TechDogs-"Stay Mobile And Secure With EMS Software"

Enterprise Solutions

Stay Mobile And Secure With EMS Software

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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Meet Tracy Whitney, an ordinary woman who turned into a con artist.

Wait. Hold on. Sorry - but who is she? Possibly how and why did she turn into a con artist? That could be the reaction of any non-Sydney Sheldon reader; if you are the one, then hush down, as we will not keep you hanging. You’ll know about her in the next section of this article. #ThatIsADeal

Imagine Tracy Whitney, the protagonist, is back and one of the mafias she conned is keeping an eye on her. The mafia knows that Tracy owns a successful brand, Whitney Enterprise and they are set to hamper the security of her enterprise. Tracy senses something fishy and knows her enterprise is in danger! Tracy, in agony, searches for an answer and bang... what does she find? Enterprise Mobility + Security Software, aka EMS Software!

We might fail in creating a sensational buildup the way Sidney Sheldon does but this software definitely will keep you on your toes. Read on to know everything about EMS Software (and of course, Tracy Whitney!).
TechDogs-"Stay Mobile And Secure With EMS Software" Efficiency, Mobility & Security Wherever You Are!
Tracy was a successful banker in Philadelphia and lived a happy-go-lucky girl life. Suddenly a series of events shifted Tracy’s life upside down. Nevertheless, being the lead protagonist of “If Tomorrow Comes” (the book, of course), she makes a comeback like Batman and begins her quest for vengeance. How’s that for buildup?

She succeeds (hurray!) but amidst all this, she turns into the most wanted con artist in the town! Now, let’s assume that Tracy is done with her past life; her revenge plan is executed and she still runs the successful Whitney Enterprise, which is now under the constant watch of her enemy. Despite all the threats, Tracy can use EMS Software to protect and secure her enterprise - but how exactly does it do that? 

Keep #scrollingthrough to find out everything about EMS Software; how it works, in what ways it can be beneficial to enterprises and much more. So, let’s start with understanding what this EMS Software is!

Let’s Decode Enterprise Mobility + Security Software

Mobility, consumerization of IT, Bring Your Own Device (or BYOD) have become some common terminologies for enterprises across the globe. Along with these concepts there comes a need for implementing several safety precautions.
Because employees’ requirement for constant work mobility creates new challenges for enterprises. Under such circumstances, it becomes challenging to protect data when employees work outside the company’s walls. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly necessary to have control over employees’ access to corporate data.

Enterprise Mobility + Security Software is a solution for handling the above mobility challenges that many companies are experiencing today. EMS Software provides tools to support the needs of the employees and to manage and protect users, devices, apps and data.

Besides this, EMS Software safeguards your information and sensitive data so that you can protect it even while sharing it with an external entity or third party. It further protects your enterprise by detecting and investigating advanced threats on-premises and in the cloud environment.
So, eventually, EMS Software would help Tracy to secure Whitney Enterprises and it also opens gates for new and flexible ways for her IT team to operate.                         

That’s pretty cool, isn’t it? However, EMS Software wasn’t always this cool, it evolved with time, as John Wooden would have said - great things take time!

How Did EMS Software Evolve?

  • During the pre-smartphone era (when Tracy was a banker), the IT department had complete access to the authorized devices connected to the enterprise network. They set the terms and conditions for which type of computers can be used at the workplace, how they could be protected or connected to the network. Now that was quite easy-breezy, wasn’t it? However, it was a pre-mobile revolution era.

  • In 1994, smartphones made a grand entry and by the 2000s, their younger but updated siblings, like tablets and laptops followed. This series of inventions was nothing but a massive revolution.

  • In 2009, the BYOD phase approached. If you don’t know what BYOD is, let us simplify it for you. It is the phase when companies initiated “Bring Your Own Device” policies. Employees were encouraged or instead allowed to bring their own devices. This revolution was a huge challenge for the IT teams of organizations. IT teams had to connect the employees’ devices with the enterprise system, which eventually fluctuated network security. Long story short, utter chaos ensued for IT teams and they needed a savior. Enterprise Mobility + Security Software was a sign of hope. The IT departments of enterprises were able to monitor and secure their devices whether they were owned by the organization or the user.

  • Today we are living in a remote, digital-first world where enterprise mobility has become a #newnormal. Amidst such new normal, EMS Software has risen as a reliable safety measure that enterprises require. That was all about the evolution of EMS Software.

Do you want to know the functions of EMS Software? Let’s find out in the next section!

What Are The Functions Of EMS Software?

Enterprise Mobility + Security Software serves the following functions:
  • Encrypts Your Data

    Work from home has become a norm that seems to turn into a lifestyle. With the workforce now working remotely, they need access to the company’s data in multiple ways. For instance, what if the mafia hacks the device of an unsuspecting employee working with Whitney Enterprise? To avoid such bizarre circumstances, Tracy would need EMS Software to ensure that the data shared within or outside the organization is encrypted.

