular as consumers want a digital experience that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Chatbot architecture and design will progress to the point where conversational AI will be the norm for customer support. In 2021 and beyond, you can expect to see more Chatbots that speak to you in a human-like voice. This, of course, creates a more personable atmosphere for anyone navigating through a website (it will not be as creepy as HAL nor as romantic as Samantha—we promise).
Trend 2: Healthcare Will Reap The Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence

The year 2020 witnessed the scariest pandemic since the Spanish flu more than a century ago. The healthcare sector was (and still is) overburdened with infected, overworked and exhausted medical personnel #SaluteToOurMedicalHeroes. Individuals with various ailments and disorders that necessitate emergency assistance are unable to obtain the attention they require.
To that the council of AI overlords shrugged and said, we must help humans defeat the tiny virus!
Like always, technology has come to the rescue: AI has significantly benefited and will continue to aid the health care systems as it can process information and make decisions that closely replicate what a human would do. This makes for endless possibilities! AI can automate various activities such as triage and diagnosis, reviewing their patients' medical records to identify high-risk individuals and more.
According to 24X7, in 2021, hospitals will increasingly use Artificial Intelligence to enhance diagnoses, augment patient outcomes while at the same time increasing their revenue.
TechDogs' Opinion: Clinical therapies, treatment regimens and the overall healthcare industry will advance significantly with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence in 2021. AI-powered analytics will aid in the early diagnosis and treatment of a patient's condition, as well as the recommendation of preventive measures to avoid disease transmission. AI technologies will also enable doctors to monitor their patients' health remotely, increasing teleconsultation and remote treatment #AICouldSaveUsAll.
Trend 3: Guidelines Regarding Ethical Artificial Intelligence Will Be Put In Place

Though Artificial Intelligence is altering the way organizations operate, there are questions about how it will affect our lives and how certain AI algorithms reach specific conclusions. Certain AI technologies have been reported to have biases against gender identity and even race (Come on, AI! It's 2021!) However, did you know that AI can actually have biases based on the data that it is fed? So, it's still the fault of the us, humans.
Understanding the need of the hour, accredited companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and other tech behemoths are developing ethical AI to adhere to an ethical framework. #BetterLateThanNever. This framework includes four essential principles for effective data governance: fairness, accountability, transparency and explainability. Tech firms are launching a number of programs and conducting research to encourage other businesses to embrace ethical AI with individualized tactics based on the needs of the business.
TechDogs' Opinion: In 2021, expect to see ethical guidelines regarding AI put in place and strictly enforced on a global level #EthicalPoliceAlert. Given how quickly trends change, customers and employees with solid values want firms to use AI carefully. In the subsequent years, businesses will actively seek out partners devoted to data ethics and avoid any shady companies that can manipulate customer data for selfish reasons. Failure to operationalize AI ethics will be a threat to the company as missing ethical AI might increase regulatory, legal and reputational risks.
Trend 4: Artificial Intelligence And The Internet of Things (IoT) Will Become More Enmeshed
Remember in 2001: A Space Odyssey when they got into the evacuation pod? Well, now it's your turn! Hop into your pod to investigate how Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) will be used in conjunction more in the following years. The line is starting to blur between Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things!
The Power! It's Alive! It's Alive!
Ok ok, time to talk about AI and IoT.
Today, voice assistants, such as Alexa and Siri, are a fixture in many modern households. Guess what they are a product of? That's right, the marriage between AI and IoT.
IoT refers to sensors embedded in machines that provide data streams via internet access. Like Luke Skywalker had to go through training with Yoda; all IoT-related services must go through five stages: develop, communicate, aggregate, analyze and act. Without a doubt, the worth of the "Act" is determined by the preliminary analysis. As a result, the precise value of IoT is established at the analysis stage. This is where Artificial Intelligence technology comes into play. While IoT delivers data, AI gains the ability to unlock replies, providing both creativity and context to drive smart actions. Businesses can make educated judgments since the data supplied by the sensor can be evaluated using AI. A study from Gartner says that over 80 percent of organizations' IoT efforts will utilize an AI component in the next year. That's a 10 percent increase!
TechDogs' Opinion: In 2021, organizations will be able to achieve higher success by combining AI with IoT to provide intelligent decision-making, customer delight, precise prediction, cost savings identification and better operational efficiency #YayAIAndIoT. The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence into IoT will aid smart devices such as wearable devices, virtual assistants, refrigerators and so on in effectively analyzing data and making smart decisions based on the acquired data without the need for human interaction, isn’t that nice? Major corporations will choose to use AI technologies to realize the promise of IoT fully and rest assured, cool tech loving start-ups won’t be far behind in the race. Leading IoT platform providers such as Oracle, Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce will also begin to integrate AI capabilities into their IoT applications in unprecedented ways. The future is bright, you just wait and watch, Hal!
Trend 5: Artificial Intelligence Will Ramp Up Cybersecurity To Help Catch The Bad Guys

Imagine Jake Peralta solving cybercrimes with the help of Artificial Intelligent robots- that's a Brooklyn 99 episode waiting for the Emmys. You have to be living under a rock not to realize that cybersecurity has been in the spotlight for the past few years. Though we all love a Robinhood like Mr. Robot, the number of public reports of hackers infiltrating large companies and stealing sensitive customer and insider information is higher than ever before, which is just not acceptable. Not to undermine the fact that these attacks will only continue to rise in 2021. According to a study conducted at the University of Maryland, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds; that's too much, man!
Realizing the importance of cybersecurity, organizations are increasing the pace at which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is adopted to ensure cybersecurity. According to Kevin Skapinetz, IBM Security vice president, AI can act as an advisor to cybersecurity analysts, helping them quickly identify and connect the dots between threats as well. There's no doubt about it; AI is changing the game for cybersecurity, analyzing massive quantities of risk data to speed response times and augment under-resourced security operations.
TechDogs' Opinion: As threats continue to overwhelm companies, more and more businesses will turn to the AI overlords to help them catch the nefarious hackers and secure their data and business. The all-giving AI overlords will provide AI-based security systems that will improve threat hunting by adopting behavior analysis. Additionally, AI techniques will simplify vulnerability management capabilities that organizations face daily. Moreover, other tools like event and user behavior analytics powered by AI will help organizations detect anomalies on servers or even analyze the user behavior before the attack occurs #NoiceToitSmort.
You Got Through This One Without a Scratch! Thanks, HAL!
Artificial Intelligence has been vital in driving business operations and will continue to do so, especially in analytics and making predictions based on vast amounts of data. On the one hand, Chatbots will help visitors of websites navigate and have a code of ethics for AI to ensure that it assists organizations at the highest level possible, without trampling people's right to privacy. At the same time, the healthcare industry will widely use the latest AI-based tools to improve diagnosis and increase patient treatment. AI will help smart devices efficiently analyze data and make intelligent decisions based on their data when they merge with IoT. Just in case all this activity will increase cyber threats, AI-based security systems that will improve threat hunting by adopting behavior analysis.
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