TechDogs-"5 Big Data Trends To Look For In 2021"

Data Management

5 Big Data Trends To Look For In 2021

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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That's right, you and The Incredible Hulk are starring in a movie - The Big Bad Big Data Trends. In this flick, you'll go on a journey to unveil the top 5 Big Data trends for 2021 and beyond.

Whenever you use a mobile app or a website, you create data. Browsing in itself makes tons of data from your browsing history and location, for instance. This collection of this vast amounts of data is known as Big Data and yes, it is much larger than our fellow green Avenger!

Organizations love Big Data because it allows for massive amounts of data to be processed together. In doing so, patterns emerge that help organizations make intuitive business decisions. Don’t take our word for it – even the genius Dr. Bruce Banner recommends you adopt these Big Data trends to make full use of your business data. So, join us as we take a look at the top 5 #BigData trends for 2021 and beyond.
TechDogs-Big Data Smash-"5 Big Data Trends To Look For In 2021"
Hey Mr. Bruce Banner AKA the Big Man, can you guess the average amount of data you generate every second from your activities online? The answer is 1.7 megabytes- stop looking at us, Google!

It's time for you and Hulk to get out that magic remote and learn more about how Big Data is affecting the world—and no, you don't have to hulk out to understand these trends.

According to an IDC report, it was found that there was going to be a spike in global data volume. In the past seven years, it grew from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes. In the next three years, you'll see it get up to 163 zettabytes. Big Data has matured from merely assimilating and utilizing data, it's become the centerpiece of many businesses' operations.

It's time to dive into the deep end, ladies and gentlemen; keep that magic remote handy, here are the top 5 Big Data trends for 2021.

Trend 1: The Merging Of Artificial Intelligence And Big Data

TechDogs-Trend 1: The Merging Of "Artificial Intelligence" And "Big Data"-2D Image Of Scientists Studying Neural Connections- Programmers Writing Codes For Machine Brain - (AI) Refers To Intelligent Machines That Can Learn On Their Own -The Goals Of AI Are As Follows: General Intelligence, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Automated Learning And Scheduling And Reasoning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to intelligent machines that can learn on their own. No, Mr. Hulk, they can't  turn you into Professor Hulk… well, not yet!

Like French fries are incomplete without ketchup, AI isn't much without Big Data and  vice versa. So, like Timon and Pumba, the two always work together. AI helps make informed decisions based on insights received by integrating Big Data. This can be useful for organizations who want to get to know their customers better.

How does this work? Data is sent into an AI engine and this makes the AI model more intelligent. This leap of intelligence will make it so that AI will need lesser human intervention, helping AI and Big Data will reach their fullest potential on the planet!

According to a recent study by Forbes, a combination of AI and big data can automate over 80% of all physical work, 70% of work in processing and 64% of data collection activities. In addition to their contributions to marketing and commercial activities, these two principles have the potential to supercharge knowledge and utilization of expertise.

TechDogs’ Opinion: So, where's this all headed? Well, the goals of AI are as follows: general intelligence, robotics, natural language processing, machine learning, automated learning and scheduling and reasoning.

In 2021 and beyond, you can expect to see the enhancement of AI with Big Data's use of Natural Language Processing. This will allow AI to analyze data and make predictions that influence decision-makers more accurately and ultimately drive business decisions and actions. Increased AI application in human interactions will make a substantial contribution to enhancing customer experiences and boosting the speed with which customer concerns are resolved.

Trend 2: The Evolution Of DataOps

TechDogs-Trend 2: The Evolution Of "DataOps"-2D Image Of Group Of Analysts Working On Graphs -  DataOps, Portmanteau Of Data And Operations- An Emerging Field That Combines The DevOps Teams With Data Engineering And Data Science To Supply Data-Focused Business With Tools, Processes And Organizational Structures
Organizations have had a difficult time with good collaboration around their data. Not as difficult as watching Hulk smash Thor at Sakaar, though! Geez, that was an epic fight! Coming back to business, adopting such transformative applications as Artificial Intelligence is hindered and DataOps is the answer to this problem.

What exactly is DataOps though? DataOps, a cute portmanteau of Data and Operations, is an emerging field that combines the DevOps teams with data engineering and data science to supply data-focused business with tools, processes and organizational structures.

Data analytics with its advanced self-service technologies has been a great hit at the company level and with DataOps, an agile solution for data management is now accessible. This implies that users may now greatly enhance the speed and quality of data management by utilizing automated and process-oriented solutions.

According to VentureBeat, there is a challenge in making sure DataOps is right because there are many stakeholders and operations involved in the life cycle of data. With DevOps running correctly, organizations will be able to develop, test and ultimately employ updates for apps in mere hours. Otherwise, it's difficult to move quickly in the world of data as it can take over half a year for Machine Learning models to be integrated into business workflows and deliver the value you can sink your teeth into.

