TechDogs-"Top 5 User Virtualization Software Of 2022"


Top 5 User Virtualization Software Of 2022

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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It's no news that the pandemic brought about the adoption of remote work on an unprecedented level. We were all stuck indoors - working and socializing from home. While this is probably not the right time and place to discuss the challenges brought in by COVID-19, we do want to bring forth one major hurdle that managements across organizations faced while switching their teams to a remote setup - infrastructure.

Moving the work environment for each and every employee, situated at different locations, while making sure that the business data is secure, was no cakewalk. Employees had to literally carry entire desktops and machinery from offices to their homes to be able to work.

Well, it's no longer the rush hour and you can now think of more effective ways to make remote work - and your greatest ally can be a User Virtualization Software.

It replicates the work environment for individuals irrespective of where they are or what device they're on. To make your task even simpler, we've shortlisted the top 5 picks in User Virtualization Software that you can choose from.
TechDogs-Virtualization Makes It All Feather!-"Top 5 User Virtualization Software Of 2022"
We don't know about you but we never miss out on a Will Smith film - you can call it our Pursuit of Happiness! And we would definitely not miss out on a feature with Will Smith and Spider-Man (read Tom Holland!). Even if it just has their voice-overs.

Spies in Disguise - an animated spy comedy where Holland, a genius scientist, turns Smith, a celebrated spy, into a bird (because, why not!). If you're wondering why a pigeon is a perfect disguise or how Smith aced it as a bird, you have to watch the film.

For now, we'd like to tell you about Holland, playing the character of Walter Beckett who's a gifted but unappreciated scientist. In fact, we'd just like to focus on Walter's lab. When we say lab, you'd be imagining a full-fledged facility with test-tube, glass windows and random codes running on large computers, right? Ah, too old school!

Walter's lab was just a backpack. A cute little backpack that transformed into a mini-computer-cum-apparatus and had all the possible tools and equipment Walter needed - it was a mobile laboratory. Cool, right?

Walter was working and creating chemical potions and inventing cool gadgets from virtually anywhere. He could be on a plane or in the middle of an intense fight scene - his lab was right there with him.

Cutting to the chase, the closest you can get to owning a mobile lab or in your case a mobile workstation is a User Virtualization Software - that can store and load your work environment with the same interface, same data, on any device you'd like. It has a central IT resource that hosts multiple other IT resources, including applications, servers, clients, storage capacities, or networks - essentially, your user identity is stored on the cloud and you can access it and work wherever, whenever you like.

We know you can't wait to get your hands on your mobile workspace - but which one should you go for? Fret not, we have taken care of that too, here are the top 5 User Virtualization Software you can choose from.

Top 5 User Virtualization Software Of 2022

User Virtualization Software gives you the flexibility to manage and work with the mobile workforce. Based on key features, affordability, ease of use and other parameters, here are the top 5 User Virtualization Software that stood out to us.

Note: These tools are in random order. We could not rank them - it's as tough as ranking all the Spider-Man actors!
Ivanti Workspace Control  
Citrix Profile Management
Liquidware ProfileUnity
Microsoft User Experience Virtualization  

Tool 1: Ivanti Workspace Control

Combining the experience of the old and the zest of the young, Ivanti was launched in 2017 with the merger of the veteran Landesk and the novice Heat. Ever since Ivanti has been dedicated to developing solutions related to IT security and IT service management. Spread over 36 countries worldwide, Ivanti has a solid network of over 8000 service delivery partners and more than 45,000 customers.
Coming to its User Virtualization Software, Ivanti Workspace Control is your friendly Joe next door that works great for small and mid-sized companies. It is known to adapt well to any possible working environment well - be it physical, virtual, or on the cloud. No matter where your team chose to work from, whichever device they use, they'd always have a familiar user workspace waiting for them. Not just that, your employees get to keep their individual customization in their user systems and don't have to work with the standard company settings only.

The most amazing part about Ivanti Workspace Control is that it allows you to easily manage access control. It has got Workspace Containers where you can completely turn off parts of the workspace for certain user profiles like a guest or test users and restrict their access in a single click. Not to mention its user-friendly management console that makes managing access and users a breeze.

Tool 2: VMware

With over 20 years of experience, VMware workstation is a leading digital solutions provider with software spanning across App Modernization, Cloud, Networking & Security and Digital Workspace. VMware has a strong network of over 30,000 partners working towards making innovative solutions across industries, right from banking, healthcare and government to retail, telecommunications, manufacturing and transportation.