  • Reports About Threats

    Most EMS Software has advanced features that help detect suspicious activities. This function strengthens security and leaves no space for hackers to steal credentials and hijack the enterprise system.

  • Malicious Attacks Will Become A No-No

    If there are any signs that the sensitive data of the enterprise is being hacked or leaked, EMS Software detects and alerts the IT team of the organization. In a nutshell, attacking Whitney Enterprises in the presence of EMS Software is not possible. Got that, mafia hackers?

Now let's take a look at the benefits of EMS Software for you and Whitney Enterprises.

Benefits Of Enterprise Mobility + Security Software

EMS Software ensures full-fledged security of your employee and organization’s data. So, no matter if your employees are working from the office or home, EMS Software keeps your workforce’s data exactly where it belongs (and clear of dark forces of the mafia!). We bet you’re thinking about whether you should invest or upgrade your EMS Software.

TechDogs-"Benefits Of Enterprise Mobility + Security Software"A GIF Of Jennifer Aniston Thinking
Here are the benefits of EMS Software that you need to know:
  • The More, The Merrier!

    When it comes to the security of the devices, EMS Software is not bound to any particular brand or organization. Whether your employees use Mac, Android, iOS or any possible operating system on earth, everyone’s devices are safeguarded.

  • Compliance Friendly

    Not just business but legal policies also emphasize the protection of employee and customer data. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) have made it clear that the data should be kept safe. EMS Software benefits you with end-to-end security infrastructure, considering the latest and global compliance models so that your enterprise stays compliant.

So, that’s two of the main ways how EMS Software will be beneficial to any business, not just Whitney Enterprises! Now that you know about the present of EMS Software, let’s unbox its future!

Seeking Insights Into The Future Of EMS Software

The good news is, EMS Software serves businesses with a long-term advantage, so with the evolving wonders in the #technoworld, Whitney Enterprise will only get more secure. Let’s see how!
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will detect data from diverse sources such as networks, devices, cloud activities, etc. This will eventually strengthen enterprise mobility and employees will be able to work efficiently and stay productive while being ensured of complete security.
  • To make data highly accessible, enterprises will adopt more advanced cloud computing services. Besides, this amalgamation of AI and Machine Learning with cloud data will optimize the performance of smart devices and make them faster and more secure from external threats.
  • Chatbots will be deployed within enterprise systems and tools to enhance employee experience. This will create room for better conversational interfaces, thereby guiding the employees to utilize the maximum potential of these solutions and increasing productivity.

Wrapping It Up

That was all about yesterday, today and tomorrow of Enterprise Mobility + Security Software. With the increased reliance on technology in the workplace and outside of it, companies need to invest in Enterprise Mobility + Security Software. Mobile devices and apps have made our lives both easier and harder. They make it easy to connect with others but they also put enterprises at risk for cyber-attacks. With all the complications of today’s world, entrepreneurs, business leaders, IT teams and employees need to be prepared for unwanted security threats – and the best way to do that is to use EMS Software.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does EMS Software Secure Enterprises?

EMS Software, short for Enterprise Mobility + Security Software, plays a crucial role in safeguarding enterprise data and operations. It achieves this through various mechanisms. Firstly, it provides tools to manage and protect users, devices, apps, and data, ensuring that corporate information remains secure even when accessed remotely. Additionally, EMS Software encrypts data, making it unreadable to unauthorized users, thereby mitigating the risk of data breaches. Moreover, the software includes features for detecting and investigating advanced threats both on-premises and in cloud environments, enabling proactive security measures to be taken.

What Is the Evolutionary Journey of EMS Software?

The evolution of EMS Software parallels the advancements in technology and changes in workplace dynamics. Initially, during the pre-smartphone era, enterprise IT departments had strict control over authorized devices and network access. However, with the advent of smartphones and subsequent BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies, new challenges arose for IT teams in managing device security and network connectivity. EMS Software emerged as a solution to these challenges, enabling organizations to monitor and secure both corporate-owned and user-owned devices. Over time, EMS Software has adapted to the evolving needs of enterprises in a digital-first world, providing essential security measures to combat modern-day threats.

What Are the Key Benefits of EMS Software for Enterprises?

EMS Software offers a myriad of benefits to enterprises seeking to enhance their security posture and operational efficiency. One key benefit is its device-agnostic nature, ensuring that security measures extend across various platforms and operating systems, including Mac, Android, and iOS. Additionally, EMS Software helps enterprises stay compliant with legal regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, providing end-to-end security infrastructure and adhering to global compliance standards. By leveraging EMS Software, organizations can mitigate security risks, protect sensitive data, and maintain productivity across their workforce, whether working from the office or remotely.

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