TechDogs-"The Beginner’s Guide To Application Infrastructure Software"

Software Development

The Beginner’s Guide To Application Infrastructure Software

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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What does pizza and The Empire's New Clothes have in common? They're both essential (read: surprisingly useful) aids when explaining Application Infrastructure Software.

Application Infrastructure Software allows you to create a better app experience and a more productive team. This article explores the importance, features and benefits of these types of tools; looks at how you can prevent Black Friday Sale-size system crashes; and it includes a mini crash-course in Application Infrastructure Software procurement 101. Oh, yeah - and we have one final word of advice from Judge Judy.

So, dive right in!
TechDogs-Organize Application Chaos With AIS!-"The Beginner’s Guide To Application Infrastructure Software"
Have you ever wondered how the programs on your computer and phone work? 

Not the program features, rather how it sets up a word document, creates a PDF or allows you to pick your ideal lipstick shade. (Although, how DOES that work? Genius!) 

I mean, how do the programs function. 

For example: 
  • Where does it store user data and how does it know to put it there? 

  • How does the program connect to the Wi-Fi networks? 

  • How does it know what a system error is, let alone that it needs to record it? 

  • Does a program have brains? Can it think? 

  • Are we being taken over by robots? 

You're probably thinking, "Whoa. I don't care about how programs work. I searched for Application Infrastructure Software. Why have we taken an existential turn?"

Well, you can't understand Application Infrastructure Software until you understand applications and application infrastructure middleware. It's like trying to build a Lego castle without knowing what a Lego brick is or how to stick one on top of the other.

So, can we get back to deep and meaningful ponderings about programs? It'll make sense in a minute. 

What Are Applications? What Is Application Infrastructure? And What Is An Application Infrastructure Software? 

We're glad you asked.

An application is any program designed for an end-user. It can be an email provider, a word processor, a database program, a communication tool - you get the drift. Applications can be desktop (for your computer) or mobile (for your mobile devices - obviously.)

The application infrastructure is the world in which your application exists and the components it needs to work. Think of it as a recipe. You need the right ingredients in the right quantities in the right order. A well-designed infrastructure = delicious cupcakes - or something like that.

TechDogs-"What Are Applications? What Is Application Infrastructure? And What Is An Application Infrastructure Software?"-Image Showing  Line Secured By Firewall
Application Infrastructure Software are the tools and programs needed to successfully deliver the native applications to users, monitor applications, support their development, securely store, share and receive user data and - most importantly - integrate with other applications.

What Is The History Of Application Infrastructure Software? 

IT infrastructure didn't exist until the 1950s, when IBM created its data processing system. However, it wasn't until the late 70s/early 80s that things began to get interesting. The next three decades positively exploded in applications.

Microsoft, Cisco, Linux, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Google - tech nerds were on fire! It was an application apocalypse.

Applications went from being on-premises - installed on the physical computer - to living in the cloud. As technology developed and advanced, it became more invisible, so did the network infrastructure.

It was like the fable of The Emperor's New Clothes. We were told our programs and data and "rules" were up in the cloud but could we see them? Heck no! How can you manage what you can't see? 

TechDogs-"What Is The History Of Application Infrastructure Software?"-Emperors New Clothes - Animated GIF
We weren't afraid to admit that we couldn't see any clothes and we trusted they were there but it would help if someone could show them to us, right?

The solution was Application Infrastructure Software, that helped us visualize and manage our applications even as they evolved and grew and merged with other apps into giant multiheaded app monsters.

What Are The Benefits Of Application Infrastructure Software? 

More like, what AREN'T the benefits of Application Infrastructure Software. All of them make you look good!
  • Optimized infrastructure = more productive team. Think about it. Even something as simple as data entry becomes streamlined when you have just one data entry point. Heck, even if you only ever had two data entry points to start with, by losing one, you've immediately doubled your productivity. Yay, you!

  • Your application data is more reliable, because one unified system allows one version of the truth and one perspective. Additionally, it's more secure because one of something is infinitely easier to care for than more than one of something. Just ask anyone who has two or more kids.

  • Your organization works smarter because your application data centre becomes more meaningful and insightful when interpreted in context and alongside other data. You can more easily identify trends, spot opportunities and prevent issues, so your decision process becomes simplified and the customer experience improves - that's a good day at the office!

We mean, when you put it like that - and we do - why are you even quibbling. Let's find out the features and then, we will find you an Application Infrastructure Software provider!

What Are The Components Of Application Infrastructure Software

The answer is highly technical: it depends. 

Application Infrastructure Software is like pizza. 

All pizzas have a base and toppings but pizzas can have thin crusts, stuffed crusts, pan crusts, red sauce, white sauce, no sauce, mozzarella cheese, three cheese, four cheese, vegan cheese, no-fat cheese, no cheese at all, vegetables, meat, meat-free meat, fish and - our favorite - pineapple. #Don't@us!

