Content Management
The Pillar Every Business Needs: Content Management System
By TechDogs Editorial Team

Jokes apart, content is not a newbie; it's been around since the early days when written language ruled the world. You can assume content as a passenger that needs a cruise called Content Management System (CMS) to meet its destination, i.e., target audience. Just like cruises accommodate a range of passengers, CMS takes care of a variety of content and helps you sail through the competition. This cruise has become even more significant, especially in these digital times when businesses need a flawless online presence.
By the way, the mention of cruises reminds us of a sand skiff (the boat) from one of the most anticipated Netflix fantasy series, Shadow and Bone. Wait, how come we jumped from CMS to sand skiff? The mystery will be resolved in this article - simply sea-s the moment and dive in!
Welcome to the world of Shadow and Bone. It's a series that revolves around the Shadow Fold AKA the Fold which is filled with darkness and monsters named Volcra. In this world, Grishas are the magic users or experts of small science, who can manipulate matter and change the form of any substance. Now only the Sun Summoner (a type of Grisha) can destroy the Fold which is why the protagonist - Alina Starkov is here!
Of course, she cannot just stroll a few miles to reach the Fold; she would need a mode of transportation, right? She needs a sand skiff, a small boat made from wood and covered in foam to protect the occupants from splinters. Using a sand skiff at night or in shadowed areas is essential so a Grisha doesn't lose its way.
Like a sand skiff, Content Management System allows you to navigate through the digital waters and helps you reach new shores. It takes the passenger (content) from one port to another. Each port represents the website, landing page, social media platforms, etc. Interestingly, these ports belong to different digital channels, but this skiff (read Content Management System) has got you covered.
Besides, Content Management System streamlines and standardizes your approach to managing website content so that you don't have to think about it anymore. It also helps you know how many people visit each page of your site, so you know the areas for improvement. With that let's hop on to the next section and learn a-boat Content Management Systems in detail.
What Is Content Management System?
Content comes in many forms, including blog posts, images, videos and documents. Managing content means tracking all of it, so you know who created it, where it is stored, who needs it and when needs it to be published. Content Management System allows you to store your content in one place to find it later. It also makes it easier for content managers, writers and editors to find what they need and collaborate with others on content.
So, you won't have 20 versions of the same document floating around. Not just that but Content Management System also makes it easier for new users to get started with creating content because there's a standard place to look for information and assets. It also helps them track performance metrics to see what's working and what isn't. Cool, right?
Now it's time to rewind the history and ketch up the evolution phases of the Content Management System.
How Did Content Management System Evolve?

"I've spent my life searching for a way to make things right. You're the first glimmer of hope I've had in a long time." Just like Alina is the glimmer of hope in the series, Content Management System was a ray of hope for the organizations who wanted to manage their content. Let's find out how!
The roots of the Content Management System trace back to 1989 when Tim Berners-Lee proposed an internet-based hypertext system, HTML, which represented just texts and links. The popularity of the World Wide Web was on the rise but there was a need for frequent updates and changes in the content of brochure-type static websites (websites that needed simple scrolling). It paved the way for the introduction of Content Management Systems.
By the 2000s, open-source CMS alternatives emerged, including an extensible plugin architecture. These websites offered templates that could be used to create websites without requiring users to know HTML and CSS. These traditional CMS monolithic systems included the back-end user interface, plugins, front-end templates and a database.
To date, about one-third of websites are built using these first-generation CMS. These Content Management Systems are helping organizations with creating, editing and deleting content on webpages and websites without any need for technical knowledge.
Quite exciting history there, right? It's time to unfurl the ferry impressive working of Content Management Systems.
How Does Content Management System Work?
Let's find out how Content Management Systems exactly sail your boat.
Step 1: Manages Information Network
CMS starts its process by managing information, often in the form of large amounts of digital content. It fares website content in text, images, video or other file types and streamlines the process of adding new content, updating old content and deleting outdated content.
Step 2: Follow the “What You See Is What You Get” Principle
“What you see is what you get” is an art of maintaining honesty, authenticity and transparency with your target audience and conveying what they need to know in as few words as possible. In less geeky words, CMS makes this task e-sea breezy by helping businesses manage what their users see on their site so that they can curate content as needed.
Step 3: Seamlessly Integrates With Third Party Applications
A Content Management System can be integrated into almost any website type and is an essential tool for website owners who want to maintain their sites efficiently. Phew! That was all about how CMS works; it's time to find out how it benefits you to ride on a wave of popularity.
Phew! That was all about how CMS works; it's time to find out how it benefits you to ride on a wave of popularity.
What Are The Benefits Of Content Management System?

