TechDogs-'All You Need To Know About Operational Analytics Software"

Business Intelligence

Understanding Operational Analytics Software

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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Batman has tried and tried to stop the Joker dead in his tracks but the Joker continues to prevail. If Batman doesn’t sit down to analyze all the data that Alfred has put together about the Joker’s day-to-day criminal activities then Batman may never outwit the Joker. Well, he has a loyal butler but what does your business have? How do you manage to figure out where your efforts are lacking? Or where your competition outdoes you? Fret not, Alfred’s here for you!
We’re kidding! However, we do have the next best thing – Operational Analytics Software. You could call it the technological version of Alfred that records your business’ day-to-day activities to help you find out what’s happening, why and where, so you can fill in the missing pieces.
By allowing businesses (and superheroes!) to see real-time data, Operational Analytics Software helps decision-makers make the most well informed decisions about the business’s performance, strategies and goals.
Read on to know what The Joker may not want you to know about Operational Analytics Software!
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Humor us for a bit, would you? Assume that the Batmobile actually collects data for Batman during all his expeditions, recording his movements, attacks and all the tools he uses during combat. Batman later uses this data and to understand which tool worked the best for him in each situation. Based on these insights, he becomes more efficient and successful in his future combats. Makes sense, right?

Whether it’s Alfred or Batmobile, gathering data of Batman’s activities is what helps him ace (and improve) his Batgame. After all, Batman knows best! Invariably, gathering data about your business’ operational activities would help you ace and improve your game too!

How do you that? Operational Analytics Software!

This software helps you discover weaknesses and liabilities in your existing processes to help individuals (or superheroes!) and the organization as a whole to improve their day–to-day activities and operations.

Curious how a simple software does all that? That is why we have prepared this ultimate guide to decode everything about Operational Analytics Software.

Let’s start with the “What.”

What Is Operational Analytics Software?

Operational analytics exists within the category of business analytics and is the process of gathering data on current operations (including real-time operations) and then using insights from this data to improve daily operations by making them more efficient.

So what is Operational Analytics Software? It is a set of tools in the form of software that allows businesses to gather data about everyday operations, organize and analyze this data to give businesses the knowledge they need to make decisions that will ultimately improve their overall operations.

Operational Analytics Software is also somewhat of a business psychic or fortune teller. It helps businesses predict the future and prepare using data that is gathered in real-time. Well, it can’t predict what The Joker will do next – but then again, given his history, can anyone?

Talking of predicting the future, let’s first take a look at how this tool evolved through the ages.

The Bygone: History Of Operational Analytics Software

Operations research became a bigger priority after World War II as there was a need to gather data in an effort to make better decisions while on the battlefield. (Although the first appearance of Batman was actually in a 1939 comic, he wasn’t the inspiration for this software!)

Decision Support Systems (DSS) came about in the 1970s as computers became more prevalent in larger companies. Decision Support Systems would sort data that decision-makers of the business could look at to make better decisions.

From the 1980s, through the beginning of the 1990s, we lived in the Information Age. Using information and Operational Analytics Software, some game-changing aspects of operational analytics came about during this era:
  • Earnings and operations reports

  • Pricing data

  • Growth data

  • Market trends data

Even Microsoft Excel was created in 1985 and had (and still has!) a huge impact on how businesses sort and filter operational data.

Let’s fast forward a little bit, as Machine Learning didn’t emerge until the early 2000s. With this came AI-based analytics processes that could engage in pattern recognition. At this point, operational analytics technology became pure gold for businesses.

With the rise of Google, the idea of predictive analytics turned into usable technology. It was the first of its kind to attempt to predict human behavior in an undeniably useful way for businesses. It became uniquely useful for the IT industry as this technology could provide businesses with insight generated without any need for research done by (lazy) humans.

That’s what brought Operational Analytics Software to its modern version and functions the way it does. Wait, how does it really function though? Here’s how!

How Does Operational Analytics Software Actually Work?

Where’s the Bat Belt when you need it? Thankfully Alfred has all the tools that Batman needs ready to go! That’s what Operational Analytics Software offers businesses as well!

A business may want to take a look at how often customers or visitors to their Ecommerce platform view or purchase a particular product (or leave it in the cart — you know who you are cart abandoners!).

The business utilizes Operational Analytics Software and makes use of graphs, visual models and website analytics models to look at past and present customer actions. With this real-time research done, business analysts can help the business make decisions based on what the software predicts about future customer behavior.

Some common tools used within Operational Analytics Software include:
  • Graphs/ Charts (Visual Models)

    These give businesses a visual representation of data so they may interpret it in a way that will influence their future decisions about day-to-day business activities.

  • Information Aggregation And Data Mining Tools

    Information gathered from multiple sources is analyzed and compiled into relevant insights, a job that is done by Operational Analytics Software. This job, when done manually, can lack consistency as well as accuracy. Data mining tools are used to gather the data, which in turn helps businesses be transparent about their operational analytics.

  • Machine Learning Models

    It refers to the automation of analytical model building.  This is all about refining a process that relies on human interaction as little as possible.  Patterns are recognized, data is observed and learned from and ultimately machines can provide insights based on what they have learned.

Using these tools, Operational Analytics Software helps you make processes and operations more efficient. For instance, they can predict when machinery may need to be serviced or when inventory is getting low and needs to be reordered.

We’ve covered the what and the how but is that all? Not really – you also need to know every possible type of Operational Analytics Software.

So, let’s dive right in!

The Vast World Of Operational Analytics Software!

Here are all the capabilities you get when you supplement your business operations with different Operations Analytics Software.
  • SEO Analytics

    This uses data about a business's search engine marketing activities and how it may be improved. A business can see what consumers and potential customers are searching for and use that to make their website more visible. This process can be improved upon to get more potential traffic to their website or application.