Likewise, all application infrastructure tools all have the same core components. While they're less tasty (and controversial), they, too, can be as varied. It purely depends on the software provider and the needs of the app (because apps have needs too, you know). So, let's check them out.
  • Firewalls

    Firewalls sound wicked fun, when, in fact, they're the fun police. Let's be honest, an application isn't a Lady Gaga concert. Most people don't want an all-access pass and they certainly don't need it. Firewalls allow you to segment your application data storage and prevent users from gaining unauthorized access to restricted areas.

TechDogs-"What Are The Components Of AIS"-Image Of Micro CHP Station

  • Application Monitoring

    Application monitoring exists to make sure the user experience (UX) is a happy one. It identifies any issues that negatively affect the UX, like load time, technical performance, general bad behavior.

  • Servers And Storage Management

    Where does all the lovely data you collect within your app get stored? Don't worry - most Application Infrastructure Tools have server and/ or storage components. Just make sure when you're shopping around that the solution is appropriate for your business needs.

  • Load Balancing

    Have you ever shopped the Black Friday sales only for the website to crash because so many people are using it? Same. It's maddening - when else will we get such a good deal on an electronic vegetable peeler? Well, the same thing can happen with network traffic - such as when everyone logs in at 9 am. Load balancing uses algorithms to identify high-volume periods and redistributes web or mobile traffic across multiple servers so that one server isn't trying to do everything.

  • Central Management

    Applications need managing, maintaining and - um - modernizing? (Read: upgrades) Application Infrastructure Software earns its bread and butter by making these complex and resource-heavy processes easy-peasy.

  • Software Integrations

    Apps love to talk to other apps but they need help communicating. Instead of shouting and using lots of hand gestures - because apps can't shout and don't have hands - the software integration feature enables them to communicate with each other in peace and harmony.


Here Are Some Of The Top Providers In This Space

Microsoft's Net solution is a free developer platform for building web, mobile and desktop apps (and other cool things).

Tibco's Cloud™ Integration is an enterprise iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service) solution that allows your team to connect information assets together, regardless of where they're hosted.

The IBM WebSphere® Application Server gives you real-time visibility of your applications and allows you to generate detailed application reports and take advantage of actionable insights.

What Is The Future Of Application Infrastructure Software? 

Gartner says that the Application Infrastructure Software of the future should be always on, always available and everywhere. So, no pressure on developers then.

However, for you, this is a good thing. Let's flip it on its head. What does an organization of the future look like?
  • It's agile.

  • It places the customer first.

  • It responds to changing needs.

  • It becomes more connected.

How do you achieve this? In a nutshell: The cloud and more, more, more cloud.

As more organizations choose to move more of their IT infrastructure into the cloud, we'll start to see more providers offering IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

IaaS is a cloud computing service that allows organizations to "rent" servers to run their applications, without having all the maintenance and storage costs they would accrue if they were to own the servers themselves.

However, this is tech and things move quickly! It's likely that many components of an Application Infrastructure Software of the future don't even exist yet. You count on this: any solution that enables an organization to be agile, place their customers first, respond to changing needs and exude connectivity is sure to be successful.

To Sum It Up

Look, at the end of the day, you don't have to invest in Application Infrastructure Software. 

In fact, if you want mismanaged applications, archaic systems, rigid processes and an appalling customer experience, then we insist you don't. Carry on as you were and remember the wise words of Judge Judy: "Beauty fades but dumb is forever."

Nevertheless, if you want to fundamentally change how your users engage and interact with you, if you care about building a solid business foundation based on insight, careful resource management and wise spending, then implementing Application Infrastructure Software is probably the best (work) decision you'll ever make.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of Application Infrastructure Software?

Have you ever pondered how the applications on your devices function? Not just their features, but the intricate details of how they store user data, connect to Wi-Fi networks, interpret system errors, or if they possess a form of intelligence? Application Infrastructure Software is the key to unraveling these mysteries. It facilitates the successful delivery of native applications, monitors their performance, supports development, and securely manages user data while seamlessly integrating with other applications. This software plays a pivotal role in the world of applications, ensuring they function efficiently and cohesively.

What is the history of application infrastructure software?

The concept of IT infrastructure emerged in the 1950s with IBM's data processing system, but significant developments occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s, marked by the proliferation of applications. Companies like Microsoft, Cisco, and Google, among others, led a technological revolution, shifting applications from on-premises installations to cloud-based environments. Despite this evolution, the complexity of managing applications and data persisted, leading to the development of application infrastructure software. These solutions aimed to provide visibility and management capabilities as applications evolved, merged, and scaled.

What are the components and benefits of application infrastructure software?

Application infrastructure software comprises various components tailored to meet the diverse needs of applications, akin to the versatility of pizza toppings. Core components include firewalls for security, application monitoring for optimizing user experience, servers and storage management, load balancing to manage traffic spikes, central management for streamlined operations, and software integrations for seamless communication between applications. The benefits of employing such software are manifold, including optimized infrastructure leading to enhanced productivity, reliable and secure application data management, smarter organizational decision-making enabled by insightful data interpretation, and simplified management processes resulting in improved customer experiences and operational efficiency.

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