TechDogs-"Top 5 Learning Management Systems Of 2022"

Education Technology

Top 5 Learning Management Systems Of 2022

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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A wise man once said, "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

Don't you agree? Knowledge is something that always stays with you - no matter what. Chances are that you remember things you learned in school or college even though it's been ages since you attended. Surely, you still rely on the "knuckle mnemonic” to find out the number of days in a month!

However, top-notch education needs more than knuckles! The demands of learners have changed significantly over the past few decades and educational institutes needed to deliver on these new requirements. Especially after the onset of the pandemic, when students could not attend lectures in person, universities and colleges had to pivot to an entirely new model of education. Such an abrupt and unpredictable change would have been impossible to cope with, had they not embraced the best Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the market!

Not just educational institutions, even businesses are investing in LMS for simplifying upskilling and employee assessment. After reading this article, you will be able to name the top 5 Learning Management Systems in your sleep - although we sincerely hope that doesn't happen!
Techdogs-Nay Learning To Yay Learning!-"Top 5 Learning Management Systems Of 2022"
Who comes to mind when we say the words "coolest teacher ever"?" Yeah, sure, Mr. Garvey from 8th grade let you nap in class but since we need to keep this open for everyone, let's talk movies.

Some of you would say Miyagi-sensei from Karate Kid, while others might nominate Robin William's John Keating from Dead Poets Society or even Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus!

Well, you're not wrong - but how can anyone forget the swashbuckling, substitute teacher/part-time rock guitarist Dewey Finn from School of Rock! 

Anyone who has seen the movie certainly remembers Dewey being a one-man rock-and-roll dynamite who forms a rock-band with fifth graders to participate in the Battle of the Bands. Although his methods were unorthodox (we mean, who teaches multiplication through a song!), he ended up teaching his students about math, music, friendship and life - all because he was a passionate teacher!

Today, being passionate might not cut it. Learners across the globe are leveraging the latest technologies to learn new concepts, stay informed and pursue their education - and teachers need to do the same. So, for all the John Keatings out there, if you want to be groovy like Dewey, check out these top 5 Learning Management Systems now!

Top 5 Learning Management Systems Of 2022

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are being adopted in various fields to improve the quality of interaction and level of engagement between instructors and learners, as well as to automate the evaluation of training and overall student success. From digital courses to employee upskilling - these top 5 Learning Management Systems are the new star students!

Read on for the top 5 Learning Management Software of 2022 - in random order!
Adobe Captivate Prime
Adobe Captivate Prime
Google Classroom
Google Classroom

Tool 1: Instructure Canvas

Canvas LMS was developed by Instructure, an educational technology company based in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 2008. It was created specifically for K-5 and later offered services to higher education institutions as well. Within five years of its launch, over 9 million learners in roughly 300 colleges and universities were using the platform - talk about passing with flying colors!

TechDogs-"Tool 1: Canvas"-A Screenshot Of The Student Portal Of Canvas Lms
Canvas LMS is essentially a web-based software that allows educational institutions to create and deliver online learning materials for digital courses more quickly and effectively. It also aids in the grading and assessment of each student's learning (unlike Dewey, who does not believe in tests!) while increasing student engagement through feedback - no, not the guitar feedback. The MasteryPaths feature in Canvas even allows you to deliver training content that is tailored to each student's understanding and performance, resulting in a highly customized learning experience.

Remember when we were told not to talk during class by our teachers? Canvas isn't like that at all! Canvas allows teachers to engage with individual students, groups, the entire class and even parents via messaging, voice notes, videos and more. Apart from awesome communication features, Canvas also includes intuitive integrations with apps and tools, such as G Suite, Microsoft Teams and Adobe Suite in one unified learning hub.

Tool 2: Moodle

Moodle LMS is a free, open-source learning management platform. It was named a "Top Performer" in the Virtual Classroom Software category and an "Established Player" in the LMS category by Capterra in 2021. There's a reason it is considered one of the best online learning tools in the market!

TechDogs-"Tool 2: Moodle"-A Screengrab Of The Student Login Dashboard Of Moodle Lms
Moodle LMS is an open-source, customizable Learning Management System (LMS) with over 250 million users worldwide. Although Moodle is an open-source system, it boasts robust security and privacy features as it is used by millions of employees worldwide in business-related courses. Moodle LMS is unique in that it enables educators from any discipline to design dynamic online courses with engaging content. Yes, Dewey, you even can build a course on "how not to let the man bring you down!"

Another distinguishing feature is that the platform is interoperable with Mac, Windows, Linux and Android, ensuring that your learning program (and rock 'n rolling) continues regardless of the device you use. Moreover, users can track metrics such as course attendance, engagement, assessment results, etc., within the platform itself. Moodle also has a super-friendly UI for analytics and visualizations, which can be customized - right down to the "skin" to totally modify the appearance and feel of your site (or even an individual course).