  • Video Conferencing Analytics

    It gathers information to determine if a business’ investment in video conferencing software and tools is a worthy endeavor that actually helps the business streamline day-to-day operations.

  • Cloud Analytics

    This refers to data analysis as well as business intelligence that is done on cloud platforms. This type of operational analytics scales down the costs associated with hardware. 

  • Website Analytics

    These tools tell a company which search engines, keywords, as well as other websites are leading users to their website.

  • Manufacturing Analytics

    This type of analytics gathers data to inform a business of the cost of every single aspect of the production process. If a certain aspect of a business production process is not working or requires improvement, manufacturing analytics will give them the relevant data.

  • IT Analytics

    This type gathers information about the IT operations of a business. The information is then analyzed and reported in an effort to improve and streamline any IT operations that exist within a company.

  • Accounting Analytics

    In this case, data on financial statements is analyzed and metrics give a clear picture of the financial performance of a business.

  • Security Analytics

    Through algorithms and analytical models, processes are analyzed and used to detect anything that may be harmful to any IT systems or the business ecosystem as a whole. With the increase in digital operations, this type of tool is becoming the core of security operations.

  • Ecommerce Analytics

    By analyzing trends and changes in the usual behavior of consumers with respect to a business’ online store, Ecommerce analytics helps retailers drive more online sales.

Woah, that’s a long list!

You must be thinking, do I really need all these capabilities? Yes – and here’s why.

The Why: Let the Batmobile Do All the Heavy Lifting!

Today, decisions need to be made fast in the business world. Criminals move fast to elude Batman but the Batmobile (his tool of choice for chasing them down) is faster. Relying on data that is even just a few weeks old can actually hurt a business more than it can help, which is why it is necessary to have insights from real-time operational data. The need for businesses to see and react to events in real-time is of paramount importance to the daily operations of these businesses. Any obstacles to proficient workflow can be discovered and dealt with promptly.

Customers are looking for more than just customer service — they want a customer experience. Being able to react quickly to customer needs using real-time data analysis can provide an unforgettable customer experience that will keep customers coming back.

Operational Analytics Software meets these demands!

Businesses will have a definite advantage over their competitors because of the real-time data they are able to observe, thanks to Operational Analytics Software. Having constant insight into a business' daily operations and being driven by this insight is what operational analytics is all about.

After all, data continues to be gathered from more sources and along with that, more data is created every day. With the emergence of smart technologies, businesses are gathering data from places you’d never expect, like people’s refrigerators. (They know you’re going for that slice of Rocky Road!)

Along with increased profits, better decision-making and more holistic approaches to streamlining daily business operations, the intangible benefits of Operational Analytics Software is invaluable to businesses.

Agreed – Operational Analytics Software is important but where is all this headed?

The Future: Are the Machines Going to Do Away With Little Old Me?

No, we are not going to talk about the awesome predictions that Operations Analytics Software makes. Instead, we are going to be the fortune teller for Operations Analytics Software. Here’s what the future holds for it!

First of all, cloud data analytics is here to stay and will surely be an integral part of the future of operational analytics.

Furthermore, as we go into the future of Operational Analytics Software, Data Quality Management will become a bigger priority. The need to save time and cut analytics’ costs will fuel the need for more cloud Operational Analytics Software.

Not just that, the processes of predictive and behavioral analytics will lead the way as Operational Analytics Software evolves. Also, data management with more involvement from Artificial Intelligence will be the likely future of Operational Analytics Software.


So the question is, “As the software gets more sophisticated will there be any need for human data analysts?” Will Batman be able to retire to the Bat Cave and let the Batmobile take over vigilante operations? In the near future, business analysts and data scientists will be needed to utilize Operational Analytics Software at its highest level, as the software is still not as complex as the human brain.

That’s not going anywhere! Operational Analytics Software will definitely enhance the capabilities of analysts and experts but not take over entirely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Operational Analytics Software?

Operational Analytics Software belongs to the realm of business analytics and is instrumental in improving daily operations by leveraging insights derived from gathered data. This software facilitates the collection, organization, and analysis of data related to current operations, including real-time activities. By examining this data, businesses can make informed decisions aimed at enhancing overall efficiency and productivity. Operational Analytics Software essentially acts as a predictive tool, enabling businesses to anticipate future trends and challenges based on real-time data analysis.

How does Operational Analytics Software work?

Operational Analytics Software operates by employing various tools and techniques to analyze data and extract actionable insights. These tools typically include visual models such as graphs and charts, which provide businesses with a clear representation of their operational data, aiding in decision-making. Additionally, the software utilizes information aggregation and data mining tools to gather and analyze data from multiple sources, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the insights generated. Furthermore, machine learning models are employed to automate analytical processes and identify patterns within the data, enabling businesses to predict future trends and behaviors. Overall, Operational Analytics Software helps businesses streamline their operations by providing valuable insights and recommendations based on data analysis.

What are the different types of Operational Analytics Software?

Operational Analytics Software encompasses a wide range of capabilities tailored to address various aspects of business operations. Some common types of Operational Analytics Software include SEO Analytics, which focuses on improving search engine marketing activities; Video Conferencing Analytics, which assesses the effectiveness of video conferencing tools in streamlining operations; Cloud Analytics, which enables data analysis and business intelligence on cloud platforms; and Website Analytics, which provides insights into website traffic and user behavior. Other types include Manufacturing Analytics, IT Analytics, Accounting Analytics, Security Analytics, Ecommerce Analytics, and more. Each type serves a specific purpose in optimizing different facets of business operations, catering to the diverse needs of organizations across various industries.

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