This is how Content Management System floats the boat of your content.
- Content Management Systems are responsible for storing company content in one place and making it accessible to the people who need it. Whether you work in marketing, communications or IT, you're going to come across a CMS sooner than later— primarily if you work at an organization that needs a way to store and manage all of its digital documents, images and videos.
- CMS is valid for a wide variety of businesses. An ideal Content Management System (CMS) helps users find and access the information they need quickly and conveniently. With the right CMS in place, you can reorganize your workflow, simplify document sharing and standardize processes across your team or company.
- With a CMS, you can upload new content quickly and keep your site fresh with further information. The best Content Management Systems streamline the editing process and help you create an organized website. It makes it easy to manage different types of content and it also organizes your website so visitors can easily find what they're looking for.
- Content Management Systems are excellent collaborative tools that ensure that you and your team are on the same page. It makes it easier for teams to work together on website content by sharing and working on files in one place.
That's all about the past and present of Content Management Systems; now, let's explore how these systems will help organizations have a good time in the future.
What’s In The Future Of Content Management Systems?
Last boat naut least, let's sink into the future of CMS!
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all set to spice up content management. It will help you analyze a piece of content to identify its sentiments and overall tone. Besides, AI will help content managers quickly determine whether the content is suitable for their audience or needs any tweaking before publishing.
Another breakthrough effect of AI in the area of content management is content personalization. It's a trend that will help enterprise owners watch what each user on their website or app is doing simultaneously. This data will help them look for patterns for serving dynamic content to make product recommendations.
Besides, headless technology (serverless, its less morbid synonym!) is all set to make Content Management Systems even more flexible. This technology will enable the need for multiple CMSs and will use API (Application Programming Interface) to create various digital experiences. Long story short, AI, content personalization and headless technology are remarkable trends that are no less than a happy wave for Content Management Systems.
To Sum It Up!
Content Management Systems – you can call them a boat, a cruise, or an engine that drives website content and make it easy for site visitors to find what they're looking for. Nevertheless, Content Management Systems can ensure you can sail the rough seas of online content as easily as navigating a river of content stream. No wonder, it has become a standard tool website owners use to manage their site's information and content. This boat makes managing website content much easier for both administrators and users.
With that, it's time to call it a wrap!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Content Management System?
A Content Management System (CMS) is a digital platform designed to facilitate the management and organization of various types of content, such as blog posts, images, videos, and documents. It serves as a centralized repository for storing content, enabling easy retrieval and collaboration among content managers, writers, and editors. By utilizing a CMS, businesses can ensure content consistency, avoid duplication, and streamline the content creation process. Essentially, a CMS acts as a navigational tool, guiding users through the digital landscape to efficiently access and distribute content across different digital channels.
How Did Content Management System Evolve?
The evolution of Content Management Systems (CMS) traces back to the late 1980s when the need for frequent updates to static websites led to the development of internet-based hypertext systems like HTML. Over time, as the popularity of the World Wide Web grew, so did the demand for more efficient content management solutions. By the early 2000s, open-source CMS alternatives emerged, offering user-friendly templates and plugins for website creation without requiring extensive technical knowledge. Today, CMS platforms continue to evolve, catering to the diverse needs of businesses by providing intuitive interfaces, advanced functionalities, and seamless integration capabilities.
How Does Content Management System Work?
A Content Management System (CMS) operates by managing vast amounts of digital content in various formats, including text, images, and videos. It facilitates the creation, editing, and deletion of content while ensuring consistency and coherence across the website. Through a user-friendly interface, CMS enables users to manage content effortlessly, following the principle of "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG). Moreover, CMS seamlessly integrates with third-party applications, enhancing its versatility and adaptability to different website types. By effectively managing information networks and simplifying content creation processes, CMS empowers businesses to maintain dynamic and engaging websites.
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