TechDogs-"Tool 2: VMware"-Image Screenshot Of VMware Dashboard- VMware Works Across The Virtual Machine, Physical And Cloud-based Windows Desktop Environments And Lets You Run Multiple Virtual Apps And Operating System Workloads On A Single Virtual Server - Thus Enabling Better Resource Management
As for VMware data Virtualization Software, it is loved by enterprises for its dynamic policy configuration. With large enterprises, policies can vary depending on the region of operation - VMware takes care of that. It works across the virtual machine, physical and cloud-based Windows desktop environments and lets you run multiple virtual apps and operating system workloads on a single virtual server - thus enabling better resource management.

That's not all. Since it can literally transfer every possible tool and customization on a virtual desktop, it is perfect for distributed teams - especially for the ones working on different servers. Using this tool, you can literally jump from one server to another in mere seconds and access them all virtually.

Tool 3: Citrix Profile Management

Three decades into the industry now, Citrix has evolved as a multinational cloud computing and server virtualization software technology company that provides physical server, application and local desktop virtualization, networking, software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing technologies. Today, Citrix products are trusted by over 100 million users from 40,000 customer organizations including 99% of the Fortune 100 and 98% of the Fortune 500.

TechDogs-"Tool 3: Citrix Workspace"-Image Screenshot Of Citrix Workspace Dashboard-The Way Citrix Works Is That It Loads A Workstation Remotely Through A Connected (Paired!) Device - A Much Secure And Portable Way Of Managing Data And Resources
Workspace is a complete digital workspace tool for those who love speed. (No, not the movie with Keanu and Sandra Bullock - everyone loves that Speed!) With Citrix, you don't have to wait for your workstation to load irrespective of how much data you have stored on the server. The way Citrix works is that it loads a workstation remotely through a connected (paired!) device - a much secure and portable way of managing data and resources.

The best part is that managing, adding, removing and setting up user profiles is super smooth on Citrix Workspace. Not just that, if you're looking to provide your team with complete flexibility to work and customize their workspaces, Citrix will not disappoint you.

Tool 4: Liquidware ProfileUnity

A young player in the lot, Liquidware is a hidden gem like Walter Beckett (the scientist guy - keep up people!). Launched in 2009, Liquidware is a company dealing solely with desktop virtualization solutions. Founded by industry veterans, Liquidware has solutions that complement leading platforms including Citrix® Virtual Desktops and Apps (formerly XenApp/ XenDesktop) VMware® Horizon, Amazon® WorkSpaces, physical and Microsoft® WVD and RDSH desktops as well as cloud-hosted desktops on Amazon, Google and Azure.

TechDogs-"Tool 4: Liquidware ProfileUnity"-Image Screenshot Of Liquidware ProfileUnity Dashboard-Liquidware ProfileUnity Has Got All The Common Features You'd Need Including Profile Portability, Profile Clean-up, Role-based Access And Auditing And Much More
Liquidware ProfileUnity is an advanced User Virtualization technology Tool built exclusively for all versions of Windows OS. It's a complete server virtualization solution that lets you manage access of different users, set user rights and add context and location policies as per your requirements. It has got all the common features you'd need including Profile Portability, Profile Clean-up, Role-based Access and Auditing and much more.

What's great is that Liquidware ProfileUnity is the industry's first remote desktop software that ensures that user-authorized data such as 'My Documents' is also saved and available on central, shared storage. It does not just redirect folders but also migrates data to the user's file share or cloud virtual storage in the background without affecting the user's productivity. This way, all redirects are seamless.

Tool 5: Microsoft User Experience - Virtualization Technology

A mega-giant in the list, Microsoft as a company needs no introduction. On the mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, Microsoft has divulged in possibly every business domain with a wide range of software and solutions, including User Experience. Its User Experience - Virtualization (UE-V) is yet another testament to the company's capabilities.

TechDogs-"Tool 5: Microsoft User Experience - Virtualization Technology"-Image Screenshot Of Microsoft UE-V Dashboard-Microsoft UE-V Allows Windows Users To jump From One Device To Another Without Losing Out On Any Of Their Applications, Operating System Settings And Data
Microsoft UE-V allows Windows users to jump from one device to another without losing out on any of their applications, Operating System settings and data. Like any other User application Virtualization tool, this also builds a consistent user experience throughout. However, along with that, it also has templates to specify the end user's settings that can be accessed quickly and easily.

That's not all - the company recently released UE-V 2. x which lets administrators choose which applications and local desktop virtualization settings they wish to synchronize across devices. Oh wait, did we tell you that this is true for third-party applications too? Overall the tool allows you to synchronize the settings for all applications you want across every device you plan to use.

How To Choose Your Winner?

Even though all User Virtualization Software market that we mentioned are acing their game, choosing the one that's perfect for your team should totally depend on ease. While you'd find that each of these five wouldn't disappoint you in terms of functionality, how well your team can work with it is a completely different ballgame. An excellent way to make the right choice is by using a small group of representatives to try the tool and share feedback. The easier it is for them to navigate, the faster it will be for your team to work with.

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