TechDogs-"A Complete Guide To Business Process Automation Software"


A Complete Guide To Business Process Automation Software

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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Bill Gates once said that he will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because he or she will find an easy way to do it. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, did more than just say this quote. We think this was an encrypted message for the adoption and popularization of Business Process Automation. What does Business Process Automation (BPA) have to do with lazy people and difficult tasks? How are the two things connected?

You do not have to Google it! We have explained it all in detail. Read on to understand the what, why and how of Business Process Automation.

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Techdogs- Automation For-D Good Of Businesses!-"A Complete Guide To Business Process Automation Software"
Have you heard of the Japanese concept of Poka-Yoke (pronounced PO-ka yo-KAY) - it means mistake-proof. A Japanese soap factory faced a unique problem of boxes being delivered without any soap inside. This of course was a big problem that couldn’t be ignored any longer. The production chain was refined, extra employees were hired to check the final packaging. Yet the problem persisted! The perplexed manager gathered the team to brainstorm a solution and that’s one of the workers had a eureka moment. They came up with a unique solution - the workers suggested that the company could put up fans at the end of the assembly line which would blow away the empty boxes.

Moral of the story? Checking each package for authenticity is a repeatable and monotonous activity and prone to human error. When you replace it with automation, employees and resources can focus on critical tasks. By simply placing a fan, the soap factory unknowingly automated a process and reduced the need for human intervention. This essentially is the concept behind Business Process Automation (BPA). We’re here to talk about the tool that sets it in motion, which is BPA Software.

This article will break down everything you need to know about BPA Software and how it can streamline your operations. Let’s begin!

What Is Business Process Automation?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s first understand the concept of business process automation (BPA). It’s nothing but the use of automation technology to simplify routine everyday processes with user-defined rules and actions. Business process automation comprises four levels of automation.
  • Basic Automation

    Easy and simple. Examples include using Microsoft Teams as a centralized messaging tool. You can automate communication (automated emails), create groups as per departments and maintain transparency throughout the process.

  • Process Automation

    One step higher, process automation uses technology to automate processes or workflows. Examples include automation of transcripts received or claims processed. 

  • Integration Automation

    Integration automation is more complex than process automation. It empowers machines to observe how tasks are performed by humans and then repeat the process. The goal of integration automation is to bring together different systems and get them to work together as a single unit. Example: BPA Software can be integrated with customer support software to give you results on the support tickets processed for each customer complaint. You can also define the rules on when personnel should be assigned and when the process needs to be automated.    

  • Artificial Intelligence Automation

    It takes integration automation to the next level where the software interprets data independently to reduce manual efforts. AI (Artificial Intelligence) decides the best way to deal with given data based on analysis and previous learnings.

By combining these principles, we get BPA Software.

Let’s Talk About BPA Software!

TechDogs-"Let’s Talk About BPA Software!"-An Image Showing An Automated Process That Reduces Manual Intervention
Forrester reports that 90% of administration and operation costs can be reduced by implementing business process automation. We will give you a minute to let that sink in (or grab a coffee; things are about to get interesting!). Let’s understand a simple use case - employee onboarding. Prima facie, this looks like a fuss-free process but involves multiple tasks such as filling out employee information, setting up induction and training sessions, collecting bank account information, gathering relevant documents, assigning mentors to name a few (HR work is not that glamorous anymore, right?). Now, imagine a manual process that relies on the ever-dreaded Excel to record and manage the entire process. Onboarding becomes all about endless paperwork, missed deadlines, dissatisfied employees and poor productivity. Who would want to work in such an office? 

This is where BPA Software swoops in! In the simplest terms, BPA Software is a powerful tool for organizations to streamline business systems through process automation. It automates various system processes, as well as communication between individuals to enhance productivity across the company.

Using BPA Software allows businesses to automate their HR processes and minimize human intervention for repetitive tasks. We’re sure you are thinking of a few business processes that can be automated at your workplace like automatic refilling of the coffee pot, right? (We thought of automating the process of writing TD Articles once! Just kidding, all TechDogs’ articles are written by real humans; no bots are allowed here!)

In case you’re wondering, whoever thought of automating business processes – that's what we have covered next.

The Evolution Of BPA Software

The evolution of automating processes has been witnessed throughout human history. Early adopters were the super-smart Mayans, automating water transportation via aqueducts. Adam Smith, the father of economics, focused on the theory of specialized tasks to produce pins that improved overall efficiency. However, the biggest example was seen was when Henry Ford introduced automation to manufacturing.  

With each era, reducing the efforts and increasing efficiency simultaneously has led to the automation of processes. In the 1940s, BPA was still a vision with sporadic instances of brilliance. In 1954, however, a computer was used for the first time for business and many industries soon adapted the same to minimize human efforts.  

The 1980s shone the spotlight on Lean and Six Sigma that boosted the widespread adoption of BPA systems and eventually BPA Software. Today, BPA Software is part of the integral setup of any organization. With AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) set to weave together Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), workflow tools and automation, BPA Software is already looking like go-to solution. We are sure you're looking at BPA Software the same way Aladdin looks at his magic lamp. Hold on, though; not all magic lamps require rigorous rubbing; some just need a few clicks! 

How Does BPA Software Work?

Here is a kicker – most business processes can be automated if they’re -

i) repetitive

ii) involves a series of predictable steps

BPA Software uses integration-based solutions that empower multiple applications to communicate or speak to each other. For example, you can integrate payments, inventory and delivery workflows through BPA Software. This will help you view the entire transaction in a single workflow (payment is done, product is shipped from inventory and delivered by logistics team). Using a BPA solution, each module’s paperwork and data entry tasks will also be covered through automation. 

