Software Development
Container Management Software Explained!
By TechDogs Editorial Team


While this may be a far-fetched reality, developers can carry their entire code and its dependencies in a suitcase - well, not literally but in a virtual duffle bag. This helps them in developing and deploying applications faster. These virtual bags are called containers and they work just like any other container by ensuring their contents reach the correct destination without breaking or damaging. However, to actually build, deploy and maintain these containers we need a dedicated tool – Container Management Software (you read the title, right?). In this article, we will look at what Container Management Software is, its origin, benefits, importance and potential future.
We cannot contain it anymore – let's dive in!
Let’s start with an example - restaurants have several chefs; each assigned to a specific dish. To prepare a complete meal, all chefs need to work on their dish simultaneously. However, what if they don't have access to all the ingredients and only one chef can work at the same time? (Just like MasterChef, where contestants get limited ingredients and time to prepare their best recipes!)
Can you imagine the mayhem in that restaurant? Without a doubt, all the chefs need access to all the ingredients in the pantry to prepare their respective dishes. In a restaurant, the Front Office Manager (FOM) ensures that the pantries are fully stocked and accessible to all the chefs.
Building on that tasty analogy, developers work on various modules of a software in different environments. They too need access to all the components of the software to make sure their code runs properly. See where we’re going? The various ingredients in the pantry are stored in containers, similar to the codes and software components that developers need. Here, the Container Management Software acts as the Front Office Manager.
So, where did the concept of a container come from?

As the name suggests it is something that holds stuff, no rocket science, right? The container holds the software along with the supporting files and necessary configurations so that developers can run and execute the code instantly. While most organizations use multiple containers to scale quickly, there arises a need to automate the creation, deployment, destruction and scaling of the containers - this is done by none other than the Container Management Software.
With that in mind, let's learn what Container Management Software is and how it helps businesses by making software deployment easier.
What Is Container Management Software?
Containers need to be contained!
Software containers have quickly become the industry norm and nearly every IT service and technology firm rely on containers to quickly deploy and update their applications. This vast number of containers can quickly weigh down heavily on the IT team, which is why Container Management Software is needed. It creates, manages and secures containerized applications allowing for easier, faster deployment and reusable container orchestration.
Think of a company that has multiple products – for example, Google. From Gmail to YouTube to Google Search, everything at Google runs in containers. The kind of product versatility they have, we can safely assume that Google indulges in several billion containers per week. To manage this massive container infrastructure, Google has over time built three different container management systems - Borg, Omega and Kubernetes. These tools were also released as an open-source platform for public use.
Well, to cut a long story short, Container Management Software provides a holistic and unified approach to managing your software containers. Let's deep dive into its history to understand its origin.
How Did Container Management Evolve?
While the software container scene may have exploded post-2015, it made its first appearance way back in the 1970s. No, we’re not kidding! In 1979, a service called chroot was added to version 7 of UNIX. Chroot restricted the processes running inside it from accessing files outside their confines, making these containers isolated and extremely useful. FreeBSD Jails, a UNIX-like Operating System (OS), was released in 2000. It took chroot to the next level by providing isolation for users, files and networking.
Later in 2004, Sun released a service to the Solaris OS named Solaris Containers. This again provided isolation for developers called zones. In 2008, Linux Containers (LXC) stormed the world of the popular open-source OS that led to the development of Docker. It pushed containers into the mainstream in 2013 and brought much limelight to the now popular technology. Originally, Docker was built around LXC but later transformed to come up with its own library. Docker container software really took containerization to new heights, helping enterprises build an eco-system around containers.
After the popularity of Docker, tech giants such as Google and Amazon forayed into the Container Management System world with Kubernetes and AWS Elastic Container Service respectively. That’s where we stand today – but enough looking over the past, let's jump into the working!
How Does Container Management Software Work?

