Techdogs-"A Dummies Handbook To Integrated Workplace Management Systems"

Enterprise Solutions

A Dummies Handbook To Integrated Workplace Management Systems

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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One of the most common phrases used in the business world has to be “Optimum utilization of resources,” right? While running a business, you aim to make the most out of every resource available in your kitty. You appoint a human resource representative to ensure that every employee's skill-set is being utilized to their optimum levels. Your managers, with the help of tools, ensure faster delivery by optimizing business processes. In the same way, you have tools such as Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) that enable you to utilize your assets and business facilities most favorably. 

In 10 mins or less, discover how IWMS can not only make your life easier but also help you save a fortune. Let the good times roll!
Techdogs- IWMS-"A Dummies Handbook To Integrated Workplace Management Systems"
Humor us for a minute: Imagine you are running a manufacturing business. Before you imagine yourself sitting in a corner office eating sushi for lunch and enjoying the afternoon siesta, please know that movies lie. In reality, you would find yourself constantly on your feet meeting delivery deadlines and ensuring your workers are happy!

Not just that, you would have the constant unsatiated urge to manage your work better, faster and let's admit it, cheaper. Amidst all of this, do you really think you will have the time or energy to manage your factory's assets and real estate? If you do – hey there Superman (or Superwoman!). If you don't, it's time you learn about Integrated Workplace Management Software.

Whether or not you want an IWMS for your business is totally your call. We're just here to share all the information you need to understand what it is and what you stand to gain out of it — time to meet the next-gen software to manage your business facilities better.

What Is An Integrated Workplace Management System?

The quick and dirty version would be that Integrated Workplace Management System is a software that brings the features of facility management and real estate management under one roof (and they lived happily ever after…!)

On the one hand, a facility management tool can help you maintain and manage facilities. It would tell you about the due dates for any equipment maintenance, servicing, scheduled repairs, effectively allocating assets and more. At the same time, a real estate management tool would help you manage your office lease, give you information about the available physical space, identify areas to add more desks, etc. Not just that, it would also ensure that no system or facility is running without occupancy. Nifty, isn’t it?

An Integrated Workplace Management System would do the work of both of these together. You must be wondering who played the cupid for this amazing match between facility management and real estate management. Let's find it out!

History And Evolution Of Integrated Workplace Management Systems

If you really want to track down the evolution of Integrated Workplace Management Systems, try going back to the Ice Age. Tools to manage workspaces have been there since time immemorial. The only catch is that all these tools operated as isolated units, much like the Marvel superheroes, until Captain America said #AvengersAssemble

So, instead of focusing on each of these superheroes (we mean tools!) individually, we'll simply start with the time when someone first thought of bringing them together.

In a 2004 Gartner study, Michael Bell brought in the idea of a shared real estate management solution. Based on his research on corporate real estate and facilities management, he identified critical components of IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management Systems), which can be integrated to deliver a wholesome solution.

What's interesting to note here is that these tools already existed – just not in an integrated solution and Bell's idea brought it into action. Latching on the opportunity almost immediately, major software vendors such as IBM, SAP and Oracle started making IWMS tools and launched it into the market. Rest, of course, is history.

As a matter of fact, Bell made the task quite simple for these vendors – he told them what separate tools they had to bring together to make IWMS. Here's what he proposed.

Key Components Of Integrated Workplace Management Systems

  • Real Estate Management

    Taking care of acquisition and financial management of all your company's property assets. This component of IWMS helps you plan your property or office space strategically, analyze assets-related proposals and take care of all your lease-related formalities.

  • Capital Project Management

    This component of IWMS is helpful when you have to build a new office or set up a new manufacturing unit. This component will have everything from designing your new space to allocating budget, procuring resources and managing vendors and payments.

  • Facilities Management

    This is where all your processes related to facilities are taken care of. Everything from modeling your office space or worksite to managing employee services and scheduling resources for them is taken care of here. For instance, this component would allow you to monitor and regulate how your meeting rooms or conference rooms are allocated to different teams without any overlaps.