TechDogs’ Opinion: The year 2021 is all about DataOps enhancing business operations with the miraculous use of AI, Data analytics and self-service technologies. DataOps in operational data management and self-service analytics will provide a seamless workflow throughout the whole information value chain on the business side. Furthermore, organizations will seriously benefit from DataOps as its extension and evolution will help support Artificial Intelligence.

Trend 3: The Analytics Of Big Data

TechDogs-Trend 3: The Analytics Of "Big Data"-2D Image Of A Man With Laptop Analyzing Infographics. Diagram, Bar Chart, Report, Analysis - This Type Of Analytics Makes A Map Of The Steps A Customer Takes When Interacting With A Business
If businesses want to have a competitive edge over their competitors, then analytics is the answer; this isn't foosball, boy! Take a gander at a couple of different types of analytics.

First, you can expect to see a rise in real-time speech analytics in 2021. If you have a rep on a live call, they can get guidance in real-time with this type of speech analytics. If a call is going awry, technology can save the day. There are conversational techniques proven to be most effective and real-time speech analytics ensures that reps will say the right thing for every specific situation.

Research from Dataversity states, if organizations don't really invest in analytics as a whole, then there's a good chance they won't be in business for long.

TechDogs’ Opinion: Another type of analytics you're sure to see more of in 2021 is customer journey analytics. This type of analytics makes a map of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a business. This illustrates a customer's entire experience with a brand from start to finish. Businesses that better understand their customer’s journey can better prepare for the needs of their customers. They want to get customers from consideration to purchase and boy, can it be an uphill climb for marketers to ensure that the customers have a fun ride.

Trend 4: Moving Analysis To The Edge

TechDogs-Trend 4: Moving Analysis To The "Edge"-Image Of A Circuit With Blue Digital Background- Combining Big Data And Edge Computing Is To Improve The Flexibility And Accuracy Of Responses Made By Machine Learning, Regardless Of The Situation

Some say Hulk can move planets but can he move data analysis to the edge? Even though there has been an increase in popularity of public cloud providers, businesses don't want to entrust all their operations concerning data to a third party. This makes a hybrid cloud environment seem more appealing. Enter edge computing, which not just addresses this need but surpasses it. Edge computing not only captures, stores, processes and analyzes data right under your nose, it does that exactly at the source of origin - where the data is generated. Since it doesn't have to send data anywhere for analysis and storage, it allows for quicker data processing with a more effective response time. Much like Hulk’s ability to leap across continents in the blink of an eye or in movie speak from one scene to the next.    

The primary goal of combining Big Data and edge computing is to improve the flexibility and accuracy of responses made by machine learning, regardless of the situation. If you think about it, IoT devices generate a lot of data and you can gain a lot of insights about that data through cloud analytics. However, when you move this analysis to the edge, more data can be accessed faster, which results in businesses being able to act on insights at an unprecedented rate.  

TechDogs’ Opinion: With the rising adoption of IoT devices in various industries, edge computing will be in demand to provide edge-based data analytics. In 2021 and beyond, expect to see more organizations moving their data analysis to the edge so that they can streamline analysis and make better business decisions on the fly. That certainly could’ve helped Banner streamline things with Hulk during the Infinity War, right? 

Trend 5: Data as a Service (DaaS) And More Efficient Data Maintenance Is Coming

TechDogs-Trend 5: "Data as a Service" (DaaS) And More Efficient Data Maintenance Is Coming-2D Image Of Woman Working On Data Server - DaaS Helps Business Employees Work From Their Homes While Using A Myriad Of Devices To Do Their Job

What is Data as a Service, you ask?  

Well, Mr. Banner, it's only one of the latest and greatest Big Data trends in 2021! DaaS is a strategy for data management and a model for deployment that centers around the public or private cloud. This then allows data-related services such as analytics, processing, or storage to be delivered. This will make it so that Artificial Intelligence will need lesser human intervention, helping Artificial Intelligence and Big Data reach their fullest potential!   

In 2021 you'll see more efficient data maintenance with the rise of DaaS. DataFloq reports that the delivery of DaaS will add to the data flexibility and more efficient data maintenance at a price that organizations can more easily afford. This can happen in a minimum time period. Look at Urban Mapping, a service for geography data, which provides DaaS to customers so that they can incorporate it into their applications and their website. 

TechDogs’ Opinion: Gartner forecasts that the number of users for DaaS will grow by over 150% between 2020 and 2023. That's because DaaS will help businesses set up cost-effective and secure remote working spaces. Simultaneously, it will allow employees to work from their homes while using a myriad of devices.  

Over And Out!

There are many areas where Big Data will prove to be a key component in the future of any competitive business. With trends such as AI and analytics, Big Data will help companies make predictions about their customers' behavior, among other benefits. You don't have to Hulk out, just embrace the knowledge of these Big Data trends and you'll be ahead of the curve!

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