TechDogs-"Top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools Of 2022"

Marketing Technology

Top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools Of 2022

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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We’ve all watched Moneyball – some may have watched it to drool over Brad Pitt, others for the love of baseball and few would have watched it for the love of data and analysis. The latter crowd would be a rare breed – but we know you’re out there somewhere!

The film is based on a baseball team from the 2002 season revolving around how the manager works to build the perfect team. Wondering why we are discussing a 2011 film in 2022? What’s the film got to do with marketing analytics anyway? You just are here for the top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools, right?

Well, well, well – the answer to both mysteries lies right here. So, without ado, dive right in to discover the top Marketing Analytics Tools out there and decode the Moneyball connection.
TechDogs-It's Not Hard To Get Analytical About Marketing!-"Top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools Of 2022"
Let’s get straight to the point, shall we? Moneyball is an amazing film. What? Did you think we were going to talk about Marketing Analytics Tools? Not so soon.

If you’ve watched the movie, you would remember how Brad Pitt used the Moneyball theory to pick a team of undervalued players that would eventually go on to achieve a 20-game winning streak and clinch the American League West.

What’s the Moneyball theory, you may ask? Well, it essentially uses data and statistics to predict whether a player would be able to hit and score runs based on their slugging percentage and on-base percentage. Before you start scratching your head – you don’t really need to know what that baseball jargon means. The crux is that data can give you great decision-making powers and help you strategize for success.

Clearly, your marketing teams know that and could really use data to make insightful marketing decisions to promote your business right. For any business – finding data is easy. Making meaning out of that data – not so much. That’s where you need a Marketing Analytics Tool.

A Marketing Analytics Tool assists marketers in determining the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and spending. They may monitor a range of critical indicators such as website traffic, page views, click-through rates and many others to inform marketers about which of their efforts yield desired results, which aren't and why. 

Now that you know what Marketing Analytics Tools can do for your business, let us look at our Top 5 Marketing Analytics Tools collection. (psst... we like them all, that is why they are in random order.)

Top Marketing Analytics Tools Of 2022

Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Tool 1: Google Analytics

If you’d ask us to introduce Google to you, we’d probably Google it first. The mega giant clearly has left a mark in every industry and domain it set foot in. Specializing in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software and hardware, Google is one of the Big Five companies in the American information technology industry – the FAANG club (or now MAANG – thanks to Meta!). One of its many services is Google Analytics.

A platform within the Google Marketing Platform umbrella, Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that records and reports utilizing information available on website traffic. It was born after the acquisition of Urchin in 2005 and stands tall today as the most extensively used web analytics service. Google Analytics has also undergone several versions since its inception. It is currently on its 4th iteration, which is called GA4.

TechDogs-"Tool 1: Google Analytics"-Image Screenshot Of Google Analytics - A Platform Within The Google Marketing Platform Umbrella, Google Analytics Is A Web Analytics Tool That Records And Reports Utilizing Information Available On Website Traffic
Google Analytics is one of the must-have Marketing Analytics Tools recommended for any company, big or small entering the digital marketing space. It helps you understand where users are coming from, how they were directed to your website, how much time they spend on it and much more.

In addition, Google Analytics is integrated with Google AdWords to help you analyze your digital ad campaigns with detailed insights. With this Marketing Analytics Tool, you can take insights into action and improve results across your sites, apps and even offline channels.

Tool 2: Heap

An exclusive digital insights platform, Heap is one of the recent entrants in the analytics market and has left a mark in the industry in less than a decade. Heap is one of our all-rounders on the list too. It’s got a web analytics application as well as a mobile analytics application. It works for companies across all industries including Ecommerce, SaaS (Software as a Service), fintech, retail, media and other industries. Launched in 2013, Heap has managed to gain nearly 6,000 customers in such a short span of time.

TechDogs-"Tool 2: Heap"-Image Screenshot Of Heap - Heap Is Used To Pick Up Events To Analyze Which Is Displayed On The Customizable Dashboard And Can Assist In Tracking Individual User Behavior And Segmenting
Coming to the platform, Heap allows you to track all the activities performed by your website visitors. It can also be used to pick up events to analyze which is displayed on a customizable dashboard and can assist you in tracking individual user behavior and segmenting them.  