Most BPA Software is designed on the drag and drop principle to create processes or workflows. One such example is customer support. Whenever there is a glitch in a new release of your application or website, businesses are inundated with customer tickets. In this case, businesses can set up an automated workflow to respond to similar queries by identifying certain keywords. This will free up the burden on your customer support executives and increase the turnaround time for tickets. Similarly, businesses can also weave together a few apps to complete the workflow loop. BPA Software can connect with third party apps that leverage Machine Learning (ML) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to enable automation beyond data sourcing. How cool is that!

All said and done, what do businesses stand to gain by investing in BPA Software? We have the answer for you.

How Will BPA Software Help Your Business?

TechDogs-"How Will BPA Software Help Your Business?"-Using BPA Software, Processes Can Be Automated To Be Quicker And More Robust
We understand that you might still be on the fence about BPA Software. BPA is a relatively new concept and many businesses fear losing out on the human factor with the rise of automation. Well, we are here to dispel these misconceptions.

We’ve listed the benefits that BPA Software offers -
  • Eliminates Human Error

    To err is human, to plug the errors is automation. (That's a TechDogs original!) BPA Software eliminates manual work from the processes and renders it free from human errors. 

  • Increases Productivity And Enhances Customer Experience

    Automation increases productivity like no other. With tedious and repetitive tasks being taken care of, employees are focused on their primary roles, which results in higher productivity and better customer experience.

  • Reduces Operational Costs

    BPA Software reduces the turnaround time for documentation, eliminates time-consuming paperwork and saves businesses valuable time and money.

  • Provides Real-time Information

    BPA solutions get data from multiple enterprise systems and combine them together, which helps business take more informed decisions.

Yes, we agree – BPA Software is pretty awesome! However, these benefits are just the cherry on the cake. Let’s talk about the cake.

Features Of Business Process Automation Software

Most businesses will leverage the following features of BPA Software -
  • Ease Of Use

    Automating workflows should not be rocket science. Users must not feel burdened and prefer manual work to an automated process. This is why BPA Software is designed for easy and seamless use, even for non-technical individuals.

  • Integration Capabilities

    This feature might seem obvious. BPA Software needs to speak to multiple applications and programs to optimize entire workflows. Automating a process from head to toe, that’s the job of BPA Software.

  • Performance Measurement

    Any BPA Software must include dashboards, reporting and analytics features to determine the ROI and performance. This helps evaluate whether a process is better automated or manually driven.

  • Scalability

    BPA Software must be intuitive and should expand the automation strategies to align with business growth and future needs.

Well, we have covered the history and laid out the present. No prizes for guessing - now it's time to peep into the future of BPA Software.

BPA Software: The Road Ahead

It is a no brainer that AI and BPA have a bright future together. By 2025, it is estimated that almost 60% of business processes can be automated. ML (Machine Learning) has already stepped in to transform legacy processes by automating them. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another exciting technology that is driving the widespread adoption of BPA Software.

We believe that BPA Software is the gentle giant that is slowly rising to its full power. It is set to be strengthened by hyperautomation – the principle of automating what can be automated – as well as the convergence of RPA, AI, Intelligent Business Management and Advanced Analytics. To cut a long story short, BPA Software has miles to go and probably will never stop growing and improving.


Did Henry Ford ever think that simple manufacturing automation could lead to such incredible things? Maybe not. He was thinking of optimizing his assembly line, increasing the rate of production and raking in higher profits. Today, Business Process Automation Software has come a long way to take the lead in setting up robust, scalable and optimized processes. The next time you see an HR professional casually talking to the new employee over a cup of coffee, you would know who did all their paperwork, right? (No offense!)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Process Automation (BPA) and how does it work?

Business Process Automation (BPA) involves using automation technology to streamline routine processes within an organization. It simplifies tasks by implementing user-defined rules and actions to automate repetitive activities, reducing the need for manual intervention. BPA encompasses four levels of automation: basic automation, process automation, integration automation, and artificial intelligence automation. Basic automation involves simple tasks like centralized messaging, while process automation automates workflows such as transcript processing. Integration automation connects different systems to work together seamlessly, and artificial intelligence automation uses AI to interpret data independently and optimize processes. BPA software enables organizations to automate tasks like employee onboarding, improving efficiency and productivity across the company.

How does Business Process Automation Software (BPA Software) benefit businesses?

Business Process Automation Software (BPA Software) offers numerous benefits to businesses by automating workflows and minimizing manual efforts. Firstly, it eliminates human error by automating tasks and reducing reliance on manual processes. This leads to increased productivity and enhanced customer experience as employees can focus on core responsibilities rather than repetitive tasks. Additionally, BPA Software reduces operational costs by streamlining documentation processes and saving valuable time and resources. Moreover, it provides real-time information by consolidating data from multiple systems, enabling informed decision-making. Overall, BPA Software helps businesses operate more efficiently and effectively in today's competitive landscape.

What are the key features of Business Process Automation Software (BPA Software)?

Business Process Automation Software (BPA Software) typically offers several key features to support automation efforts within organizations. Firstly, ease of use is essential to ensure that users, including non-technical individuals, can easily navigate and implement automated workflows. Integration capabilities allow BPA Software to communicate with various applications and programs, optimizing entire workflows. Performance measurement features, such as dashboards and analytics, enable businesses to evaluate the ROI and effectiveness of automated processes. Lastly, scalability is crucial to ensure that BPA Software can adapt and expand automation strategies to accommodate business growth and future requirements. These features collectively make BPA Software a valuable tool for streamlining operations and improving efficiency.

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