  • Maintenance Management

    Probably one of the most helpful features, this prevents you from missing out on any maintenance and repair services. Instead of tracking warranties and service due dates, this component of IWMS does that and notifies you in advance. Not just that, it will also manage your entire inventory to ensure not a single asset is left in a corner, gathering dust without repair.

  • Sustainability And Energy Management

    When you have a huge office space with more systems, innumerable appliances and endless energy-consuming resources, in all likelihood, you end up consuming more energy than required (or sometimes even more than what's permitted by law). IWMS keeps track of sustainability performance metrics, energy benchmarking, carbon emissions tracking and energy efficiency analysis to regulate your energy consumption and prevent you from going overboard.

Not able to pinpoint how this plethora of features will help your business? Let us elaborate! 

How Integrated Workplace Management Systems Help Your Business?

Based on the features, you may have figured out how an IWMS works by now. Through an IMWS, you know how and when your spaces are being used and by whom, to ensure zero resource wastage. Then, you can consolidate and streamline lease management so that you stay on top of any changes to regulations. It gives you control to manage your capital with advanced, collaborative project management and planning capabilities. Lastly, through all this, you can maximize operations and maintain your real estate and facility efficiently.

Essentially, this is how you can benefit from an IWMS:
  • It increases productivity by ensuring that there's less waste, more optimization and better allocation.

  • It reduces costs through its space tracking and regular maintenance facilities. For capital-intensive business, that's literally a fortune saved!

  • It saves time by automating and regulating your business processes like resource tracking and real-estate management.

  • It ensures that your office space complies with all sustainability standards and regulations because we all know that environmental penalties cost a bomb!

All said and done; this doesn't end here. Trends indicate that IWMS has the potential to offer a lot more to businesses in the coming years.

Future Of IWMS

With the Internet of Things, AKA IOT, taking the world by a storm, IWMS too could soon be integrated with smart building platforms. Secondly, like every other next-gen platform, IWMS would also work on the cloud – all data and information would be stored there and accessible from anywhere and everywhere. Lastly, since every employee will use an IWMS, even the non-tech savvy folks, these platforms would most likely become more user-friendly and easier to use. That being said, no one can totally predict how technology will evolve in the times to come. However, we can stay updated with all the new things that technology has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS)?

An Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) is a comprehensive software solution that combines features of facility management and real estate management into a single platform. Essentially, IWMS streamlines various aspects of managing business facilities, including maintenance, asset allocation, lease management, and space optimization. By integrating these functionalities, IWMS aims to provide a holistic approach to managing workplace assets efficiently and effectively.

How do Integrated Workplace Management Systems benefit businesses?

Integrated Workplace Management Systems offer a wide range of benefits to businesses across different industries. Firstly, IWMS increases productivity by optimizing resource allocation and reducing waste. Secondly, it helps in cost reduction by efficiently managing space and implementing regular maintenance schedules, resulting in significant savings for capital-intensive businesses. Additionally, IWMS saves time by automating processes such as resource tracking and real estate management. Furthermore, IWMS ensures compliance with sustainability standards and regulations, mitigating the risk of environmental penalties and promoting eco-friendly practices within the workplace.

What does the future hold for Integrated Workplace Management Systems?

The future of Integrated Workplace Management Systems is marked by advancements in technology and integration with emerging trends. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), IWMS could be integrated with smart building platforms, allowing for more efficient and automated management of workplace assets. Additionally, IWMS is likely to transition towards cloud-based solutions, enabling easy accessibility and centralized data storage. Moreover, as IWMS becomes more prevalent among users, including non-tech-savvy individuals, platforms are expected to become more user-friendly and intuitive. While the exact trajectory of IWMS evolution remains uncertain, staying updated with emerging technologies will be crucial for businesses to leverage the full potential of these systems.

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