That’s not all, organizations can use Heap to eliminate technical bottlenecks and acquire a single, comprehensive view of their customer's journey. Did we mention that it also gathers, organizes, evaluates and connects customer data? All of this together allows businesses to generate more valuable products and revise their marketing campaigns and experiences based on detailed insights.

Tool 3: TapClicks

Any list on marketing technology (MarTech) is incomplete without mentioning TapClicks on it. No, we’re not exaggerating. Founded a little over a decade ago, TapClicks has today become synonymous with all things MarTech and is one of most popular service providers for agencies, media firms, brands and B2B and B2C companies. It is a complete platform that allows you to handle marketing operations, manage orders, generate reports and workflows, leverage marketing intelligence and carry out marketing analytics. Thanks to the comprehensive capabilities of the platform, TapClicks has managed to provide over 1,000,000 dashboards to more than 5,000 brands and 500 media companies and agencies around the world in the past 13 years. 
Under the TapClicks platform, you’d find TapAnalytics – a full-service digital marketing analytics and reporting platform designed to gain deeper insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns. The platform combines marketing campaign data and performance metrics into a cohesive dashboard with automatic reporting and content analytics. #totallyeasypeasy

The best bit about choosing tapAnalytics is that you get the complete TapClicks package at your disposal – so you’re not analyzing in isolation but have an end-to-end perspective of your marketing campaigns, right from planning to execution. Any tweaks that you need to make based on your insights therefore become much easier and faster to execute with the platform. Insider secret: TapClicks is the most loved by agencies, especially the ones which have to prepare innumerable reports for their clients – they automate it!

Tool 4: Funnel

Funnel, founded in 2014 and headquartered in Stockholm, too is an exclusive marketing analytics platform that interfaces with all of your existing marketing and advertising platforms. Within 8 years, Funnel has managed to serve Ecommerce firms, media agencies, brands, B2B organizations, mobile apps also gaming companies including leading companies like Samsung, Adidas, Trivago and more.

TechDogs-"Tool 4: Funnel"-Image Screenshot Of Funnel - Funnel Interacts With All Marketing And Advertising Platforms And Allows To Input The Data Wherever We Choose, Into Whatever Tool We Want. Data Can Be Automatically Fed Into The Business Intelligence Tool, Data Warehouse, Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, Or Any Other Visualization Tool
Since its 2017 fundraising, the company has extended its industry-leading advertising data connectivity to cover various types of marketing data (including CRM, Ecommerce, SEO, Email and payments), providing its customers with an enterprise-grade data connectivity suite. 

The best part - Funnel interacts with all marketing and advertising platforms and allows you to input your data wherever you choose, into whatever tool you want. Data can be automatically fed into your Business Intelligence tool, Data Warehouse, Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, or any other visualization tool.

Tool 5: MixPanel

One of the most experienced one in the lot, MixPanel is a complete business analytics solution that works best with web and mobile applications. A leader in the product analytics industry, MixPanel is trusted by over 6000 paying customers and has been named the leader in Product Analytics, Summer 2021 by G2. Hey – but what about marketing analytics. Yes, we are coming to that.

TechDogs-"Tool 5: MixPanel"-Image Screenshot Of Mixpanel - With Mixpanel We Are Able To Track The Aftermath Of The Marketing Campaigns. It Tracks Events On Mobile App, Website Or Even Software Product To Track The User Activity From Different Campaigns
With MixPanel you’re able to track the aftermath of your marketing campaigns. It tracks events on your mobile app, website or even software product to track your user activity after they land there from different campaigns.

You can see trends, count, the users who used them and in what order. It also offers funnels and A/B testing for different versions of your mobile app. The best part – you can also execute a bunch of your marketing campaigns from the platform itself including In-app notifications, push-notifications, emails and more.

Summing It Up

Like in baseball, being an insights-driven organization pays out not only in victories but also in revenue - and in a significant way. So, swing your shot with the Marketing Analytics Tool that suits your needs and understands your customers better, drive your marketing campaigns the way it can fetch maximum ROI.

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