In simple terms, Container Management Software is the restaurant administrator and the containers are the chefs under his command. The software oversees the entire process of adding and replacing software containers as required by the organization. Today, organizations rely on containers to quickly deploy and update their applications. Container Management Software makes the orchestration, security and networking of the containers easier. It also automates the deployment and scaling of several containers simultaneously in a way that streamlines the management of the entire lifecycle of containerized applications.
Several containers running the same applications are grouped together and act as replicas that balance the load of incoming requests – we mean, if chicken lasagna is the most ordered dish, you wouldn’t just have one chef working on it, right? Moreover, as a good administrator, Container Management Software supervises these grouped containers, ensuring that they are operating correctly. In case any container needs to be restarted, retired, or acquire more resources, Container Management Software will manage it for you. It is essentially a 24/7 container watchdog – the good kind!
So, massive enterprises need Container Management Software to keep things simple and automated – are there any other benefits?
What Are The Benefits Of Container Management Software?
Container Management Software are designed to provide high-level automation that empowers development teams to tackle rapid changes when an application or software is being developed. Developers would know that bugs and requirement changes can crop up at any time, upsetting the best-laid plans. This is especially true when businesses have a client project on continuous delivery and are adhering to a deadline. In such a dynamic environment, developers require a robust and flexible tool to have a bird’s eye view of all the resources.
Furthermore, deploying container-based applications automatically to production environments can be complicated and needs a stellar management tool to handle it. As organizations scramble to develop innovative applications and deploy constant upgrades, they use several containers that can become too complex to be manually managed by the DevOps teams. The answer to this problem is indeed Container Management Software.
We've listed down some of the benefits Container Management Software can provide:
Continuous Development And Deployment
While these may sound fancy terms, Container Management Software actually allows you to achieve continuous deployment in a flexible and resource-heavy environment.
Closer Integration Between Development And Operations
Developers blame IT admins for shoddy infrastructure while IT admins hold developers responsible for faulty codes that break the system. Container Management Software bridges this gap by providing clarity on the containers used, the resources deployed and the test results. A win-win situation for all!
Increased Resource Efficiency
Container Management Software efficiently manages the resource distribution and ensures that developers get access to containers they require for smooth functioning.
Higher Security
One of the biggest concerns for organizations when they deploy millions of containers to scale is security. Container Management Software provides a host of container security tools that ensure an adequate level of security for all containers.
What Does A Good Container Management Software Look Like?
A container management ecosystem, among other things, automates deployment, streamlines orchestration, performs log management and monitoring, enhances networking, load balancing, etc. IT organizations can use automation and orchestration to manage large, containerized environments that are too complex for human operators to keep up with. Moreover, the monitoring and log management help keep track of changes in deployment.
Below are a few features to consider when selecting this software for your organization.
Ease Of Management
Container management is a challenging task, especially when we consider the sheer number of containers an organization can create. Container Management Software needs to facilitate smooth and easy cluster management to ensure that IT admins have clear visibility.
Vendor Support
Container Management can be quite a handful for teams, especially when there is a continuous deployment that needs to be fulfilled. Container Management Software must have a reliable support system that helps organizations with any hurdles they might encounter and not affect business continuity.
The software must manage containers seamlessly to provide a production-ready environment. It must have a host of crucial container automation features such as backup, recovery and restore.
Forward-thinking software is the need of the hour. Container Management Software must be continuously upgradeable to keep with the changing technology and demonstrate flexibility and capability to quickly adapt to changes.
Now that you've seen the past of Container Management Software, let’s jump to another container and look at the future of the software.
The Future Of Container Management Software

Container Management Software will drive digital transformation in the future. As container adoption around the world has grown exponentially, Container Management Software is also looking at an upward trend. Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production.
Software Containers like Docker, Kubernetes and Mesos have transformed the hybrid cloud and application development scene. However, as technology constantly evolves, many experts predict that Unikernels, micro services APIs (Application Program Interfaces) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) friendly containers are a few trends that may be seen in container technology soon.
There is no doubt that in the near future, this technology will be extensively used by organizations seeking a competitive edge in the creation of flawless software, making open-source Container Management Software a critical component in organizational success. Investing in smart Container Management Software today will help businesses reap the benefits tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where did the concept of a container come from?
The concept of containers in computing is analogous to physical containers in real life—they hold stuff. While it may seem straightforward, the significance lies in their ability to hold software, along with supporting files and configurations, allowing developers to run and execute code efficiently. Containers streamline the deployment process, enabling developers to access all necessary components seamlessly. Just like a pantry stocked with ingredients for chefs, containers store the essential elements of software, facilitating its smooth operation and execution.
How did container management evolve?
The evolution of container management traces back several decades, with significant milestones marking its progression. The concept of containerization emerged in the 1970s with the introduction of UNIX's chroot, which provided process isolation within confined environments. Subsequent developments, such as FreeBSD Jails and Solaris Containers, further refined containerization by enhancing user, file, and network isolation. The pivotal moment came with the release of Linux Containers (LXC) in 2008, laying the groundwork for Docker's inception in 2013. Docker revolutionized containerization, popularizing the technology and driving its widespread adoption. Today, container management systems like Kubernetes and AWS Elastic Container Service continue to advance container orchestration, shaping the landscape of modern software deployment.
What are the benefits of container management software?
Container management software offers a multitude of benefits, empowering organizations to streamline their software deployment processes and enhance operational efficiency. One of the primary advantages is continuous development and deployment, enabling organizations to achieve agility and responsiveness in rapidly evolving environments. Additionally, container management software fosters closer integration between development and operations teams, bridging communication gaps and fostering collaboration. It also optimizes resource utilization, ensuring efficient allocation and utilization of computing resources. Moreover, container management software prioritizes security, offering robust container security tools to safeguard against potential threats and vulnerabilities. By providing automation, orchestration, and security capabilities, container management software enhances productivity, agility, and resilience in modern IT environments.
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