TechDogs-"Top 5 Single Sign-On Solutions of 2022"

IT Security

Top 5 Single Sign-On Solutions Of 2022

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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In today's digital age, everyone is using the Internet and this trend shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. What this means is that people are logging into many different websites daily and some people even have dozens of active logins at any given time. Hence, we believe that the concept of Single Sign-on Solutions becomes critical to understand - and not just for the Gen- Z!

Single Sign-on Solutions aka SSO Solutions is a user authentication method in which a user signs into a website or platform once and is automatically logged in whenever they revisit in the future. For those of us who are terrible at remembering passwords (who isn’t!), it cuts short the hassle and needless frustration of logging in again and again for different websites.

However, there's a lot of confusion surrounding Single Sign-on Solutions. That is why this article by #TechDogs is here to clear things up and along with it, unveil the top players in the market. Let's get started!
TechDogs-"Top 5 Single Sign-On Solutions Of 2022"-I Don't Believe In Energies But I Believe In These Single Sign-On Solutions!
Before we begin, let's take you to a scene from the Marvel movie in which Dr. Stephen Strange is fighting some gigantic inter-dimensional villain. Now, imagine Dr. Strange opening his portal to a strange (pun intended!) dimension to banish the villain but it says ACCESS DENIED! or ENTER LOGIN DETAILS! Now that would be a worry, right? Nevertheless, it's Dr. Strange we are talking about, the master of Sling Ring so he need not worry about this fuss of login details or passwords.

The sad reality is that we are not Dr. Strange! The good news is that we have our very own Sling Ring – Single Sign-on Solutions! A software or rather a magical gateway that saves your time by allowing us to log in to a website or enterprise platform using credentials from existing accounts namely Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter.

Single Sign-on Solutions simplify the username and password management for both users and administrators. This means you'll be able to access your email, Office 365 suite, SharePoint site and other cloud-based apps all with the same login each time. If your company's IT department uses SSO, you won't have to remember yet another password, making your work life quite breezy.

With that being said, here are the Top 5 Single Sign-on Solutions of 2022!

Top 5 Single Sign-on Solutions Of 2022

Single Sign-on is an authentication mechanism that allows a user to log into many connected but separate software systems or websites using a single login ID. Businesses deploy a Single Sign-on Solution (SSO Solution) to enable users to log in once and access services without having to re-enter login credentials. Nifty, right?

Here are the top 5 Single Sign-on Solutions of 2022 – in random order!
Ping Identity
Ping Identity
Thales SSO Application Catalogue
Thales SSO Application Catalogue
Okta Single Sign-On
Okta Single Sign-On
OneLogin Secure Single Sign-On
OneLogin Secure Single Sign-On
Symantec Siteminder
Symantec Siteminder

Tool 1: Ping Identity

Ping Identity Corporation is a Single Sign-on solutions provider that has been a dominant player in the authentication and authorization space since its inception in 2002. This awesome company was named as one of Gartner's "Leaders" for Access Management in 2021. Moreover, it was recognized as a leader by Expert Insights Fall 2021 “Best-Of” in Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication categories.
Ping Identity is a simple Single Sign-On Solution that currently helps more than 2 billion identities worldwide, including several world's leading companies, providing comprehensive solutions such as MFA (Multifactor Authentication), SSO (Single Sign-On), Directory Admin Portal, Adaptive Authentication Guidelines among other features you need to run your business effectively!

The platform also allows easy cloud deployment and unlimited application integrations. If that wasn't enough already; they provide support for all customers regardless of their industry or needs! Moving your IAM (Identity And Access Management) solution from on-premises data centers to the cloud apps can save you significant IT operational costs with no degradation in product quality – something Ping Identity makes quite simple.

Ping Identity is more than just an advanced Single Sign-On Solution, it offers significant savings while providing you with uninterrupted support!