Tool 3: Adobe Captivate Prime

Do we really need an introduction to Adobe? Okay, a quick recap for the backbenchers - formed in 1967 in the United States, Adobe is currently one of the most well-known tech firms in the world. Their flagship Learning Management System, Adobe Captivate Prime, was ranked #1 in "Best LMS Software To Use When Working Remotely" and "Top Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems For Corporate Training" categories by the eLearning Industry. Let's give their team an encore!

TechDogs-"Tool 3: Adobe Captivate Prime"-The Compliance Dashboard Of The Adobe Captivate Prime Lms
Adobe Captivate Prime is used by leading corporate businesses to train employees on various aspects such as customer interaction and technical upskilling. This LMS delivers an enjoyable collaborative learning experience for learner engagement, thanks to its easy-to-use and intuitive functionality. Moreover, just as Dewey realizes that every student is unique, this LMS can also differentiate between "Varied User Types" to change the level of assessment and quizzes based on training needs. You wouldn't judge Zack "Zack-Attack" Mooneyham (lead guitarist of School of Rock, duh!) by his drumming skills, would you?

Apart from the course management and engagement tracking features, the platform allows users to gamify courses - yes, Zack, fifty points if you get the "Smoke on the Water" guitar riff right on the first attempt! Another reason this tool features on our list is its ease of use, installation and quality of support provided by Adobe. Oh, did we mention learners can download content to learn offline!

Tool 4: Google Classroom

If Dewey believed in a God of Rock, we believe the following company (without being unkind to the other names on this list) is the God of Technology! The Big-G or Google, considered one of the Big Five companies in the American IT industry, also has its hands in the EdTech jar. In fact, Google Classroom was declared a "Top Performer in the Virtual Classroom Software" category by Capterra in 2021.

TechDogs-"Tool 4: Google Classroom"-A Screengrab Of The Google Classroom Classes Tab
Classroom is a part of the Google Apps suite and enables teachers to quickly create and manage lessons, provide timely feedback and communicate with their students. It allows educators to handle assignment submissions, assessments and grading swiftly through its automation features. As this LMS is cloud-based, it can be accessed anytime via desktops or mobile learning devices across all operating systems. We mean, it is a Google application after all!

Another highlight of Google Classroom is that it provides robust file-sharing options for communication with both internal and external stakeholders. Dewey had to resort to handing out CDs from his collection but with Google Classroom, you can share every learning resource with your students instantly - even if it's a Pink Floyd album!

However, where Classroom takes the cake is its provision of pre-built libraries of useable content. You see, sometimes professors like building online course material from scratch instead of modifying existing ones. This is called Course Authoring, which enables users to create (and own) content, which is made possible using existing information within the tool. Moreover, Classroom allows you to share this information in various formats - video, PDF, Google Doc, or even as a Google Forms survey!

Tool 5: Schoology

The final LMS on our list is awesome for various reasons - one being that its name is similar to our favorite rock band (no bonus points for guessing!). Schoology was founded in 2009 in the United States by PowerSchool, an educational technology firm. Since 2013, Schoology has won a "CODiE" award annually for nine wins in five years! Schoology was deemed the "Best Overall Education Solution" in 2016. At the 2017 SIIA CODiE Awards, it was also recognized the "Best Higher Education Enterprise Solution."

TechDogs-"Tool 5: Schoology"-A Screenshot Of The Unified Classes Tab In The Schoology Lms
Schoology is used by millions of students, parents, educators and administrators in thousands of K-12 school systems every day, pushing the envelope of online education forward. It simplifies administrational tasks such as calendaring, creating progress reports, reporting/analytics and assessments - so teachers can spend more time socializing with students. Schoology also provides a Parent Portal so crucial information can be conveyed to guardians/parents if need be. For instance, if their kids are missing classes to participate in the Battle of the Bands!

Being a cloud-based platform, Schoology Learning Management System supports desktops as well as mobile devices. One highlight of this LMS is that it includes SCORM compliance. Well, Dewey, SCORN (or Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of specifications for web-based electronic educational technology. Got that? Good, because there will be a quiz later!

We say that because Schoology includes a plethora of quizzes and assessments to help learner progress to better understand a particular subject or concept. Apart from that, Schoology checks the boxes for automatic grading, curriculum administration, employee training material, gamification, in-built content libraries and synchronous blended learning capabilities.



TechDogs-"Conclusion"-A Gif Of Dewey Finn Saluting Those About To Rock
We hope you've been taking notes, people! These 5 Learning Management Systems are at the top of their game - so, if you work at an educational institution or want to upskill your employees with professional development, these tools are your saviors!

To quote our favorite substitute teacher, Dewey Finn, "We roll tonight... to the guitar bite... and for those about to rock... I salute you."

However, we want to take this opportunity to salute all the excellent teachers out there who use the top Learning Management Systems to make awesome learning experiences - keep rocking!

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