TechDogs-"Unified Communications Monitoring Software: Decoded"

Communication And Collaboration Software

Unified Communications Monitoring Software: Decoded

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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Do you remember the popular series, Penguins of Madagascar? If you have watched it, then you must be aware of the super cute penguin characters; Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private. If you haven't watched it, let us brief you a little. This series takes you along on enticing missions with the covert penguins. In the series, Skipper is a proud and stubborn leader of the penguins but we are rooting for Kowalski, the Second-In-Command as Skipper's Lieutenant of Shock Unit (and for a good reason!).

Kowalski not only outranks other penguins in terms of height and intelligence but he's also a clever strategist and an inventor who believes that "super-spy teams aren't born, they're hatched." His splendid personality reminds us of Unified Communication Monitoring Software. No, seriously!

We bet your curiosity has piqued by now and you want to know how Kowalski is like a communications management tool, right? So, without further ado, delve into the article and explore all about this software that is no less than a Kowalski for your business!
TechDogs-"Unified Communications Monitoring Software: Decoded" - Monitor Comms Like Kowalski
First things first, let's understand what unified communication means. So, unified communication brings together multiple enterprise tools, namely voice calling, video conferencing, instant messaging and content sharing, to improve user experience and overall productivity.

Unified communication monitoring is an umbrella term for providing actionable insights across your entire enterprise collaboration infrastructure. It helps you keep your systems and services up 24/7 and your users connected while maintaining a superb network experience. Now, carrying out this tedious task manually is next to impossible and that's precisely where the hero of our article - Unified Communication Monitoring Software (read Kowalski for you!) comes to the fore. Let's see how!

You see, in the series, Kowalski is the brains of the team and possesses a dynamic encyclopaedic knowledge of anything and everything. In the same way, Unified Communication Monitoring Software is the brain of your organization that masters the art of data collection from unified communication networks. Kowalski is also excellent at planning and he often takes notes for Skipper. Likewise, Unified Communications Monitoring Software collects data (in a way, takes notes) and provides you with insights into the quality of the user's experience and the network's performance. Tad similar, aren't they!

Well, that's not all about it; the next section offers a comprehensive overview of Unified Communications Monitoring Software. Keep scrolling through.

What Is Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software?

From being a medic to a chief scientist to an inventor, Kowalski's knowledge and intelligence made him a one-man army and savior of his team. Similarly, UCM Software is a standalone product that is solely dedicated to monitoring various communication systems. Besides, it is a single tool taking care of all the communication monitoring needs of the more comprehensive IT infrastructure.

Unified Communication Monitoring Software AKA UCM Software collects the data from multiple systems such as APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), FTPs (File Transfer Protocols), or Management Information Base. Later, this data is analyzed to offer insights into the quality of user experience. These insights and analytics gained from UCM Software help users identify and troubleshoot any existing network problems to avoid downtime. This eventually helps in ensuring seamless communication.

After unboxing the concept of UCM Software, let's see how it evolved.

Evolution Of Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software

Kowalski has been a part of all three Madagascar movies. In the first part, he plays a minor role; in the second part, his role develops and we see him steering a plane. Whereas in third one, we see him inventing a Warp Drive and upgrading a SUV. Quite an evolution, isn't it! Even UCM Software evolved like Kowalski - read on and find out how.
  • In the 1980s, voice messaging and interactive voice response systems (IVRS) ruled the world.

  • Somewhere between 1995 to 2000, unified messaging (email, fax, voicemail, video messaging and so on) came to the fore. The same era introduced the world to find me/ follow me (technology that enabled phone-based calling at different locations on different phones), speech-controlled interface, etc. With the range of these inventions' companies started merging to create a more unified communication experience. 

  • From 2000 to 2005, companies started deploying IP networks in their environment and using their networks to transmit voice. Post-2005, web conferencing made a grand entry and by 2010, the popularity of instant messaging started skyrocketing. These bunch of new technologies and mediums of communication required a unified approach for monitoring various communication systems. The birth of UCM Software was the answer to all the queries and the rest is history.

Now that we are done decoding the evolution of UCM Software, let's hop on to the next section and figure out how it works!

How Does Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software Work?

Here we present a glimpse of the working of UCM Software:
  • Science and knowledge are the two things that drive Kowalski – look how cute he looks in his lab! In the same way, UCM Software is driven by innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities. UCM Software is based around intelligent workflow management but with specialized unified communication (UC) drivers. It works to create a set of standard processes for very complex, multi-service, multi-device and multi-network workflows.

