TechDogs-"A Brief Introduction To Wireless Technology"

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A Brief Introduction To Wireless Technology

By TechDogs Editorial Team

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We have a game: say out loud the five gadgets around you in the next 10 seconds.

Time’s up!

We don’t want to go through the entire list; however, if a smartphone is not on your list, then you must be living in the era of 1800s! Don’t you agree that smartphones have become integral to our lives? We bet you do! We mean, if not for mobile phones, who will remember every contact number, offer entertainment when you’re bored and be your handy partner when you want to search something? Yet do you know the technology this modern miracle uses? Well, don’t scratch your head; we’ve got you covered.

Smartphones and other mobile devices work on Wireless Technology. From mobile phones to television broadcasting, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Wi-Fi and Bluetooth; they work using this technology. However, do you know what Wireless Technology is, its origin, or how it even works? 

Don’t worry, this article will walk you through every aspect of Wireless Technology - dive in!
TechDogs-"A Brief Introduction To Wireless Technology" Sometime Less Means More
Imagine if Avengers are fighting a battle against Thanos (the Mad Titan) and while fighting, Iron Man, the tech-savvy among all the Avengers, feels the need for help from his fellow Avengers. Yes, we know he barely needs help but we said imagine! Somehow, he manages to escape the battlefield and starts frantically searching for a telephone booth to connect with Captain America. Seems funny, right!

Well, without Wireless Technology, this would be a common scenario. Don’t you think that not only the Avengers but even you are dependent on Wireless Technology for your day-to-day tasks? Remember the time when you lost your path and GPS became your savior? In the modern world, everyone is connected in some way to wireless tech. Today, we have more access to devices than ever before. From laptops and cars stereos to smartphones, Wireless Technology is essential in today’s world, making it even more essential to know about this technology.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to know the what, when and how of Wireless Technology in this introductory article.

First Things First – What Is Wireless Technology?

Ever wondered how Iron Man can communicate through his suit? Where are all the wires and antennas for the signals to transmit? Well, the Iron Man suit has an inbuilt communication system that works on Wireless Technology. After all, he is the savvies among all Avengers when it comes to technology, remember? The question here is, what is Wireless Technology? Let’s break the down! (not literally, duh!)

Wireless Technology allows two or more entities (devices) to communicate with each other over long distances without wires or cables. You might be wondering, if not wires or cables, then how are the signals transmitted? Wireless Technology either uses Radio Frequency (RF) or Infrared (IR) waves for transmission, which means no messy wires or cables to manage. #WeLoveThisTech3000

This very well explains what this technology is all about, right? Now, it’s time to understand the history of Wireless Technology – and no, Iron Man did not invent it!

When It All Started – The History Of Wireless Technology

TechDogs-"When It All Started – The History Of Wireless Technology"A GIF Of Tesseract (Space Stone) Falling On Earth
A long time back, German physicist Heinrich Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves. In 1880, Charles Summer Tainter and Alexander Graham Bell invented the photophone, the first telephone that conducted audio conversations over modulated light beams and the first wireless conversation happened. For Avengers fans, it was like the Tesseract (Space Stone) making its way to the Earth, marking the beginning of the Avengers saga.

Soon, Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and electrical engineer, started his work on long-distance radio transmission. In 1909, Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun (German inventor and physicist) received a Nobel Prize in Physics for developing wireless telegraphy. #ThanksGuys

With years passing by, Wireless Technology became even stronger. In the 20th century, many wireless technologies emerged. The radio, television and broadcasting communications networks were developed without wires. These applications have already made a special place in our lives now. Not only these devices but as we grew, satellites and long-distance data transmission technologies were developed on the same principle.

Today, Wireless Technology has become a part of everyday vernacular. So, let’s know how it all works in the following section.

How Does Wireless Technology Works?

Wireless Technology has been around for decades and we’ve been using it in our daily lives since then. Have you noticed that this technology is getting better with every new MCU movie? #CoincidenceOrNot

Well, the fundamental of it remains the same. Wireless Technology needs an electromagnetic field to propagate, which is created when a Radio Frequency (RF) current is supplied to an antenna, enabling radio wave propagation. This electromagnetic field is then able to propagate through space and even objects. They still need a device to travel to, right? This can be accomplished by using an access point on devices to make them compatible with wireless communication.

An access point broadcasts a wireless signal to which other wireless devices may connect. Moreover, it serves as a link to share the resources available on the wired network, such as an Internet connection between your smartphone and the Wi-Fi modem.

Do you know, to connect to an access point and join a wireless network, computers must have wireless network adapters? Well, these adapters are often inbuilt into the computer or device; however, computers or other devices can be made wireless by plugging an adapter into an empty expansion slot, such as the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port on your Personal Computer or laptop.

This explains the working of Wireless Technology used by the Avengers in MCU movies. Let’s learn about its real-life applications now although #MCURocks

Applications Of Wireless Technology In The Real World

TechDogs-"Applications Of Wireless Technology In The Real World"A GIF Of Tony Stark Using Wireless Technology In An Emergency
You will agree with us that each Avenger has a unique weapon. Be it Thor, who has the Mjolnir, Spiderman who has his awesome webs, or Iron Man, who has his armored suit. Wireless Technology too, has diverse weapons (we mean applications) that are increasing with the growing technology. Let’s find out the latest ones:
  • Mobile Telephone System (Cellular Communication)

    Mobile devices have had a huge impact on society. You will surely agree that no other technology has changed the world as much as mobile cellular technology. This system includes numerous features in addition to making calls and sending SMSs, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and FM radio that work on the same technology.