Tool 2: Thales SSO Application Catalog

Thales, a well-known technology company, currently offers solutions to over 30,000 companies in 68 countries across the world. Thales uses Gemalto's Trusted Digital ID Services Platform and SafeNet Trusted Access after acquiring identity security company Gemalto in 2019. In turn, SafeNet was acquired by Gemalto in 2015 for their SSO Solution for its SSO and MFA (Multifactor Authentication) features. Thales has won several recognitions, including Expert Insights’ Best of Single Sign-on Solution and Cyber Security Excellence Awards 2022. #WellDeservedRecognition
Businesses looking to deploy cloud applications and services face a hassle when it comes down to managing online identities and user access. Hence, securing access to maintain user convenience while also remaining compliant with regulations is where this solution helps businesses ace the game.

Not just that, this Single Sign-On Solution by Thales features an easy administration tool to help you manage online identities and stay compliant without slowing down user experience. It does all this by providing users with secure access to work environments and enterprise applications so they can log in from various devices and locations without entering credentials again and again. This eliminates password fatigue among end-users and lowers the IT management overheads for businesses.

Tool 3: Okta Single Sign-on

Okta is a US-based identity and access management company based in San Francisco that was established in 2009 with an aim to provide developers with tools to build identity and access controls. They are known for providing cloud software that helps companies manage and provision user authentication into applications, websites, web services and business devices. Okta has been several awards, notably as the Top Performer in 2021 by G2.
With Okta SSO Solution you won't need a different password every time you log in because it gives your users access from any device and location they choose as well as the ability to reset the password themselves!

It's a no hidden fact that one of the most time-consuming tasks for IT teams is managing all users' access. With Okta, you can provide IT teams a single place to view and manage SSO data from both internal employees and external partners. Precise real-time data will give your team instantaneous troubleshooting capabilities to address security issues, while prebuilt reports give you a deeper understanding of users’ logins in order to spot potential vulnerabilities or risks.

Long story short, this SSO Solution by Okta allows you to turn your end-user's frustration into appreciation! #NotKidding

Tool 4: OneLogin Secure Single Sign-on

OneLogin is a cloud based IAM company founded in 2009. OneLogin enables users to safeguard their logins (username and password) for multiple applications, as well as the ability to set more demanding password policies like length, use of special characters or complexity. OneLogin was featured in several top SSO lists, including being named a Top Performer in 2021 in the Identity Management Software category by G2.
OneLogin lives up to its name! Using this SSO Solution, admins can enable Multi-Factor Verification on all accounts that your employees have access to, ensuring only authorized people are granted access to business information. OneLogin Secure Sign-on Solution helps users make any number of logins for different applications using just one account! So, if you happen to have 8 WordPress blogs and 4 Google Apps accounts, there's no reason why you would need a different username/ password combination each time – with OneLogin it just takes one click!

Not just that, using OneLogin's social login feature, it is easy for your customers to sign into OneLogin accounts using their Facebook or Google credentials. The main benefit of this feature is the reduction in instances where users have to create new passwords while signing up on a site. With social login features, you can provide an excellent user experience by removing the need for them to remember multiple login information.

Tool 5: Symantec SiteMinder

Symantec (now known as NortonLifeLock Inc.) is a cybersecurity software and services provider for user authentication, auditing and administration. Symantec was purchased by Broadcom in August 2019. Today, it is a Fortune 500 company and a leading player in enterprise access management being deployed by thousands of enterprises around the world. Not only that, Symantec grabbed a rating of 4.5 stars by G2 in 2021 for their superb services!
Symantec SiteMinder is an SSO platform that enables user access control and helps monitor login data. It does so by giving many ways to verify user identity, including the Symantec VIP Access Monitor application that strips all personally identifiable information. Businesses can use these tools to authorize access and identify any anomalous behavior in their enterprise network including where and when it occurred.

This SSO tool also allows selectively enforcing multi-factor verification across the company infrastructure with ease, as well as using risk analysis from its Global Intelligence Network in order to give adaptive authentication capabilities.


SSO (Single Sign-On) Solutions have helped increase the security in enterprise environments. These solutions remove the need for users to access login and passwords for every individual application and system. Instead, users simply sign in once and the solution saves and directs the right credentials to the various systems and applications login. This improves application security, user convenience and speed of logins – not to mention people who cannot remember if their password had an “S” or a “$”.

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