  • This software discovers and monitors all your UC components and the underlying infrastructure to enhance the quality of your services. Some of the best UCM Software also enables you with the highest call and video quality by delivering and answering QoS (Quality-of-Service) in no time!

  • UCM Software works as a robust call monitoring shield helping you with historical call quality analysis and near real-time statistics. This software also offers you coverage for the entire collaboration stack, including media sources, gateways, locations, and servers. Super cool, isn't it!


After this brief know-how of working with UCM Software, let's figure out how this software benefits businesses. 


What Are The Benefits Of Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software?

Kowalski's intellect is the highest of all the penguins! Besides, he is also given the most challenging and possibly risky tasks and most of the time he accomplishes them. Good for you, Kowalski! That's how he benefited his squad. Likewise, UCM Software is also known for its wide range of benefits within the business landscape; here we present them in random order.
  • Seamless Communication

    With the help of UCM Software, you can monitor your multi-vendor platforms, calls, video conferences and remote contacts effectively. An advanced UCM Software also alerts your team regarding UC systems' loopholes and provides the optimal solutions to fix them.

  • Deep Monitoring

    UCM Software is a single tool to access complete visibility through your entire environment, including all vendors, applications, networks, endpoints, servers and devices. Additionally, UCM Software operates across your whole communication ecosystem and tests voice and video performance.

  • Robust Troubleshooting

    UCM Software identifies an end-user and meeting room in a blink of an eye. Testing is conducted under real-world conditions to minimize the risk of issues that may arrive in the field. This enables you with on-point troubleshooting and problem-solving even before the problem arises.

  • Productivity

    Once the teams and employees are assured that the technological hassles are taken care of, they can concentrate on the essential tasks that need more human intervention. In a way, UCM Software makes your team super productive and help them focus on vital tasks.

That was all about the past and present of Unified Communication Monitoring Software; join us as we reveal the future of this software.

Future Of Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software

"Wow, we are good-looking… all three Kowalskis… Mmmmm... hmmmm!" That's Kowalski after seeing the future Kowalskis in the ‘It’s About Time’ episode. Guess what, even we have fetched some trends related to the bright future of UCM Software! Excited to know? Delve right in!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already an integral part of unified communication monitoring. However, the future is all set to leverage the power of AI in the best possible manner. Seamless AI integrations into UCM Software will open gates for benefits such as real-time predictive transcription and instant insights. Besides, automated chatbots will continue to improve and rule the customer experience and interactions across the teams.

Moving ahead, the integration of cloud-based services in the UCM field will be more secure and scalable. Many enterprises will welcome cloud based UCM Software to ensure effective communication and collaboration. Besides this, virtualization will enable IT teams to build networks on the cloud from selected components to carry out company goals like teleconferencing, file storage and sharing, instant messaging and so on!

Sounds super enticing, right?

It's A Wrap…

From social media to email, mobile and video chat, virtual teams and remote working— communications have become essential for every business and every employee’s workday. With the shift toward adopting these communication tools also comes the need for monitoring tools that can give you detailed insights into how effectively your employees are using these channels. Unified Communication Monitoring Software (your very own Kowalski, duh!) is like a blessing when it comes to helping you keep tabs on various communication tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software?

Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software is a dedicated tool designed to monitor various communication systems within an organization. It collects data from multiple sources such as APIs, FTPs, and Management Information Base, analyzing it to provide insights into the quality of user experience. By identifying and troubleshooting network problems, UCM Software ensures seamless communication and helps prevent downtime. Essentially, it serves as a comprehensive solution for monitoring the performance and reliability of communication systems across the enterprise.

How does Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software work?

UCM Software operates using innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities to drive intelligent workflow management. It employs specialized drivers for unified communication (UC) to create standard processes for complex, multi-service, and multi-device workflows. By discovering and monitoring all UC components and infrastructure, UCM Software enhances service quality and delivers real-time statistics on call and video quality. It acts as a robust monitoring shield, offering historical call quality analysis and ensuring optimal performance across the entire collaboration stack.

What are the benefits of Unified Communication Monitoring (UCM) Software?

UCM Software offers a range of benefits to businesses, including seamless communication monitoring across multi-vendor platforms, deep visibility into the entire communication environment, robust troubleshooting capabilities, and enhanced productivity. By effectively monitoring UC systems and providing timely alerts and solutions, UCM Software enables organizations to identify and address issues proactively, ensuring uninterrupted communication and empowering teams to focus on critical tasks. Additionally, it enhances productivity by minimizing technological hassles and allowing employees to concentrate on essential responsibilities.

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