  • Satellite Communication

    Satellite communication networks provide global coverage regardless of location. Amazing, isn’t it? This system provides wireless services such as cellular, television and radio broadcasting.

  • Global Positioning System (GPS)

    GPS is a subcategory of satellite communication. It provides services such as navigation, positioning, location tracking, etc. Next time you lose your path and GPS saves you, take a moment to thank Wireless Technology!

  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth is an important low-range Wireless Technology system. It provides data, voice and audio transmission with a coverage range of up to ten meters. Today, Bluetooth devices are incorporated in nearly all smartphones, tablets and laptops.

  • Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)

    Wi-Fi (we know you know!) is a type of Wireless Technology that is used for connecting to the Internet. Wi-Fi works on the frequency of 2.4 or 5 Gigahertz so that there is no interference with transmission signals.

Knowing these important applications of Wireless Technology was fun, right? Let’s move on to know about the importance of the technology itself.

Why Is Wireless Technology Important?

TechDogs-"Why Is Wireless Technology Important?"A GIF Of Tony Stark Asking "Why?"
Have you ever wondered, without Wireless Technology, how would the Avengers communicate when in need? Still, laughing at Iron man searching a telephone booth scenario, right? Well, we can’t blame you! Without Wireless Technology, not only will Avengers face problems but life will also change dramatically for us. Let’s look at some of its benefits:
  • Ensures Flexible Work Arrangements

    With the rise in telecommuting and other flexible working arrangements in recent years, Wireless Technology has become more critical. With this technology, employees share information instantly, ensuring that productivity remains high even if workers are miles apart. All they need is an Internet connection!

  • Easy Installation And Maintenance

    In addition to lowering costs, wireless networks are also easier to install and maintain. There is less reliance on cables and wires, not to mention the lower number of hardware components.

  • Safety Is No More A Concern

    Another major reason which adds to the importance of Wireless Technology is safety. Medical professionals who work in remote areas can communicate with patients using Wireless Technology. Using wireless communication to address emergencies and consult medical teams is quickly becoming a trend in healthcare.

Wireless Technology is constantly evolving. From radio communication to wireless earbuds, it has come a long way. Do you know what its future hold? Well, stay tuned!

Future Of Wireless Technology

We hope the future MCU movies show a scene where Iron Man has to call Captain America during a battle! #JustKidding

TechDogs-"Future Of Wireless Technology"A GIF Of Tony Stark Calling Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
We expect that Li-Fi will take over the world soon. Li-Fi or Light Fidelity is an advancement of Wi-Fi in which light signals are used to transmit data between devices. The best part is with a transmission speed of up to 224 gigabytes per second, Li-Fi is much quicker than Wi-Fi. The many benefits of Li-Fi include its speed, better and the fact that unlike its predecessor light cannot penetrate walls and signals cannot be intercepted. Who would have imagined before Li-Fi devices came into being that light bulbs could be used as wireless routers? Well, it's as unexpected as Tony Stark announcing he was Iron Man!

Another advancement in Wireless Technology is the 5G network. As this technology steps towards mass adoption, more devices will be connected wirelessly, making them commercially accessible across the globe. This is the need of the hour because of the rapid and continuous growth of data traffic and volumes.

The End

TechDogs-"The End"An Image Of Iron Man's Suit That Reads "Part Of The Journey Is The END
Over the years, just like Avengers, Wireless Technology has become an integral part of our lives. It has been used in a variety of applications, including communication and entertainment. Thanks to Wireless Technology, working and studying in remote areas, as well as staying connected with friends and family, has benefitted millions of people.

As the world continues to become increasingly connected, Wireless Technology is becoming even more important in our lives. In order to enjoy the benefits of Wireless Technology and make the most of the opportunities it presents, it is essential to learn how Wireless Technology works and what benefits it can offer. We hope our article has served this purpose!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Wireless Technology?

Wireless Technology enables communication between devices over long distances without the need for physical wires or cables. Instead, it utilizes either Radio Frequency (RF) or Infrared (IR) waves for transmission. This technology allows devices to exchange data and signals seamlessly, facilitating various applications in our daily lives.

When Did Wireless Technology Begin?

The history of Wireless Technology traces back to the discovery of electromagnetic waves by German physicist Heinrich Hertz. Significant milestones include the invention of the photophone by Charles Summer Tainter and Alexander Graham Bell, as well as the pioneering work of Guglielmo Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun in wireless telegraphy. These advancements laid the foundation for the development of modern wireless technologies we rely on today.

How Does Wireless Technology Work?

Wireless Technology operates by creating an electromagnetic field through Radio Frequency (RF) currents supplied to antennas. These fields propagate through space and objects, allowing communication between devices. Access points serve as links to share resources on wired networks, enabling devices to connect wirelessly. Wireless network adapters, either built-in or external, facilitate device connectivity to access points and wireless networks, ensuring seamless communication. Understanding these principles illuminates how Wireless Technology powers our interconnected world.

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